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This is the composition of proof by contradiction upon logical negation.

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Q: What kind of process do you use to show that a statement must be true because it cannot be false?
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What process consists of a logical chain of steps that show that a statement mst be true?

The answer cannot be "a proof" since that can equally be used to show that a statement must be false.

Is the statement 'The theme is static and cannot be debated' true or false?


A statement of belief or feeling that cannot be proven true or false?

false A statement of belief or feeling that cannot be proven true or false is a theory. This too is false, since a theory can be proven true or false through experimentation. I believe the word you are looking for is 'opinion'.

What is false about menopause?

One statement about menopause that is false is that it cannot happen to a woman in her 40s.

Why is the statement 'This sentence is false' so confusing?

In the logical sense, sentences must be either true or false and not both. "This sentence is false" cannot be true because that would mean that it is false, and it cannot be both. It also cannot be false because that would mean that it is true, and it cannot be both. Therefore, if it is true or false, then it is both true and false. Therefore it is either neither true nor false or both true and false; therefore, in the logical sense, it is not a sentence. However, it says it is a sentence; therefore, it is lying; therefore, it is false.

Is this statement false Lenses may be planar convex or concave?

Yes, the statement is false. Lenses may be planar, convex, or concave, but they cannot be both convex and concave at the same time. Each lens can only have one of these shapes.

This statement is false brain teaser?

Let us consider "This statement is false." This quotation could also be read as "This, which is a statement, is false," which could by extent be read as "This is a statement and it is false." Let's call this quotation P. The statement that P is a statement will be called Q. If S, then R and S equals R; therefore, if Q, then P equals not-P (since it equals Q and not-P). Since P cannot equal not-P, we know that Q is false. Since Q is false, P is not a statement. Since P says that it is a statement, which is false, P itself is false. Note that being false does not make P a statement; all things that are statements are true or false, but it is not necessarily true that all things that are true or false are statements. In summary: "this statement is false" is false because it says it's a statement but it isn't.

What statements about menopause is false?

One statement about menopause that is false is that it cannot happen to a woman in her 40s.

What kind of process do you use to show that a false must be true because it cannot be false?

This is the composition of proof by contradiction upon logical negation.

In the economic process people are always concerned with making a profit True or false?

The statement is false.

Is the following a statement This statement is false?

The answer depends on your definition of statement, It is a grammatical correct English declarative sentence which may be a statement by one definition. However, in logic, a statement is defined to be a sentence that is either true or false but not both. This sentence is not a statement by this definition.It is neither true nor false, because if is true, since it says it is false, it is false. If it is false. then is true since that is exactly what it says.Please see the related question for more about this famous paradox.

An example of paradox?

One classic example of a paradox is the "liar paradox," which revolves around a statement that cannot consistently be true or false. An example would be the statement "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false, but if it is false, then it must be true, creating a paradoxical situation.