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Q: What is thermotaxis?
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What kind of plants do thermotaxis?

Plants that exhibit thermotaxis are sensitive to changes in temperature and can respond by growing towards or away from heat sources. Some examples include Venus flytraps, which close their traps in response to a warm object touching their trigger hairs, and certain fungi that grow towards heat sources to aid in their dispersal.

Unicellular organisms cannot respond to their environment?

Unicellular organisms can respond to their environment through processes like chemotaxis, phototaxis, and thermotaxis. They can detect changes in their surroundings and adjust their behavior accordingly to ensure survival and reproductive success. This responsiveness allows them to navigate towards favorable conditions and away from harmful ones.

Words that use 'therm'?

Therm, thermal, thermic, Thermidor, thermion, thermistor, thermit, thermobaric, thermochemical, thermochromic, thermocline, thermocouple, thermodynamic, thermoelastic, thermoelectric, thermoforming, thermogenesis, thermogram, thermograph, thermokarst, thermolabile, thermoluminescent, thermolysis, thermometer, thermonuclear, thermophile, thermophotovoltaic, thermoplastic, Thermopylae, thermoregulate, Thermos, thermoset, thermosphere, thermostable, thermostat, thermotaxis, thermotropic, nethermost, Mothermayi

How do sperm know witch way to swim to get a girl pregnant?

none of the sites i searched in reference to this questions seemed to provide concrete answers however the answer i received from the most reliable sites and quite consistantly is laid out here (Feb. 3, 2003) - Rehovot, Israel -- January 31, 2003 --Much like guided missiles that sense the heat of a plane's engine, sperm are guided to the fertilization site by temperature, reports a Weizmann Institute study published in the current issue of Nature Medicine.See also:Health & MedicineFertilityPregnancy and ChildbirthStem CellsProstate CancerHuman BiologyWomen's HealthReferenceFertilisationSomatic cellSpermatozoonArtificial inseminationThe site where the egg lies is slightly warmer than the place where the sperm make a pause in their journey through the female genital tract. Sperm cells are apparently guided by this temperature difference in their navigation. Such a temperature-driven mechanism was previously known to exist in microorganisms and worms, but the Weizmann study for the first time has provided evidence for its existence in mammals.According to team leader Prof. Michael Eisenbach of the Institute's Biological Chemistry Department, the study contributes to the understanding of fertilization in humans and other mammals. In the future, it may be possible to make use of temperature guidance to improve in vitro fertilization. The research was performed by Ph.D. student Anat Bahat, along with Anna Gakamsky, also a student in Eisenbach's team, Dr. Ilan Tur-Kaspa from the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon and visiting scientist from Argentina Dr. Laura C. Giojalas.After passing the uterus, sperm cells enter the fallopian tubes. Once inside a tube, they attach themselves to the tube's wall and pause for "storage," during which they go through a maturation process that prepares them for penetrating the egg. A sperm cell that has completed this maturation process detaches itself from the wall and leaves the storage site. If ovulation had taken place in the preceding 24 hours, releasing an egg ready to be fertilized, the mature sperm would embark on a long, complicated journey through the tube to the site of potential fertilization.How does the sperm steer a course through the fallopian tube? In the past, Prof. Eisenbach discovered that the egg "calls upon" the mature sperm by releasing a chemical substance. (The first in a series of Eisenbach's studies on that topic was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 1991;88:2840) However, the chemical signal can attract the sperm only across a short range: since the tube normally moves in a wavelike fashion, the chemical apparently cannot not spread effectively through the entire tube and therefore cannot dispatch a signal to the sperm over longer distances. Therefore, the chemical attraction, known as "chemotaxis," cannot account for the sperm's entire journey.Some like it hot What then allows the sperm cells to cover the distance between their storage site and the fertilization site within several minutes? That's precisely the question that Prof. Eisenbach and his team set out to answer. Since it was found that the sperm storage site is about 2º C cooler than the site of fertilization, the scientists hypothesized that sperm may be attracted to the fertilization site by the temperature difference. The technical term for such attraction is "thermotaxis."To test this theory, the scientists built a lab installation simulating the storage site, the fertilization site, and the tube in between. They tested the behavior of rabbit sperm in this system and found that the sperm were indeed sensitive to heat: they were attracted from the relatively cool area, with the temperature of 37º C (98.6º F), to the relatively warm area, with the temperature of 39º C (102.2º F). When the scientists gradually reduced the difference in temperature, they found that even a half a degree difference was enough to attract the sperm. Moreover, the researchers found that only the mature sperm, the ones likely to penetrate the egg, acted as heat-guided missiles and were affected by the temperature difference.

What are all the Words that have an 'x' in them?

4-letter wordsapex, axal, axed, axel, axes, axil, axis, axle, axon, boxy, calx, coax, coxa, crux, dexy, doux, doxy, eaux, exam, exec, exes, exit, exon, expo, falx, faux, fixt, flax, flex, flux, foxy, hoax, ibex, ilex, ixia, jeux, jinx, luxe, lynx, maxi, minx, mixt, moxa, next, nixe, nixy, onyx, oryx, oxen, oxes, oxid, oxim, pixy, prex, roux, sext, sexy, taxa, taxi, text, vext, waxy, xyst5-letter wordsaddax, admix, affix, annex, ataxy, auxin, axels, axial, axile, axils, axing, axiom, axite, axled, axles, axman, axmen, axone, axons, beaux, bemix, borax, boxed, boxer, boxes, braxy, buxom, calix, calyx, carex, cimex, codex, comix, coxae, coxal, coxed, coxes, culex, cylix, desex, detox, dewax, dexes, dexie, dixit, doxie, epoxy, exact, exalt, exams, excel, execs, exert, exile, exine, exist, exits, exons, expel, expos, extol, extra, exude, exult, exurb, faxed, faxes, fixed, fixer, fixes, fixit, flaxy, foxed, foxes, galax, goxes, hapax, helix, hexad, hexed, hexer, hexes, hexyl, hyrax, immix, index, infix, ixias, ixora, ixtle, kexes, kylix, latex, laxer, laxly, lexes, lexis, loxed, loxes, luxes, maxim, maxis, mirex, mixed, mixer, mixes, mixup, moxas, moxie, murex, nexus, nixed, nixes, nixie, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, paxes, phlox, pixel, pixes, pixie, poxed, poxes, prexy, proxy, pyxes, pyxie, pyxis, radix, raxed, raxes, redox, redux, refix, relax, remex, remix, retax, rewax, rexes, saxes, sexed, sexes, sexto, sexts, silex, sixes, sixmo, sixte, sixth, sixty, taxed, taxer, taxes, taxis, taxon, taxus, telex, texas, texts, toxic, toxin, tuxes, twixt, unbox, unfix, unsex, varix, vexed, vexer, vexes, vexil, vixen, waxed, waxen, waxer, waxes, xebec, xenia, xenic, xenon, xeric, xerus, xylan, xylem, xylol, xylyl, xysti, xysts, zaxes6-letter wordsadieux, admixt, adnexa, afflux, alexia, alexin, alkoxy, annexe, anoxia, anoxic, apexes, ataxia, ataxic, auspex, auxins, axeman, axemen, axenic, axilla, axioms, axised, axises, axites, axlike, axonal, axones, axonic, axseed, bemixt, biaxal, biflex, bijoux, bollix, bollox, bombax, bombyx, boxcar, boxers, boxful, boxier, boxing, calxes, caudex, cervix, claxon, climax, coaxal, coaxed, coaxer, coaxes, coccyx, commix, convex, cortex, cowpox, coxing, cruxes, deluxe, dexies, dexter, dextro, dioxid, dioxin, diplex, dixits, doxies, duplex, earwax, efflux, elixir, ethoxy, eutaxy, exacta, exacts, exalts, examen, exarch, exceed, excels, except, excess, excide, excise, excite, excuse, exedra, exempt, exequy, exerts, exeunt, exhale, exhort, exhume, exiled, exiles, exilic, exines, exists, exited, exodoi, exodos, exodus, exogen, exonic, exotic, expand, expect, expels, expend, expert, expire, expiry, export, expose, exsect, exsert, extant, extend, extent, extern, extoll, extols, extort, extras, exuded, exudes, exults, exurbs, exuvia, faxing, fixate, fixers, fixing, fixity, fixure, flaxen, flaxes, flexed, flexes, flexor, fluxed, fluxes, fornix, foxier, foxily, foxing, galaxy, hallux, hatbox, hexade, hexads, hexane, hexers, hexing, hexone, hexose, hexyls, hoaxed, hoaxer, hoaxes, hotbox, ibexes, icebox, ilexes, influx, ixodid, ixoras, ixtles, jinxed, jinxes, klaxon, larynx, laxest, laxity, lexeme, lexica, loxing, lummox, luxate, luxury, lynxes, mastix, matrix, maxima, maxims, maxixe, meninx, minxes, mixers, mixing, mixups, moxies, myxoid, myxoma, nixies, nixing, nontax, onyxes, oryxes, outbox, outfox, oxalic, oxalis, oxbows, oxcart, oxeyes, oxford, oxides, oxidic, oximes, oxlips, oxtail, oxters, oxygen, paxwax, pegbox, peroxy, phenix, pickax, pixels, pixies, plexal, plexor, plexus, poleax, pollex, poxing, praxes, praxis, prefix, premix, pretax, prexes, prolix, pyxies, raxing, reflex, reflux, remixt, saxony, scolex, sexier, sexily, sexing, sexism, sexist, sexpot, sextan, sextet, sexton, sextos, sexual, silvex, sixmos, sixtes, sixths, smilax, spadix, sphinx, storax, styrax, subfix, suffix, surtax, syntax, syrinx, taxeme, taxers, taxied, taxies, taxing, taxite, taxman, taxmen, taxons, teabox, thorax, toxine, toxins, toxoid, tuxedo, unfixt, unisex, unmixt, unsexy, unvext, urtext, vernix, vertex, vexers, vexils, vexing, vixens, volvox, vortex, waxers, waxier, waxily, waxing, xebecs, xenial, xenias, xenons, xylans, xylems, xylene, xyloid, xylols, xylose, xylyls, xyster, xystoi, xystos, xystus7-letter wordsabaxial, abaxile, adaxial, addaxes, admixed, admixes, adnexal, affixal, affixed, affixer, affixes, alexias, alexine, alexins, alloxan, annexed, annexes, anorexy, anoxias, antefix, anthrax, antisex, antitax, anxiety, anxious, apraxia, apraxic, apteryx, aruspex, asexual, asphyxy, ataraxy, ataxias, ataxics, ataxies, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic, axially, axillae, axillar, axillas, axolotl, axoneme, axseeds, bandbox, bateaux, bauxite, beeswax, bemixed, bemixes, betaxed, betwixt, biaxial, boombox, boraxes, boxcars, boxfish, boxfuls, boxhaul, boxiest, boxings, boxlike, boxwood, braxies, broadax, bruxism, bureaux, buxomer, buxomly, cachexy, calyxes, carapax, cashbox, chamoix, claxons, coalbox, coannex, coaxers, coaxial, coaxing, coexert, coexist, commixt, complex, conflux, context, coteaux, coxalgy, coxcomb, coxitis, desexed, desexes, detoxed, detoxes, dewaxed, dewaxes, dextral, dextran, dextrin, digoxin, dioxane, dioxide, dioxids, dioxins, elixirs, epitaxy, epoxide, epoxied, epoxies, epoxyed, equinox, ethoxyl, exactas, exacted, exacter, exactly, exactor, exalted, exalter, examens, examine, example, exarchs, exarchy, exceeds, excepts, excerpt, excided, excides, excimer, exciple, excised, excises, excited, exciter, excites, exciton, excitor, exclaim, exclave, exclude, excreta, excrete, excused, excuser, excuses, execute, exedrae, exegete, exempla, exempts, exergue, exerted, exhaled, exhales, exhaust, exhibit, exhorts, exhumed, exhumer, exhumes, exigent, exilian, exiling, existed, exiting, exocarp, exoderm, exogamy, exogens, exordia, exosmic, exotica, exotics, exotism, expands, expanse, expects, expends, expense, experts, expiate, expired, expirer, expires, explain, explant, explode, exploit, explore, exports, exposal, exposed, exposer, exposes, exposit, expound, express, expulse, expunge, exscind, exsects, exserts, extends, extents, externe, externs, extinct, extolls, extorts, extract, extrema, extreme, extrude, exudate, exuding, exulted, exurban, exurbia, exuviae, exuvial, exuvium, feedbox, firebox, fixable, fixated, fixates, fixatif, fixedly, fixings, fixture, fixures, flaxier, flexile, flexing, flexion, flexors, flexure, flummox, fluxing, fluxion, fowlpox, foxfire, foxfish, foxhole, foxiest, foxings, foxlike, foxskin, foxtail, foxtrot, galaxes, gateaux, gearbox, hapaxes, helixes, hellbox, hexades, hexadic, hexagon, hexanes, hexapla, hexapod, hexerei, hexones, hexosan, hexoses, hoaxers, hoaxing, homosex, hydroxy, hypoxia, hypoxic, hyraxes, immixed, immixes, indexed, indexer, indexes, indoxyl, inexact, infixed, infixes, ixodids, jinxing, jukebox, klaxons, latexes, laxness, lexemes, lexemic, lexical, lexicon, lixivia, lockbox, luxated, luxates, mailbox, maxilla, maximal, maximin, maximum, maxixes, maxwell, methoxy, milieux, minimax, minxish, mirexes, mixable, mixible, mixture, monaxon, murexes, myxomas, narthex, nexuses, noxious, oratrix, outjinx, overlax, overmix, overtax, oxalate, oxazine, oxblood, oxcarts, oxfords, oxheart, oxidant, oxidase, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, oxtails, oxyacid, oxygens, oxymora, oxyphil, oxysalt, oxysome, oxytone, packwax, panchax, paradox, pemphix, peroxid, perplex, phalanx, pharynx, phenoxy, phloxes, phoenix, pickaxe, pillbox, pixyish, plexors, poleaxe, postbox, postfix, pretext, prexies, princox, proxies, proximo, pyrexia, pyrexic, pyxides, pyxidia, quixote, radixes, reaffix, reannex, rectrix, redoxes, reexpel, refixed, refixes, reindex, relaxed, relaxer, relaxes, relaxin, remixed, remixes, reseaux, retaxed, retaxes, rewaxed, rewaxes, salpinx, saltbox, sandbox, saxhorn, saxtuba, sexiest, sexisms, sexists, sexless, sexpots, sextain, sextans, sextant, sextets, sextile, sextons, silexes, simplex, sixfold, sixteen, sixthly, sixties, soapbox, sonovox, spandex, subtaxa, subtext, taxable, taxably, taxemes, taxemic, taxicab, taxiing, taximan, taximen, taxites, taxitic, taxiway, taxless, taxpaid, taxwise, taxying, tectrix, telexed, telexes, texases, textile, textual, texture, toolbox, tortrix, toxemia, toxemic, toxical, toxines, toxoids, trioxid, triplex, tubifex, tuxedos, ulexite, unboxed, unboxes, unfixed, unfixes, unmixed, unsexed, unsexes, untaxed, unvexed, unwaxed, urtexts, uxorial, vexedly, vexilla, vixenly, waxbill, waxiest, waxings, waxlike, waxweed, waxwing, waxwork, waxworm, woadwax, woodbox, woodwax, workbox, xanthan, xanthic, xanthin, xerarch, xeroses, xerosis, xerotic, xeruses, xiphoid, xylenes, xylidin, xylitol, xyloses, xysters8-letter wordsacetoxyl, admixing, affixers, affixial, affixing, affluxes, aftertax, alexines, alloxans, amphioxi, amplexus, anatoxin, annexing, anorexia, anorexic, anoxemia, anoxemic, antefixa, anthelix, apomixes, apomixis, apoplexy, appendix, apraxias, asphyxia, ataraxia, ataraxic, auxetics, aviatrix, axiality, axillars, axillary, axiology, axletree, axolotls, axonemal, axonemes, axoplasm, bandeaux, batteaux, bauxites, bauxitic, bemixing, biconvex, biotoxin, bisexual, bollixed, bollixes, bolloxed, bolloxes, bombyxes, bordeaux, boxberry, boxboard, boxhauls, boxiness, boxthorn, boxwoods, breadbox, broadaxe, bruxisms, buxomest, cachexia, cachexic, cacomixl, carboxyl, cathexes, cathexis, caudexes, cervixes, chapeaux, chateaux, chronaxy, cicatrix, climaxed, climaxes, coccyxes, coexerts, coexists, coextend, commixed, commixes, contexts, convexes, convexly, cortexes, couteaux, cowpoxes, coxalgia, coxalgic, coxcombs, coxswain, crucifix, curtalax, deflexed, desexing, detoxify, detoxing, dewaxing, dextrans, dextrine, dextrins, dextrose, dextrous, digoxins, dioxanes, dioxides, diplexer, doxology, duplexed, duplexer, duplexes, duxelles, dyslexia, dyslexic, dystaxia, earwaxes, effluxes, ektexine, endexine, epicalyx, epitaxic, epoxides, epoxying, ethoxies, ethoxyls, eutaxies, euxenite, exacters, exactest, exacting, exaction, exactors, exalters, exalting, examined, examinee, examiner, examines, exampled, examples, exanthem, exarchal, excavate, exceeded, exceeder, excelled, excepted, excerpts, excessed, excesses, exchange, exciding, excimers, exciples, excising, excision, excitant, exciters, exciting, excitons, excitors, exclaims, exclaves, excluded, excluder, excludes, excretal, excreted, excreter, excretes, excursus, excusers, excusing, execrate, executed, executer, executes, executor, exegeses, exegesis, exegetes, exegetic, exemplar, exemplum, exempted, exequial, exequies, exercise, exergual, exergues, exerting, exertion, exertive, exhalant, exhalent, exhaling, exhausts, exhibits, exhorted, exhorter, exhumers, exhuming, exigence, exigency, exigible, exiguity, exiguous, eximious, existent, existing, exitless, exocarps, exocrine, exoderms, exoduses, exoergic, exogamic, exonumia, exorable, exorcise, exorcism, exorcist, exorcize, exordial, exordium, exosmose, exospore, exoteric, exotisms, exotoxic, exotoxin, expanded, expander, expandor, expanses, expected, expedite, expelled, expellee, expeller, expended, expender, expensed, expenses, experted, expertly, expiable, expiated, expiates, expiator, expirers, expiries, expiring, explains, explants, explicit, exploded, exploder, explodes, exploits, explored, explorer, explores, exponent, exported, exporter, exposals, exposers, exposing, exposits, exposure, expounds, expresso, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, exscinds, exsecant, exsected, exserted, extended, extender, extensor, exterior, external, externes, extincts, extolled, extoller, extorted, extorter, extracts, extrados, extremer, extremes, extremum, extrorse, extruded, extruder, extrudes, extubate, exudates, exultant, exulting, exurbias, exuviate, fabliaux, fixatifs, fixating, fixation, fixative, fixities, fixtures, flaxiest, flaxseed, flexagon, flexible, flexibly, flexions, flextime, flexuose, flexuous, flexural, flexures, fluxions, fourplex, foxfires, foxglove, foxholes, foxhound, foxiness, foxskins, foxtails, foxtrots, galaxies, geotaxes, geotaxis, gloxinia, haruspex, hatboxes, heretrix, heritrix, hexagons, hexagram, hexamine, hexaplar, hexaplas, hexapods, hexapody, hexarchy, hexereis, hexosans, horsepox, hotboxes, hydroxyl, hypoxias, iceboxes, immixing, indexers, indexing, indoxyls, inexpert, infixing, infixion, inflexed, influxes, intermix, interrex, intersex, jambeaux, larynxes, laxation, laxative, laxities, lexicons, lixivial, lixivium, lummoxes, luxating, luxation, luxuries, manteaux, mastixes, matchbox, matrixes, maxicoat, maxillae, maxillas, maximals, maximins, maximise, maximite, maximize, maximums, maxwells, methoxyl, microlux, millilux, mixology, mixtures, monaxial, monaxons, monoxide, morceaux, myxedema, myxocyte, myxomata, naloxone, neuraxon, nextdoor, nontaxes, nontoxic, octuplex, orthodox, ototoxic, outboxed, outboxes, outfoxed, outfoxes, oxalated, oxalates, oxalises, oxazepam, oxazines, oxbloods, oxhearts, oxidable, oxidants, oxidases, oxidasic, oxidated, oxidates, oxidised, oxidiser, oxidises, oxidized, oxidizer, oxidizes, oxpecker, oxtongue, oxyacids, oxygenic, oxymoron, oxyphile, oxyphils, oxysalts, oxysomes, oxytocic, oxytocin, oxytones, panmixes, panmixia, panmixis, parallax, paroxysm, paxwaxes, pegboxes, peroxide, peroxids, phenixes, phylaxis, pickaxed, pickaxes, pixieish, pixiness, plateaux, plexuses, poleaxed, poleaxes, pontifex, poxvirus, praxises, preaxial, precieux, preexist, prefixal, prefixed, prefixes, premixed, premixes, pretexts, prolixly, protoxid, proxemic, proximal, pyrexial, pyrexias, pyroxene, pyxidium, quadplex, quincunx, quixotes, quixotic, quixotry, reexpels, reexport, refixing, reflexed, reflexes, reflexly, refluxed, refluxes, relaxant, relaxers, relaxing, relaxins, remixing, retaxing, rewaxing, rondeaux, rouleaux, sardonyx, saucebox, saxatile, saxhorns, saxonies, saxtubas, sexiness, sexology, sextains, sextants, sextarii, sextette, sextiles, sextuple, sextuply, sexually, siloxane, silvexes, sixpence, sixpenny, sixteens, sixtieth, smallpox, smilaxes, snuffbox, soundbox, spadixes, sphinxes, spinifex, storaxes, styraxes, subaxial, subfixes, subindex, suboxide, subtaxon, subtexts, suffixal, suffixed, suffixes, superfix, supersex, supertax, surtaxed, surtaxes, sweatbox, swinepox, syntaxes, syrinxes, tableaux, taxables, taxation, taxicabs, taxingly, taxiways, taxonomy, taxpayer, teaboxes, teletext, telexing, tetroxid, textbook, textiles, textless, textuary, textural, textured, textures, thoraxes, thyroxin, toadflax, tonneaux, toxaemia, toxaemic, toxemias, toxicant, toxicity, transfix, triaxial, trioxide, trioxids, trumeaux, tuxedoed, tuxedoes, ulexites, unboxing, undertax, unexotic, unexpert, unfixing, unflexed, uniaxial, unisexes, unsexing, unsexual, uxorious, vernixes, vertexes, vexation, vexillar, vexillum, vexingly, videotex, vixenish, volvoxes, vortexes, waxberry, waxbills, waxiness, waxplant, waxweeds, waxwings, waxworks, waxworms, xanthans, xanthate, xanthein, xanthene, xanthine, xanthins, xanthoma, xanthone, xanthous, xenogamy, xenogeny, xenolith, xerosere, xiphoids, xylidine, xylidins, xylitols, xylocarp, xylotomy9-letter wordsaboideaux, aboiteaux, acetoxyls, admixture, affixable, affixment, aflatoxin, alexander, alkoxides, amphioxus, anatoxins, anorexias, anorexics, anorexies, anoxemias, antefixae, antefixes, antiauxin, antitoxic, antitoxin, anxieties, anxiously, apteryxes, asexually, asphyxias, asphyxies, ataraxias, ataraxics, ataraxies, auxiliary, auxotroph, axiomatic, axletrees, axoplasms, bandboxes, banjaxing, beeswaxes, biaxially, biotoxins, bisexuals, bollixing, bolloxing, boomboxes, boxboards, boxfishes, boxhauled, boxthorns, broadaxes, buxomness, cachexias, cachexies, cacomixls, carapaxes, carboxyls, cashboxes, catalexes, catalexis, cataplexy, chronaxie, climaxing, coalboxes, coannexed, coannexes, coaxially, coexerted, coexisted, coextends, commixing, complexed, complexer, complexes, complexly, confluxes, connexion, convexity, coxalgias, coxalgies, coxcombry, coxitides, coxswains, cytotoxic, cytotoxin, deoxidize, dexterity, dexterous, dextrines, dextroses, digitoxin, diplexers, directrix, disclimax, duplexers, duplexing, dyslexias, dyslexics, dystaxias, effluxion, ektexines, endexines, endomixis, endotoxic, endotoxin, epistaxes, epistaxis, epitaxial, epitaxies, epoxidize, equinoxes, euxenites, exactable, exactions, exactness, exaltedly, examinant, examinees, examiners, examining, exampling, exanimate, exanthema, exanthems, exarchate, exarchies, excavated, excavates, excavator, exceeders, exceeding, excellent, excelling, excelsior, excepting, exception, exceptive, excerpted, excerpter, excerptor, excessing, excessive, exchanged, exchanger, exchanges, exchequer, excipient, excisable, exciseman, excisemen, excisions, excitable, excitants, excitedly, excitonic, exclaimed, exclaimer, excluders, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, excoriate, excrement, excreters, excreting, excretion, excretory, exculpate, excurrent, excursion, excursive, excusable, excusably, execrable, execrably, execrated, execrates, execrator, executant, executers, executing, execution, executive, executors, executory, executrix, exegetist, exemplars, exemplary, exemplify, exempting, exemption, exercised, exerciser, exercises, exergonic, exertions, exfoliate, exhalants, exhalents, exhausted, exhauster, exhibited, exhibitor, exhorters, exhorting, exigences, exigently, existence, existents, exocrines, exocyclic, exodermis, exodontia, exoenzyme, exogamies, exogamous, exogenous, exonerate, exorcised, exorciser, exorcises, exorcisms, exorcists, exorcized, exorcizes, exordiums, exosmoses, exosphere, exospores, exostoses, exostosis, exoticism, exotoxins, expanders, expanding, expandors, expansion, expansive, expatiate, expectant, expecting, expedient, expedited, expediter, expedites, expeditor, expellees, expellers, expelling, expenders, expending, expensing, expensive, experting, expertise, expertism, expertize, expiating, expiation, expiators, expiatory, explained, explainer, explanted, expletive, expletory, explicate, explicits, exploders, exploding, exploited, exploiter, explorers, exploring, explosion, explosive, exponents, exporters, exporting, exposited, expositor, exposures, expounded, expounder, expressed, expresser, expresses, expressly, expressos, expulsing, expulsion, expulsive, expungers, expunging, expurgate, exquisite, exscinded, exsecants, exsecting, exsertile, exserting, exsertion, exsiccate, extempore, extenders, extending, extensile, extension, extensity, extensive, extensors, extenuate, exteriors, extermine, externals, extincted, extirpate, extollers, extolling, extolment, extorters, extorting, extortion, extortive, extracted, extractor, extradite, extrality, extravert, extremely, extremest, extremism, extremist, extremity, extricate, extrinsic, extrovert, extruders, extruding, extrusion, extrusive, extubated, extubates, exuberant, exuberate, exudation, exudative, exultance, exultancy, exuviated, exuviates, feedboxes, fireboxes, fixations, fixatives, fixedness, flambeaux, flaxseeds, flexagons, flexitime, flextimes, flummoxed, flummoxes, fluxgates, fluxional, fowlpoxes, foxfishes, foxgloves, foxhounds, foxhunted, foxhunter, gearboxes, gloxinias, hellboxes, heterodox, hexachord, hexagonal, hexagrams, hexahedra, hexameter, hexamines, hexaploid, homosexes, hydroxide, hydroxyls, hypertext, hypotaxes, hypotaxis, hypoxemia, hypoxemic, immixture, indexical, indexings, inexactly, inexperts, infixions, inflexion, jukeboxes, juxtapose, kickboxer, laxations, laxatives, laxnesses, lexically, lixiviate, lixiviums, lockboxes, loxodrome, luxations, luxuriant, luxuriate, luxurious, mailboxes, maxicoats, maxillary, maximally, maximised, maximises, maximites, maximized, maximizer, maximizes, mediatrix, metaxylem, minimaxes, minoxidil, monoxides, multiplex, mycotoxin, myxedemas, myxocytes, myxoviral, myxovirus, naloxones, narthexes, neocortex, neuraxons, nonexempt, nonexotic, nonexpert, nonextant, nonsexist, nonsexual, noxiously, obnoxious, orthodoxy, outboxing, outfoxing, outjinxed, outjinxes, overexert, overmixed, overmixes, oversexed, overtaxed, overtaxes, oxacillin, oxalating, oxazepams, oxidating, oxidation, oxidative, oxidisers, oxidising, oxidizers, oxidizing, oxpeckers, oxtongues, oxygenate, oxyphiles, oxyphilic, oxytocics, oxytocins, packwaxes, panchaxes, panmixias, pansexual, paradoxes, parataxes, parataxis, paroxysms, pemphixes, pentoxide, pepperbox, peroxided, peroxides, peroxidic, perplexed, perplexes, phalanxes, pharynxes, phenoxide, phoenixes, pickaxing, pillboxes, pixilated, plaintext, plexiform, poleaxing, polymyxin, postaxial, postboxes, postfixed, postfixes, preexilic, preexists, prefixing, premixing, pretexted, priedieux, princoxes, prolixity, prothorax, protoxids, proxemics, proximate, proximity, pyridoxal, pyroxenes, pyroxenic, pyroxylin, quixotism, reaffixed, reaffixes, reannexed, reannexes, reexamine, reexplore, reexports, reexposed, reexposes, reexpress, reflexing, reflexion, reflexive, refluxing, reindexed, reindexes, relaxants, relaxedly, reoxidize, retexture, retroflex, saltboxes, sandboxes, saxifrage, saxitoxin, saxophone, sexlessly, sextarius, sextettes, sextupled, sextuples, sextuplet, sexuality, sexualize, shadowbox, siloxanes, simplexes, sixpences, sixteenmo, sixteenth, sixtieths, soapboxes, sonovoxes, spandexes, strongbox, subclimax, suboxides, subtaxons, suffixing, sulfoxide, surtaxing, tamoxifen, taxations, taxidermy, taximeter, taxonomic, taxpayers, taxpaying, teletexts, telotaxes, telotaxis, testatrix, tetroxide, tetroxids, textbooks, textually, texturing, texturize, thyroxine, thyroxins, tinderbox, toolboxes, tortrixes, toxaemias, toxaphene, toxicants, toxicoses, toxicosis, toxigenic, toxophily, transaxle, transfixt, trioxides, triplexes, tubifexes, unexcited, unexcused, unexpired, unexposed, unindexed, unisexual, unmixable, unrelaxed, uxoricide, vexations, vexatious, videotext, waxplants, woadwaxes, woodboxes, woodwaxes, workboxes, xanthates, xantheins, xanthenes, xanthines, xanthomas, xanthones, xenograft, xenoliths, xenophile, xenophobe, xerophile, xerophily, xerophyte, xeroseres, xylidines, xylocarps, xylograph, xylophone10-letter wordsadmixtures, affixation, affixments, aflatoxins, alexanders, ambisexual, amphimixes, amphimixis, amplexuses, annexation, anthelixes, antiauxins, anticlimax, antisexist, antisexual, antitoxins, anxiolytic, apoplexies, appendixes, asexuality, asphyxiate, autosexing, auxotrophs, auxotrophy, aviatrixes, axenically, axialities, axillaries, axiologies, axiomatize, axoplasmic, bisexually, bordereaux, boxberries, boxhauling, boxinesses, breadboxes, carboxylic, cephalexin, chatterbox, chemotaxes, chemotaxis, chionodoxa, chronaxies, cicatrixes, ciphertext, circumflex, climaxless, coadjutrix, coannexing, coexecutor, coexerting, coexistent, coexisting, coextended, commixture, complexest, complexify, complexing, complexion, complexity, connexions, contextual, contexture, coxswained, crucifixes, curtalaxes, cytotoxins, deoxidized, deoxidizer, deoxidizes, detoxicant, detoxicate, detoxified, detoxifies, dextranase, digitoxins, dominatrix, doxologies, econoboxes, effluxions, endotoxins, epexegeses, epexegesis, epexegetic, epicalyxes, epoxidized, epoxidizes, exacerbate, exactingly, exactitude, exaggerate, exaltation, examinable, examinants, exanthemas, exarchates, exasperate, excavating, excavation, excavators, excellence, excellency, excelsiors, exceptions, excerpters, excerpting, excerption, excerptors, exchangers, exchanging, exchequers, excipients, excisional, excitation, excitative, excitatory, excitement, excitingly, exclaimers, exclaiming, excludable, excludible, exclusions, exclusives, excogitate, excoriated, excoriates, excrements, excrescent, excretions, excruciate, exculpated, exculpates, excursions, excursuses, excusatory, execrating, execration, execrative, execrators, executable, executants, executions, executives, exegetical, exegetists, exemptions, exenterate, exercisers, exercising, exfoliated, exfoliates, exhalation, exhausters, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitive, exhibitors, exhibitory, exhilarate, exhumation, exigencies, exiguities, exiguously, existences, exobiology, exocytoses, exocytosis, exocytotic, exodontias, exodontist, exoenzymes, exonerated, exonerates, exorbitant, exorcisers, exorcising, exorcistic, exorcizing, exospheres, exospheric, exothermal, exothermic, exotically, exoticisms, exoticness, expandable, expansible, expansions, expatiated, expatiates, expatriate, expectable, expectably, expectance, expectancy, expectants, expectedly, expedience, expediency, expedients, expediters, expediting, expedition, expeditors, expellable, expendable, experience, experiment, expertises, expertisms, expertized, expertizes, expertness, expiations, expiration, expiratory, explainers, explaining, explanting, expletives, explicable, explicably, explicated, explicates, explicator, explicitly, exploiters, exploiting, exploitive, explosions, explosives, exportable, expositing, exposition, expositive, expositors, expository, expounders, expounding, expressage, expressers, expressing, expression, expressive, expressman, expressmen, expressway, expulsions, expunction, expurgated, expurgates, expurgator, exquisites, exscinding, exsertions, exsiccated, exsiccates, exsolution, extemporal, extendable, extendedly, extendible, extensible, extensions, extenuated, extenuates, extenuator, exteriorly, extermined, extermines, externally, externship, extincting, extinction, extinctive, extinguish, extirpated, extirpates, extirpator, extolments, extortions, extracting, extraction, extractive, extractors, extradited, extradites, extradoses, extralegal, extramural, extraneous, extraverts, extremisms, extremists, extricable, extricated, extricates, extroverts, extrudable, extrusions, extubating, exuberance, exuberated, exuberates, exudations, exultances, exultantly, exultation, exultingly, exurbanite, exuviating, exuviation, ferredoxin, flexitimes, flummoxing, fourplexes, foxhunters, foxhunting, foxinesses, foxtrotted, fraxinella, generatrix, googolplex, heretrixes, heritrixes, heterodoxy, hexachords, hexahedron, hexameters, hexaploids, hexaploidy, hexapodies, hexarchies, hexokinase, homeoboxes, homosexual, horsepoxes, hydroxides, hydroxylic, hypertexts, hypoxemias, immixtures, indexation, indexicals, inexistent, inexorable, inexorably, inexpertly, inexpiable, inexpiably, inexplicit, infixation, inflexible, inflexibly, inflexions, inheritrix, intermixed, intermixes, intersexes, intoxicant, intoxicate, juxtaposed, juxtaposes, kickboxers, kickboxing, lexicality, lexicalize, lexicology, lixiviated, lixiviates, loxodromes, luxuriance, luxuriated, luxuriates, matchboxes, maxilliped, maximalist, maximising, maximizers, maximizing, mesothorax, metagalaxy, metathorax, metaxylems, microluxes, milliluxes, minoxidils, mixologies, mixologist, multiaxial, mycotoxins, myxomatous, myxomycete, naltrexone, neurotoxic, neurotoxin, noncomplex, nonexperts, nonexposed, nonlexical, nontaxable, oropharynx, orthodoxes, orthodoxly, outjinxing, overexcite, overexerts, overexpand, overexpose, overextend, overmixing, overtaxing, oxacillins, oxidations, oxidizable, oxygenated, oxygenates, oxygenator, oxygenless, oxymoronic, oxyuriases, oxyuriasis, parallaxes, parasexual, paroxysmal, pentoxides, peroxidase, peroxiding, peroxisome, perplexing, perplexity, phenoxides, phototaxes, phototaxis, phototoxic, phylaxises, phyllotaxy, phylloxera, phytotoxic, picrotoxin, pixilation, pixillated, pixinesses, plaintexts, polymyxins, postexilic, postfixing, poxviruses, praxeology, preexisted, premaxilla, pretexting, protoxylem, proximally, pyridoxals, pyridoxine, pyroxenite, pyroxenoid, pyroxylins, quadplexes, quincunxes, quixotical, quixotisms, quixotries, reaffixing, reannexing, reexamined, reexamines, reexpelled, reexplored, reexplores, reexported, reexposing, reexposure, reflexions, reflexives, reindexing, relaxation, reoxidized, reoxidizes, retextured, retextures, sardonyxes, sauceboxes, saxicolous, saxifrages, saxitoxins, saxophones, saxophonic, sexinesses, sexologies, sexologist, sextillion, sextuplets, sextupling, sexualized, sexualizes, sixteenmos, sixteenths, smallpoxes, snuffboxes, soundboxes, sphinxlike, spinifexes, subindexes, submaximal, subtextual, sulfoxides, superfixes, superhelix, superoxide, supersexes, supertaxes, sweatboxes, swinepoxes, tamoxifens, taxidermic, taximeters, taxonomies, taxonomist, tetroxides, textuaries, texturally, texturized, texturizes, thixotropy, thyroxines, toadflaxes, toxaphenes, toxicities, toxicology, toxoplasma, transaxles, transfixed, transfixes, trihydroxy, tropotaxes, tropotaxis, trousseaux, undersexed, undertaxed, undertaxes, unexamined, unexampled, unexcelled, unexciting, unexpected, unexpended, unexploded, unexplored, unorthodox, uxoricides, uxoriously, videotexes, videotexts, waxberries, waxinesses, xanthomata, xenobiotic, xenogamies, xenogeneic, xenogenies, xenografts, xenolithic, xenophiles, xenophobes, xenophobia, xenophobic, xenotropic, xerography, xerophytes, xerophytic, xylographs, xylography, xylophones, xylotomies11-letter wordsaffixations, alexandrine, alexandrite, ambisexuals, amoxicillin, amoxycillin, amphioxuses, anaphylaxes, anaphylaxis, annexations, antianxiety, antioxidant, antisexists, anxiolytics, anxiousness, approximate, asphyxiated, asphyxiates, auxiliaries, auxotrophic, axiological, axiomatized, axiomatizes, axisymmetry, axonometric, biconvexity, bisexuality, buxomnesses, carboxylase, carboxylate, cataplexies, cephalexins, chionodoxas, ciphertexts, cloxacillin, coexecutors, coexistence, coextending, coextensive, commixtures, complexions, complexness, contextless, contextures, convexities, coxcombical, coxcombries, coxswaining, crucifixion, cyclohexane, deoxidation, deoxidizers, deoxidizing, deoxygenate, deoxyribose, desexualize, detoxicants, detoxicated, detoxicates, detoxifying, dexterities, dexterously, dextranases, directrixes, disclimaxes, doxorubicin, doxycycline, endomixises, enterotoxin, epitaxially, epoxidation, epoxidizing, exacerbated, exacerbates, exactitudes, exactnesses, exaggerated, exaggerates, exaggerator, exaltations, examination, exanthemata, exasperated, exasperates, excavations, exceedingly, excellences, excellently, exceptional, excerptions, excessively, excitations, excitements, exclamation, exclamatory, exclusively, exclusivism, exclusivist, exclusivity, excogitated, excogitates, excoriating, excoriation, excremental, excrescence, excrescency, excruciated, excruciates, exculpating, exculpation, exculpatory, excursively, execrations, executioner, executorial, executrices, executrixes, exemplarily, exemplarity, exemplified, exemplifies, exenterated, exenterates, exercisable, exfoliating, exfoliation, exfoliative, exhalations, exhaustible, exhaustions, exhaustless, exhibitions, exhilarated, exhilarates, exhortation, exhortative, exhortatory, exhumations, existential, exodermises, exodontists, exogenously, exonerating, exoneration, exonerative, exonuclease, exorbitance, exoskeletal, exoskeleton, expansional, expansively, expansivity, expatiating, expatiation, expatriated, expatriates, expectances, expectantly, expectation, expectative, expectorant, expectorate, expediences, expediently, expeditions, expeditious, expendables, expenditure, expensively, experienced, experiences, experiments, expertizing, expirations, explainable, explanation, explanative, explanatory, explicating, explication, explicative, explicators, explicatory, exploitable, exploration, explorative, exploratory, explosively, exponential, exportation, expositions, expostulate, expressages, expressible, expressions, expressways, expropriate, expunctions, expurgating, expurgation, expurgators, expurgatory, exquisitely, exsiccating, exsiccation, exsolutions, extemporary, extemporise, extemporize, extensional, extensities, extensively, extenuating, extenuation, extenuators, extenuatory, exteriorise, exteriority, exteriorize, exterminate, extermining, externalise, externalism, externality, externalize, externships, extinctions, extirpating, extirpation, extirpators, extortioner, extractable, extractions, extractives, extraditing, extradition, extralities, extrapolate, extravagant, extravagate, extravasate, extraverted, extremeness, extremities, extricating, extrication, extroverted, exuberances, exuberantly, exuberating, exultancies, exultations, exurbanites, exuviations, ferredoxins, fixednesses, flexibility, flexography, foxhuntings, foxtrotting, fraxinellas, fucoxanthin, hematoxylin, hepatotoxic, heteroauxin, hexadecimal, hexagonally, hexahedrons, hexahydrate, hexokinases, homosexuals, hydrothorax, hydroxylase, hydroxylate, hydroxyurea, hydroxyzine, hyperextend, hypersexual, hypopharynx, indexations, inexactness, inexcusable, inexcusably, inexistence, inexpedient, inexpensive, infixations, intermixing, intersexual, intoxicants, intoxicated, intoxicates, irreflexive, juxtaposing, kickboxings, letterboxed, lexicalized, lexicalizes, lixiviating, lixiviation, luxuriances, luxuriantly, luxuriating, luxuriously, maxillaries, maxillipeds, maximalists, mediatrixes, mixologists, monohydroxy, multiplexed, multiplexer, multiplexes, multiplexor, myxomatoses, myxomatosis, myxomycetes, myxoviruses, naltrexones, nasopharynx, neocortexes, neoorthodox, nephrotoxic, neurotoxins, nonexistent, nonorthodox, nontaxables, noxiousness, obnoxiously, orthodoxies, ototoxicity, overanxiety, overanxious, overcomplex, overexcited, overexcites, overexerted, overexpands, overexplain, overexploit, overexposed, overexposes, overextends, oxalacetate, oxidatively, oxygenating, oxygenation, oxygenators, oxyhydrogen, paradoxical, pepperboxes, peroxidases, peroxisomal, peroxisomes, perplexedly, phoenixlike, phyllotaxes, phyllotaxis, phylloxeras, phytoalexin, picrotoxins, pixilations, polyhydroxy, preexistent, preexisting, premaxillae, premaxillas, prolixities, prophylaxes, prophylaxis, prothoraxes, protogalaxy, protoxylems, proximately, proximities, pyridoxines, pyroxenites, pyroxenitic, pyroxenoids, quincunxial, reexamining, reexpelling, reexploring, reexporting, reexposures, reexpressed, reexpresses, reflexively, reflexivity, reflexology, relaxations, relaxedness, reoxidation, reoxidizing, retexturing, saxophonist, sexagesimal, sexlessness, sexologists, sextillions, sextodecimo, sexualities, sexualizing, shadowboxed, shadowboxes, sociosexual, stereotaxic, strongboxes, subclimaxes, subluxation, suffixation, superdeluxe, superluxury, superoxides, taxidermies, taxidermist, taxonomists, textbookish, textureless, texturizing, thermotaxes, thermotaxis, thigmotaxes, thigmotaxis, thixotropic, thromboxane, tinderboxes, toxicologic, toxophilies, toxophilite, toxoplasmas, toxoplasmic, transfixing, transfixion, transsexual, triaxiality, underexpose, undertaxing, unexcitable, unexercised, unexplained, unexploited, unexpressed, unnilhexium, unorthodoxy, vexatiously, vexillology, xanthophyll, xenobiotics, xenophobias, xerographic, xerophilies, xerophilous, xerophytism, xerothermic, xiphisterna, xylographer, xylographic, xylophagous, xylophonist12-letter wordsalexandrines, alexandrites, ambidextrous, amoxicillins, amoxycillins, annexational, anorexigenic, anticlimaxes, antioxidants, approximated, approximates, asexualities, asphyxiating, asphyxiation, autoxidation, auxotrophies, axiomatizing, axisymmetric, carboxylases, carboxylated, carboxylates, chatterboxes, circumflexes, cloxacillins, coexistences, complexation, complexified, complexifies, complexional, complexioned, complexities, contextually, crucifixions, cyclodextrin, cyclohexanes, cytotaxonomy, cytotoxicity, deoxidations, deoxygenated, deoxygenates, deoxyriboses, desexualized, desexualizes, detoxicating, detoxication, dextrorotary, dicarboxylic, doxorubicins, doxycyclines, endoperoxide, enterotoxins, epexegetical, epoxidations, exacerbating, exacerbation, exactingness, exaggerating, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaggerators, exaggeratory, examinations, exanthematic, exasperating, exasperation, excavational, excellencies, exchangeable, excitability, exclamations, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusivisms, exclusivists, excogitating, excogitation, excogitative, excoriations, excrescences, excrescently, excruciating, excruciation, exculpations, excursionist, executioners, exemplifying, exenterating, exenteration, exercitation, exfoliations, exhaustively, exhaustivity, exhibitioner, exhilarating, exhilaration, exhilarative, exhortations, exiguousness, exobiologies, exobiologist, exonerations, exonucleases, exopeptidase, exophthalmic, exophthalmos, exophthalmus, exorbitances, exorbitantly, exorcistical, exoskeletons, exoterically, exothermally, exoticnesses, expansionary, expansionism, expansionist, expatiations, expatriating, expatriation, expatriatism, expectancies, expectations, expectedness, expectorants, expectorated, expectorates, expediencies, expediential, expenditures, experiencing, experiential, experimental, experimented, experimenter, expertnesses, explanations, explantation, explications, explicitness, exploitation, exploitative, explorations, exportations, expositional, expostulated, expostulates, expressional, expressively, expressivity, expropriated, expropriates, expropriator, expurgations, exsanguinate, exsiccations, extemporally, extemporised, extemporises, extemporized, extemporizer, extemporizes, extendedness, extensometer, extenuations, exteriorised, exteriorises, exteriorized, exteriorizes, exterminated, exterminates, exterminator, externalised, externalises, externalisms, externalized, externalizes, exteroceptor, extinguished, extinguisher, extinguishes, extirpations, extortionary, extortionate, extortioners, extortionist, extracranial, extractively, extraditable, extraditions, extrahepatic, extralegally, extralimital, extralogical, extramarital, extramundane, extramurally, extramusical, extraneously, extranuclear, extrapolated, extrapolates, extrapolator, extrasensory, extrasystole, extratextual, extrauterine, extravagance, extravagancy, extravaganza, extravagated, extravagates, extravasated, extravasates, extraversion, extrications, extroversion, flexographic, fluidextract, fucoxanthins, googolplexes, hematoxylins, heteroauxins, heterodoxies, heteroduplex, heterosexual, hexadecimals, hexahydrates, hexaploidies, hexobarbital, homosexually, hydroxylases, hydroxylated, hydroxylates, hydroxyureas, hydroxyzines, hypercomplex, hyperexcited, hyperextends, hyperpyrexia, hypoxanthine, inexactitude, inexistences, inexpedience, inexpediency, inexperience, inexpertness, inexplicable, inexplicably, inexpressive, inexpugnable, inexpugnably, inexpungible, inextricable, inextricably, inheritrixes, intermixture, intoxicating, intoxication, letterboxing, lexicalities, lexicalizing, lexicography, lexicologies, lexicologist, lixiviations, maximization, mesothoraxes, metagalaxies, metathoraxes, methotrexate, methoxychlor, morphallaxes, morphallaxis, multiplexers, multiplexing, multiplexors, myxedematous, neoorthodoxy, nonexclusive, nonexecutive, nonexistence, nonexplosive, nonoxidizing, oropharynxes, overexciting, overexercise, overexerting, overexertion, overexpanded, overexplains, overexplicit, overexploits, overexposing, overexposure, overextended, overtaxation, oxalacetates, oxaloacetate, oxyacetylene, oxygenations, pansexuality, perplexities, photoexcited, photooxidize, phyllotaxies, phytoalexins, pneumothorax, portmanteaux, postexercise, postexposure, praxeologies, preexistence, premaxillary, propoxyphene, psychosexual, pyridoxamine, quixotically, reannexation, reexperience, reexpressing, reoxidations, retroflexion, saxophonists, semiflexible, sexagenarian, sexagesimals, sexdecillion, sextodecimos, sextuplicate, shadowboxing, subluxations, submaxillary, suffixations, superexpress, superhelixes, taxidermists, tetrodotoxin, thixotropies, thromboxanes, toxicologies, toxicologist, toxigenicity, toxophilites, transfixions, transsexuals, trophallaxes, trophallaxis, underexposed, underexposes, unexpectedly, unexpressive, unexpurgated, unisexuality, unnilhexiums, unorthodoxly, unoxygenated, uxoriousness, vexillologic, xanthophylls, xerographies, xerophytisms, xiphisternum, xylographers, xylographies, xylophonists, zooxanthella13-letter wordsambidexterity, ambisexuality, annexationist, antisexuality, anxiousnesses, approximately, approximating, approximation, approximative, archaeopteryx, asphyxiations, autoxidations, axiologically, axiomatically, axisymmetries, biconvexities, bisexualities, canthaxanthin, carboxylating, carboxylation, cephalothorax, chemotaxonomy, cocarboxylase, coextensively, complexations, complexifying, complexnesses, contextualize, cyclodextrins, cyclohexanone, cycloheximide, cytotaxonomic, decarboxylase, decarboxylate, demultiplexer, deoxygenating, deoxygenation, desexualizing, detoxications, dexamethasone, dexterousness, digitoxigenin, disintoxicate, endoperoxides, exacerbations, exaggeratedly, exaggerations, examinational, exanthematous, exasperatedly, exasperations, exceptionable, exceptionably, exceptionally, excessiveness, excitableness, excludability, exclusionists, exclusiveness, exclusivities, excogitations, excommunicate, excrescencies, excruciations, excursionists, excursiveness, excusableness, execrableness, exemplariness, exemplarities, exenterations, exercitations, exhaustlessly, exhibitioners, exhibitionism, exhibitionist, exhilarations, existentially, exobiological, exobiologists, exopeptidases, exothermicity, expandability, expansibility, expansionisms, expansionists, expansiveness, expansivities, expatriations, expatriatisms, expectational, expectorating, expectoration, expeditionary, expeditiously, expendability, expensiveness, experimenters, experimenting, explanatively, explanatorily, explantations, explicatively, exploitations, explorational, exploratively, explosiveness, exponentially, exportability, expostulating, expostulation, expostulatory, expressionism, expressionist, expropriating, expropriation, expropriators, expurgatorial, exquisiteness, exsanguinated, exsanguinates, extemporarily, extemporising, extemporizers, extemporizing, extendability, extensibility, extensionally, extensiveness, extensometers, exteriorising, exteriorities, exteriorizing, exterminating, extermination, exterminators, exterminatory, externalising, externalities, externalizing, exteroceptive, exteroceptors, exterritorial, extinguishers, extinguishing, extortionists, extracellular, extragalactic, extrajudicial, extraliterary, extraordinary, extrapolating, extrapolation, extrapolative, extrapolators, extrasystoles, extravagances, extravagantly, extravaganzas, extravagating, extravasating, extravasation, extravascular, extraversions, extremenesses, extrinsically, extroversions, extrudability, flexibilities, flexographies, fluidextracts, heterosexuals, hexamethonium, hexobarbitals, homosexuality, hydroperoxide, hydrothoraxes, hydroxylamine, hydroxylating, hydroxylation, hyperextended, hyperpyrexias, hypopharynxes, hypoxanthines, inexactitudes, inexactnesses, inexhaustible, inexhaustibly, inexorability, inexpediences, inexpediently, inexpensively, inexperienced, inexperiences, inexplainable, inexpressible, inexpressibly, inflexibility, intermixtures, interproximal, intersexually, intoxicatedly, intoxications, isoalloxazine, isocarboxazid, juxtaposition, letterboxings, lexicographer, lexicographic, lexicologists, luxuriousness, maxillofacial, maximizations, methotrexates, methoxychlors, myxomatosises, nasopharynxes, neurotoxicity, nonexecutives, nonexistences, nonexpendable, nonexploitive, nonexplosives, nonhomosexual, nonintoxicant, noxiousnesses, obnoxiousness, ototoxicities, overanxieties, overexercised, overexercises, overexertions, overexpanding, overexpansion, overexplained, overexploited, overexposures, overextending, overextension, overexuberant, overtaxations, oxaloacetates, oxyhemoglobin, paradoxically, paramyxovirus, parasexuality, photooxidized, photooxidizes, phototoxicity, phytotoxicity, praxeological, preexistences, preexperiment, propoxyphenes, protogalaxies, proximateness, pyridoxamines, reannexations, reexamination, reexperienced, reexperiences, reexportation, reflexiveness, reflexivities, reflexologies, relaxednesses, retroflexions, sexagenarians, sexdecillions, sexlessnesses, sexploitation, sextuplicated, sextuplicates, superluxuries, taxonomically, tetrodotoxins, toxicological, toxicologists, toxoplasmoses, toxoplasmosis, triaxialities, tricarboxylic, ultraorthodox, underexposing, underexposure, unexceptional, unexplainable, unorthodoxies, vexatiousness, vexillologies, vexillologist, xenodiagnoses, xenodiagnosis, xerophthalmia, xerophthalmic, xylographical, zooxanthellae14-letter wordsadministratrix, ambidextrously, annexationists, antihomosexual, approximations, axiomatisation, axiomatization, axisymmetrical, blaxploitation, canthaxanthins, carboxylations, chemotaxonomic, cocarboxylases, contextualized, contextualizes, counterexample, cyclohexanones, cycloheximides, cytotaxonomies, cytotoxicities, decarboxylases, decarboxylated, decarboxylates, demultiplexers, deoxygenations, detoxification, dexamethasones, dextrorotatory, digitoxigenins, disintoxicated, disintoxicates, epexegetically, exactingnesses, exasperatingly, exceptionalism, exceptionality, excitabilities, excommunicated, excommunicates, excommunicator, excruciatingly, exhaustibility, exhaustiveness, exhaustivities, exhibitionisms, exhibitionists, exhilaratingly, exiguousnesses, existentialism, existentialist, exophthalmoses, exophthalmuses, exothermically, expansionistic, expectednesses, expectorations, experientially, experimentally, explicitnesses, exploitatively, exponentiation, expostulations, expressionisms, expressionists, expressionless, expressiveness, expressivities, expropriations, exsanguinating, exsanguination, extemporaneity, extemporaneous, extendednesses, extensionality, exterminations, extinguishable, extinguishment, extortionately, extracorporeal, extractability, extraembryonic, extraneousness, extraordinaire, extrapolations, extrapyramidal, extravagancies, extravasations, extravehicular, hepatotoxicity, heteroduplexes, heterosexually, hexamethoniums, hexosaminidase, hydroperoxides, hydroxyapatite, hydroxylamines, hydroxylations, hydroxyproline, hypercatalexes, hypercatalexis, hyperexcitable, hyperexcretion, hyperextending, hyperextension, hypersexuality, inexorableness, inexpediencies, inexpertnesses, inexpressively, inflexibleness, intersexuality, isoalloxazines, isocarboxazids, juxtapositions, lexicalisation, lexicalization, lexicographers, lexicographies, methoxyflurane, methylxanthine, monocarboxylic, neoorthodoxies, nephrotoxicity, nonexistential, nonexplanatory, nonhomosexuals, overexaggerate, overexercising, overexpansions, overexplaining, overexploiting, overextensions, overextraction, oxidoreductase, oxyhemoglobins, oxymoronically, pansexualities, paradoxicality, photooxidation, photooxidative, photooxidizing, pneumothoraxes, postexperience, preexperiments, premaxillaries, psychosexually, reexaminations, reexperiencing, reexportations, sexploitations, sextuplicating, submaxillaries, superexpensive, superexpresses, superluxurious, supersexuality, thyrotoxicoses, thyrotoxicosis, toxigenicities, transsexualism, transsexuality, ultraexclusive, underexposures, unexpectedness, unisexualities, uxoriousnesses, vexillological, vexillologists, xenodiagnostic, xenophobically, xerophthalmias15-letter wordsambidexterities, ambisexualities, antisexualities, archaeopteryxes, axiomatisations, axiomatizations, blaxploitations, cephalothoraxes, chemotaxonomies, chemotaxonomist, contextualizing, counterexamples, cyclohexylamine, decarboxylating, decarboxylation, desexualization, detoxifications, dexterousnesses, disintoxicating, disintoxication, exaggeratedness, exceptionalisms, exceptionalness, excessivenesses, exchangeability, excitablenesses, excludabilities, exclusivenesses, excommunicating, excommunication, excommunicative, excommunicators, excrementitious, excursivenesses, excusablenesses, execrablenesses, exemplarinesses, exemplification, exhaustlessness, exhibitionistic, existentialisms, existentialists, exoerythrocytic, exothermicities, expandabilities, expansibilities, expansivenesses, expeditiousness, expendabilities, expensivenesses, experimentalism, experimentalist, experimentation, explosivenesses, exponentiations, exportabilities, expressionistic, exquisitenesses, exsanguinations, extemporisation, extemporization, extendabilities, extensibilities, extensivenesses, exteriorization, externalisation, externalization, extinguishments, extracellularly, extracurricular, extrajudicially, extralinguistic, extraordinarily, extrudabilities, heterosexuality, hexachlorethane, hexachlorophene, hexosaminidases, hexylresorcinol, homosexualities, hydroxyapatites, hydroxylapatite, hydroxyprolines, hyperexcitement, hyperexcretions, hyperextensions, inexcusableness, inexorabilities, inexpensiveness, inexplicability, inextricability, inflexibilities, interparoxysmal, juxtapositional, lexicalisations, lexicalizations, lexicographical, luxuriousnesses, methoxyfluranes, methylxanthines, neurotoxicities, nonexperimental, nonexploitation, nonexploitative, nonintoxicating, obnoxiousnesses, overexaggerated, overexaggerates, overexpectation, overextractions, overextravagant, oxidoreductases, oxyphenbutazone, oxytetracycline, paradoxicalness, paramyxoviruses, parasexualities, photoexcitation, photooxidations, phototoxicities, phytotoxicities, proximatenesses, psychosexuality, recontextualize, reflexivenesses, stereotaxically, toxicologically, transsexualisms, unexceptionable, unexceptionably, unextraordinary, vexatiousnesses, xerographically, xeroradiography16-letter wordsautointoxication, carboxypeptidase, chemoprophylaxes, chemoprophylaxis, chemotaxonomists, chlordiazepoxide, cyclohexylamines, decarboxylations, desexualizations, dihydroxyacetone, disintoxications, exceptionability, exceptionalities, excommunications, exemplifications, exhaustibilities, exhaustivenesses, existentialistic, experimentalisms, experimentalists, experimentations, expressionlessly, expressivenesses, extemporaneities, extemporaneously, extemporisations, extemporizations, extensionalities, exteriorizations, externalisations, externalizations, exterritoriality, extrachromosomal, extracorporeally, extractabilities, extracurriculars, extraneousnesses, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, flexographically, hepatotoxicities, hexachlorethanes, hexachloroethane, hexachlorophenes, hexylresorcinols, hydroxylapatites, hyperexcitements, hypersexualities, inexhaustibility, inexorablenesses, inexplicableness, inexpressibility, inexpressiveness, inexpugnableness, inextinguishable, inextinguishably, inflexiblenesses, intersexualities, nephrotoxicities, nonexploitations, overexaggerating, overexaggeration, overexpectations, overexploitation, oxyphenbutazones, oxytetracyclines, paradoxicalities, photoexcitations, postexperimental, recontextualized, recontextualizes, supersexualities, transsexualities, ultraparadoxical, unexpectednesses17-letter wordsautointoxications, carboxypeptidases, chlordiazepoxides, cytotaxonomically, deoxyribonuclease, dextroamphetamine, dihydroxyacetones, exaggeratednesses, exceptionalnesses, exchangeabilities, exhaustlessnesses, expeditiousnesses, extraordinariness, extraterrestrials, heterosexualities, hexachloroethanes, hydroxytryptamine, hyperexcitability, inexcusablenesses, inexhaustibleness, inexpensivenesses, inexplicabilities, inexpressibleness, inextricabilities, lexicographically, overexaggerations, overexploitations, overextrapolation, paradoxicalnesses, psychosexualities, recontextualizing, xeroradiographies18-letter wordsdeoxyribonucleases, dextroamphetamines, exceptionabilities, expressionlessness, extemporaneousness, exterritorialities, gedankenexperiment, hydroxytryptamines, inexhaustibilities, inexplicablenesses, inexpressibilities, inexpressivenesses, inexpugnablenesses, overextrapolations19-letter wordsdeoxyribonucleotide, exhibitionistically, expressionistically, extralinguistically, extraordinarinesses, extraterritoriality, gedankenexperiments, hyperexcitabilities, inexhaustiblenesses, inexpressiblenesses, unexceptionableness20-letter wordsdeoxyribonucleotides, existentialistically, expressionlessnesses, extemporaneousnesses21-letter wordsextraterritorialities, unexceptionablenesses22-letter wordscarboxymethylcellulose, hexamethylenetetramine23-letter wordscarboxymethylcelluloses, hexamethylenetetramines

What is a list of words that have the letter X?

ABAXIALsituated away from the axis [adj] ABAXILEabaxial (situated away from the axis) [adj] ABOIDEAUXABOIDEAU, a type of dike [n] ABOITEAUXABOITEAU, aboideau (a type of dike) [n] ACETOXYLa univalent radical [n -S] ACETOXYLSACETOXYL, a univalent radical [n] ADAXIALsituated on the same side as [adj] ADDAXa large antelope (a ruminant mammal) [n -ES] ADDAXESADDAX, a large antelope (a ruminant mammal) [n] ADIEUXADIEU, a farewell [n] ADMINISTRATRIX[n -TRICES] ADMIXto mix (to put together into one mass) [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] ADMIXEDADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXESADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXINGADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXTADMIX, to mix (to put together into one mass) [v] ADMIXTUREthe process or result of admixing (to mix (to put together into one mass)) [n -S] ADMIXTURESADMIXTURE, the process or result of admixing (to mix (to put together into one mass)) [n] ADNEXAconjoined anatomical parts [n] : ADNEXAL ~adj ADNEXALADNEXA, conjoined anatomical parts [adj] AFFIXto attach (to connect as an associated part) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : AFFIXABLE ~adj AFFIXABLEAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [adj] AFFIXALpertaining to a prefix or suffix [adj] AFFIXATION[n -S] AFFIXATIONSAFFIXATION [n] AFFIXEDAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] AFFIXERone that affixes (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n -S] AFFIXERSAFFIXER, one that affixes (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n] AFFIXESAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] AFFIXIALaffixal (pertaining to a prefix or suffix) [adj] AFFIXINGAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] AFFIXMENTsomething affixed (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n -S] AFFIXMENTSAFFIXMENT, something affixed (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n] AFFIXTUREthe act of affixing (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n -S] AFFIXTURESAFFIXTURE, the act of affixing (to attach (to connect as an associated part)) [n] AFFLUXa flowing toward a point [n -ES] AFFLUXESAFFLUX, a flowing toward a point [n] AFLATOXINa toxin produced by mold that can damage the liver and may lead to liver cancer [n -S] AFLATOXINSAFLATOXIN, a toxin produced by mold that can damage the liver and may lead to liver cancer [n] AFTERTAXremaining after payment of taxes [adj] ALEXANDERa cocktail consisting of gin, chocolate liqueur, and cream [n -S] ALEXANDERSALEXANDER, a cocktail consisting of gin, chocolate liqueur, and cream [n] ALEXANDRINE[n -S] ALEXANDRINESALEXANDRINE [n] ALEXANDRITE[n -S] ALEXANDRITESALEXANDRITE [n] ALEXIAa cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read [n -S] ALEXIASALEXIA, a cerebral disorder marked by the loss of the ability to read [n] ALEXINa substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria [n -S] ALEXINEalexin (a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria) [n -S] ALEXINESALEXINE, alexin (a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria) [n] ALEXINSALEXIN, a substance in the blood that aids in the destruction of bacteria [n] ALKOXIDEa type of chemical salt [n -S] ALKOXIDESALKOXIDE, a type of chemical salt [n] ALKOXYcontaining a univalent radical composed of alkyl united with oxygen [adj] ALLOXANa chemical compound [n -S] ALLOXANSALLOXAN, a chemical compound [n] AMBIDEXTERITIESAMBIDEXTERITY [n] AMBIDEXTERITY[n -TIES] AMBIDEXTROUS[adj] AMBIDEXTROUSLY[adv] AMBISEXUAL[n -S] AMBISEXUALITIESAMBISEXUALITY [n] AMBISEXUALITY[n -TIES] AMBISEXUALSAMBISEXUAL [n] AMOXICILLIN[n -S] AMOXICILLINSAMOXICILLIN [n] AMOXYCILLIN[n -S] AMOXYCILLINSAMOXYCILLIN [n] AMPHIMIXESAMPHIMIXIS [n] AMPHIMIXIS[n -MIXES] AMPHIOXIAMPHIOXUS, a lancelet (a small marine organism) [n] AMPHIOXUSa lancelet (a small marine organism) [n -OXI or -OXUSES] AMPHIOXUSESAMPHIOXUS, a lancelet (a small marine organism) [n] AMPLEXUSthe mating embrace of frogs [n -ES] AMPLEXUSESAMPLEXUS, the mating embrace of frogs [n] ANAPHYLAXESANAPHYLAXIS [n] ANAPHYLAXIS[n -LAXES] ANAPTYXESANAPTYXIS, epenthesis (the insertion of a phoneme, letter, or syllable into a word, usually to satisfy the phonological constraints of a language or poetic context) of a vowel, as in "thataway" [n] ANAPTYXISepenthesis (the insertion of a phoneme, letter, or syllable into a word, usually to satisfy the phonological constraints of a language or poetic context) of a vowel, as in "thataway" [n -TYXES] ANATOXINa toxoid (a type of toxin (a poisonous substance)) [n -S] ANATOXINSANATOXIN, a toxoid (a type of toxin (a poisonous substance)) [n] ANNEXto add or attach [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ANNEXATION[n -S] ANNEXATIONAL[adj] ANNEXATIONIST[n -S] ANNEXATIONISTSANNEXATIONIST [n] ANNEXATIONSANNEXATION [n] ANNEXEsomething added or attached [n -S] ANNEXEDANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANNEXESANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANNEXINGANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANOREXIAloss of appetite [n -S] ANOREXIASANOREXIA, loss of appetite [n] ANOREXICone affected with anorexia [n -S] ANOREXICSANOREXIC, one affected with anorexia [n] ANOREXIESANOREXY, anorexia (loss of appetite) [n] ANOREXIGENIC[adj] ANOREXYanorexia (loss of appetite) [n -OREXIES] ANOXEMIAa disorder of the blood [n -S] : ANOXEMIC ~adj ANOXEMIASANOXEMIA, a disorder of the blood [n] ANOXEMICANOXEMIA, a disorder of the blood [adj] ANOXIAabsence of oxygen [n -S] : ANOXIC ~adj ANOXIASANOXIA, absence of oxygen [n] ANOXICANOXIA, absence of oxygen [adj] ANTEFIXan upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n -FIXES or -FIXA or -FIXAE] : ANTEFIXAL ~adj ANTEFIXAANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] ANTEFIXAEANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] ANTEFIXALANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [adj] ANTEFIXESANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] ANTHELIXantihelix (the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear) [n -LICES or -LIXES] ANTHELIXESANTHELIX, antihelix (the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear) [n] ANTHRAXan infectious disease [n -THRACES] ANTIANXIETY[adj] ANTIAUXINa substance that inhibits the growth-regulating function of an auxin (a substance used to regulate plant growth) [n -S] ANTIAUXINSANTIAUXIN, a substance that inhibits the growth-regulating function of an auxin (a substance used to regulate plant growth) [n] ANTICLIMAX[n -ES] ANTICLIMAXESANTICLIMAX [n] ANTIHELIXthe inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n -LIXES or -LICES] ANTIHELIXESANTIHELIX, the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n] ANTIHOMOSEXUAL[adj] ANTIOXIDANT[n -S] ANTIOXIDANTSANTIOXIDANT [n] ANTISEXopposed to sexual activity [adj] ANTISEXIST[n -S] ANTISEXISTSANTISEXIST [n] ANTISEXUAL[adj] ANTISEXUALITIESANTISEXUALITY [n] ANTISEXUALITY[n -TIES] ANTITAXopposing taxes [adj] ANTITOXICANTITOXIN, an antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin [adj] ANTITOXINan antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin [n -S] : ANTITOXIC ~adj ANTITOXINSANTITOXIN, an antibody with the ability to neutralize a specific toxin [n] ANXIETIESANXIETY, painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind [n] ANXIETYpainful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind [n -ETIES] ANXIOLYTIC[n -S] ANXIOLYTICSANXIOLYTIC [n] ANXIOUSfull of anxiety [adj] : ANXIOUSLY ~adv ANXIOUSLYANXIOUS, full of anxiety [adv] ANXIOUSNESS[n -ES] ANXIOUSNESSESANXIOUSNESS [n] APEXthe highest point [n APEXES or APICES] APEXESAPEX, the highest point [n] APOMIXESAPOMIXIS, a type of reproductive process [n] APOMIXISa type of reproductive process [n -MIXES] APOPLEXIESAPOPLEXY, a sudden loss of sensation and muscular control [n] APOPLEXYa sudden loss of sensation and muscular control [n -PLEXIES] APPENDIXa collection of supplementary material at the end of a book [n -DIXES or -DICES] APPENDIXESAPPENDIX, a collection of supplementary material at the end of a book [n] APPROXIMATE[v -MATED, -MATING, -MATES] APPROXIMATEDAPPROXIMATE [v] APPROXIMATELY[adv] APPROXIMATESAPPROXIMATE [v] APPROXIMATINGAPPROXIMATE [v] APPROXIMATION[n -S] APPROXIMATIONSAPPROXIMATION [n] APPROXIMATIVE[adj] APRAXIAloss of the ability to perform coordinated movements [n -S] : APRACTIC, APRAXIC ~adj APRAXIASAPRAXIA, loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements [n] APRAXICAPRAXIA, loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements [adj] APTERYXthe kiwi (a flightless bird) [n -ES] APTERYXESAPTERYX, the kiwi (a flightless bird) [n] ARCHAEOPTERYX[n -ES] ARCHAEOPTERYXESARCHAEOPTERYX [n] ARUSPEXharuspex (a soothsayer of ancient Rome) [n -PICES] ASEXUALoccurring or performed without sexual action [adj] : ASEXUALLY ~adv ASEXUALITIESASEXUALITY [n] ASEXUALITY[n -TIES] ASEXUALLYASEXUAL, occurring or performed without sexual action [adv] ASPHYXIAunconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [n -S] : ASPHYXIAL ~adj ASPHYXIALASPHYXIA, unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [adj] ASPHYXIASASPHYXIA, unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [n] ASPHYXIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] ASPHYXIATEDASPHYXIATE [v] ASPHYXIATESASPHYXIATE [v] ASPHYXIATINGASPHYXIATE [v] ASPHYXIATION[n -S] ASPHYXIATIONSASPHYXIATION [n] ASPHYXIESASPHYXY, asphyxia (unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen) [n] ASPHYXYasphyxia (unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen) [n -PHYXIES] ATARAXIApeace of mind [n -S] ATARAXIASATARAXIA, peace of mind [n] ATARAXICa tranquilizing drug [n -S] ATARAXICSATARAXIC, a tranquilizing drug [n] ATARAXIESATARAXY, ataraxia (peace of mind) [n] ATARAXYataraxia (peace of mind) [n -RAXIES] ATAXIAloss of muscular coordination [n -S] ATAXIASATAXIA, loss of muscular coordination [n] ATAXICone suffering from ataxia [n -S] ATAXICSATAXIC, one suffering from ataxia [n] ATAXIESATAXY, ataxia (loss of muscular coordination) [n] ATAXYataxia (loss of muscular coordination) [n ATAXIES] AUSPEXa soothsayer of ancient Rome [n -PICES] AUTOSEXING[adj] AUTOTOXICAUTOTOXIN, any toxin or poison produced within the body [adj] AUTOTOXINany toxin or poison produced within the body [n -S] : AUTOTOXIC ~adj AUTOTOXINSAUTOTOXIN, any toxin or poison produced within the body [n] AUTOXIDATION[n -S] AUTOXIDATIONSAUTOXIDATION [n] AUXESESAUXESIS, an increase in cell size without cell division [n] AUXESISan increase in cell size without cell division [n AUXESES] AUXETICa substance that promotes auxesis [n -S] AUXETICSAUXETIC, a substance that promotes auxesis [n] AUXILIARIESAUXILIARY, an individual or group that assists or functions in a supporting capacity [n] AUXILIARYan individual or group that assists or functions in a supporting capacity [n -RIES] AUXINa substance used to regulate plant growth [n -S] : AUXINIC ~adj AUXINICAUXIN, a substance used to regulate plant growth [adj] AUXINSAUXIN, a substance used to regulate plant growth [n] AUXOTROPHan organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes [n -S] AUXOTROPHIC[adj] AUXOTROPHIESAUXOTROPHY [n] AUXOTROPHSAUXOTROPH, an organism, such as a strain of bacteria, that has lost the ability to synthesize certain substances required for its growth and metabolism as the result of mutational changes [n] AUXOTROPHY[n -PHIES] AVIATRIXa female aviator (one that aviates (to fly an aircraft)) [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] AVIATRIXESAVIATRIX, a female aviator (one that aviates (to fly an aircraft)) [n] AXto work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] AXALaxial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [adj] AXEto ax (to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool)) [v AXED, AXING, AXES] AXEDAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v] AXELa jump in figure skating [n -S] AXELSAXEL, a jump in figure skating [n] AXEMANaxman (one who wields an ax) [n AXEMEN] AXEMENAXEMAN, axman (one who wields an ax) [n] AXENICfree from germs [adj] AXENICALLY[adv] AXESAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v] AXIALpertaining to or forming an axis [adj] : AXIALLY ~adv AXIALITIESAXIALITY, the state of being axial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [n] AXIALITYthe state of being axial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [n -TIES] AXIALLYAXIAL, pertaining to or forming an axis [adv] AXILthe angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n -S] AXILEaxial (pertaining to or forming an axis) [adj] AXILLAthe armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n -LAE or -LAS] AXILLAEAXILLA, the armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n] AXILLARa feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing [n -S] AXILLARIESAXILLARY, an axillar (a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing) [n] AXILLARSAXILLAR, a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing [n] AXILLARYan axillar (a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing) [n -LARIES] AXILLASAXILLA, the armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n] AXILSAXIL, the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n] AXINGAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v] AXIOLOGICAL[adj] AXIOLOGICALLY[adv] AXIOLOGIESAXIOLOGY, the study of values and value judgments [n] AXIOLOGYthe study of values and value judgments [n -GIES] AXIOMa self-evident truth [n -S] : AXIOMATIC ~adj, AXIOMATICALLY ~adv AXIOMATICAXIOM, a self-evident truth [adj] AXIOMATICALLYAXIOM, a self-evident truth [adv] AXIOMATISATION[n -S] AXIOMATISATIONSAXIOMATISATION [n] AXIOMATIZATION[n -S] AXIOMATIZATIONSAXIOMATIZATION [n] AXIOMATIZE[v -TIZED, -TIZING, -TIZES] AXIOMATIZEDAXIOMATIZE [v] AXIOMATIZESAXIOMATIZE [v] AXIOMATIZINGAXIOMATIZE [v] AXIOMSAXIOM, a self-evident truth [n] AXIONa hypothetical subatomic particle [n -S] AXIONSAXION, a hypothetical subatomic particle [n] AXISa straight line about which a body rotates [n AXES] : AXISED ~adj / an Asian deer [n AXISES] AXISEDAXIS, a straight line about which a body rotates [adj] AXISESAXIS, a straight line about which a body rotates [n] AXISYMMETRIC[adj] AXISYMMETRICAL[adj] AXISYMMETRIESAXISYMMETRY [n] AXISYMMETRY[n -TRIES] AXITEa fiber of an axon [n -S] AXITESAXITE, a fiber of an axon [n] AXLEa shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n -S] : AXLED ~adj AXLEDAXLE, a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] AXLESAXLE, a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n] AXLETREEa type of axle (a shaft upon which a wheel revolves) [n -S] AXLETREESAXLETREE, a type of axle (a shaft upon which a wheel revolves) [n] AXLIKEresembling an ax [adj] AXMANone who wields an ax [n AXMEN] AXMENAXMAN, one who wields an ax [n] AXOLOTLa salamander of Mexico and western United States [n -S] AXOLOTLSAXOLOTL, a salamander of Mexico and western United States [n] AXONthe central process of a neuron [n -S] : AXONAL, AXONIC ~adj AXONALAXON, the central process of a neuron [adj] AXONEaxon (the central process of a neuron) [n -S] AXONEMALpertaining to an axoneme (a part of a cilium) [adj] AXONEMEa part of a cilium [n -S] AXONEMESAXONEME, a part of a cilium [n] AXONESAXONE, axon (the central process of a neuron) [n] AXONICAXON, the central process of a neuron [adj] AXONOMETRIC[adj] AXONSAXON, the central process of a neuron [n] AXOPLASMthe protoplasm of an axon [n -S] AXOPLASMIC[adj] AXOPLASMSAXOPLASM, the protoplasm of an axon [n] AXSEEDa European herb [n -S] AXSEEDSAXSEED, a European herb [n] BANDBOXa lightweight box [n -ES] BANDBOXESBANDBOX, a lightweight box [n] BANDEAUXBANDEAU, a headband (a band worn on the head) [n] BANJAXto damage or ruin [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BANJAXEDBANJAX, to damage or ruin [v] BANJAXESBANJAX, to damage or ruin [v] BANJAXINGBANJAX, to damage or ruin [v] BASIFIXED[adj] BATEAUXBATEAU, a flat-bottomed boat [n] BATTEAUXBATTEAU, bateau (a flat-bottomed boat) [n] BAUXITEan ore of aluminum [n -S] : BAUXITIC ~adj BAUXITESBAUXITE, an ore of aluminum [n] BAUXITICBAUXITE, an ore of aluminum [adj] BEAUXBEAU, a boyfriend [n] BEESWAXa type of wax [n -ES] BEESWAXESBEESWAX, a type of wax [n] BEMIXto mix thoroughly [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] BEMIXEDBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BEMIXESBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BEMIXINGBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BEMIXTBEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] BETAXEDburdened with taxes [adj] BETWIXTbetween (in the space that separates) [prep] BIAXALbiaxial (having two axes) [adj] BIAXIALhaving two axes [adj] BIAXIALLY[adv] BICONVEXconvex on both sides [adj] BICONVEXITIESBICONVEXITY [n] BICONVEXITY[n -TIES] BIFLEXbent in two places [adj] BIJOUXBIJOU, a jewel [n] BIOTOXINpoison made by a plant or animal [n -S] BIOTOXINSBIOTOXIN, poison made by a plant or animal [n] BISECTRIX[n -TRICES] BISEXUALone who is attracted to both sexes [n -S] BISEXUALITIESBISEXUALITY [n] BISEXUALITY[n -TIES] BISEXUALLY[adv] BISEXUALSBISEXUAL, one who is attracted to both sexes [n] BLAXPLOITATION[n -S] BLAXPLOITATIONSBLAXPLOITATION [n] BOBBYSOXgirls' socks that reach above the ankle [n] BOLLIXto bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOLLIXEDBOLLIX, to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v] BOLLIXESBOLLIX, to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v] BOLLIXINGBOLLIX, to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily) [v] BOLLOXto bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOLLOXEDBOLLOX, to bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v] BOLLOXESBOLLOX, to bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v] BOLLOXINGBOLLOX, to bollix (to bungle (to work, make, or do clumsily)) [v] BOMBAXpertaining to a family of tropical trees [adj] BOMBYXa silkworm (a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk fibers) [n -ES] BOMBYXESBOMBYX, a silkworm (a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk fibers) [n] BOOMBOXa portable radio and tape or compact disc player [n -ES] BOOMBOXESBOOMBOX, a portable radio and tape or compact disc player [n] BORAXa white crystalline compound [n -RAXES or -RACES] BORAXESBORAX, a white crystalline compound [n] BORDEAUXa red or white wine [n BORDEAUX] BORDEREAUXBORDEREAU [n] BOXto put in a box (a rectangular container) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BOXBALLa form of handball [n -S] BOXBALLSBOXBALL, a form of handball [n] BOXBERRIESBOXBERRY, an evergreen plant [n] BOXBERRYan evergreen plant [n -RIES] BOXBOARDstiff paperboard [n -S] BOXBOARDSBOXBOARD, stiff paperboard [n] BOXCARa roofed freight car [n -S] BOXCARSBOXCAR, a roofed freight car [n] BOXEDBOX, to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v] BOXERone that packs boxes [n -S] BOXERSBOXER, one that packs boxes [n] BOXESBOX, to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v] BOXFISHa marine fish [n -ES] BOXFISHESBOXFISH, a marine fish [n] BOXFULas much as a box can hold [n -S] BOXFULSBOXFUL, as much as a box can hold [n] BOXHAULto veer a ship around [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOXHAULEDBOXHAUL, to veer a ship around [v] BOXHAULINGBOXHAUL, to veer a ship around [v] BOXHAULSBOXHAUL, to veer a ship around [v] BOXIERBOXY, resembling a box [adj] BOXIESTBOXY, resembling a box [adj] BOXILYBOXY, resembling a box [adv] BOXINESSthe state of being boxy (resembling a box) [n -ES] BOXINESSESBOXINESS, the state of being boxy (resembling a box) [n] BOXINGa casing (a protective outer covering) [n -S] BOXINGSBOXING, a casing (a protective outer covering) [n] BOXLIKEresembling a box [adj] BOXTHORNa thorny shrub [n -S] BOXTHORNSBOXTHORN, a thorny shrub [n] BOXWOODan evergreen shrub [n -S] BOXWOODSBOXWOOD, an evergreen shrub [n] BOXYresembling a box [adj BOXIER, BOXIEST] : BOXILY ~adv BRAXIESBRAXY, a fever of sheep [n] BRAXYa fever of sheep [n BRAXIES] BREADBOXa container for bread [n -ES] BREADBOXESBREADBOX, a container for bread [n] BROADAXa broad-edged ax [n -ES] BROADAXEbroadax (a broad-edged ax) [n -S] BROADAXESBROADAX, a broad-edged ax [n] BRUXto grind the teeth [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BRUXEDBRUX, to grind the teeth [v] BRUXESBRUX, to grind the teeth [v] BRUXINGBRUX, to grind the teeth [v] BRUXISMa nervous grinding of the teeth [n -S] BRUXISMSBRUXISM, a nervous grinding of the teeth [n] BUREAUXBUREAU, a chest of drawers [n] BUXOMhealthily plump [adj -OMER, -OMEST] : BUXOMLY ~adv BUXOMERBUXOM, healthily plump [adj] BUXOMESTBUXOM, healthily plump [adj] BUXOMLYBUXOM, healthily plump [adv] BUXOMNESS[n -ES] BUXOMNESSESBUXOMNESS [n] CACHEXIAgeneral ill health [n -S] : CACHEXIC ~adj CACHEXIASCACHEXIA, general ill health [n] CACHEXICCACHEXIA, general ill health [adj] CACHEXIESCACHEXY, cachexia (general ill health) [n] CACHEXYcachexia (general ill health) [n -CHEXIES] CACOMIXLa raccoon-like mammal [n -S] CACOMIXLE[n -S] CACOMIXLESCACOMIXLE [n] CACOMIXLSCACOMIXL, a raccoon-like mammal [n] CALIXa cup [n -LICES] CALXa mineral residue [n -ES or CALCES] CALXESCALX, a mineral residue [n] CALYXthe outer protective covering of a flower [n -LYXES or -LYCES] CALYXESCALYX, the outer protective covering of a flower [n] CANTHAXANTHIN[n -S] CANTHAXANTHINSCANTHAXANTHIN [n] CARAPAXcarapace (a hard, protective outer covering) [n -ES] CARAPAXESCARAPAX, carapace (a hard, protective outer covering) [n] CARBOXYLa univalent acid radical [n -S] CARBOXYLASE[n -S] CARBOXYLASESCARBOXYLASE [n] CARBOXYLATE[v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] CARBOXYLATEDCARBOXYLATE [v] CARBOXYLATESCARBOXYLATE [v] CARBOXYLATINGCARBOXYLATE [v] CARBOXYLATION[n -S] CARBOXYLATIONSCARBOXYLATION [n] CARBOXYLIC[adj] CARBOXYLSCARBOXYL, a univalent acid radical [n] CAREXa marsh plant [n CARICES] CASHBOXa container for money [n -ES] CASHBOXESCASHBOX, a container for money [n] CATALEXESCATALEXIS [n] CATALEXIS[n -LEXES] CATAPLEXIESCATAPLEXY [n] CATAPLEXY[n -PLEXIES] CATHEXESCATHEXIS, the concentration of psychic energy on a person or idea [n] CATHEXISthe concentration of psychic energy on a person or idea [n -THEXES] CAUDEXthe woody base of some plants [n -DICES or -DEXES] CAUDEXESCAUDEX, the woody base of some plants [n] CELOTEXa building board that is employed as insulation or paneling -- a trademark [n -ES] CELOTEXESCELOTEX, a building board that is employed as insulation or paneling -- a trademark [n] CEPHALEXIN[n -S] CEPHALEXINSCEPHALEXIN [n] CEPHALOTHORAX[n -THORAXES or -THORACES] CEPHALOTHORAXESCEPHALOTHORAX [n] CERVIXthe neck [n -VICES or -VIXES] CERVIXESCERVIX, the neck [n] CHAMOIXCHAMOIS, a soft leather [n] CHAPEAUXCHAPEAU, a hat [n] CHATEAUXCHATEAU, a large country house [n] CHATTERBOX[n -ES] CHATTERBOXESCHATTERBOX [n] CHEMOTAXESCHEMOTAXIS [n] CHEMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] CHEMOTAXONOMIC[adj] CHEMOTAXONOMIESCHEMOTAXONOMY [n] CHEMOTAXONOMIST[n -S] CHEMOTAXONOMY[n -MIES] CHIONODOXA[n -S] CHIONODOXASCHIONODOXA [n] CHRONAXIEthe time required to excite a nerve cell electrically [n -S] CHRONAXIESCHRONAXY, the time required to excite a nerve cell electrically [n] CHRONAXYthe time required to excite a nerve cell electrically [n -AXIES] CICATRIXscar tissue [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] CICATRIXESCICATRIX, scar tissue [n] CIMEXa bedbug (a bloodsucking insect) [n -MICES] CIPHERTEXT[n -S] CIPHERTEXTSCIPHERTEXT [n] CIRCUMFLEX[n -ES] CIRCUMFLEXESCIRCUMFLEX [n] CLAXONklaxon (a low-pitched horn) [n -S] CLAXONSCLAXON, klaxon (a low-pitched horn) [n] CLIMAXto reach a high or dramatic point [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CLIMAXEDCLIMAX, to reach a high or dramatic point [v] CLIMAXESCLIMAX, to reach a high or dramatic point [v] CLIMAXINGCLIMAX, to reach a high or dramatic point [v] CLIMAXLESS[adj] CLOXACILLIN[n -S] CLOXACILLINSCLOXACILLIN [n] COADJUTRIX[n -TRICES] COALBOXa box for storing coal [n -ES] COALBOXESCOALBOX, a box for storing coal [n] COANNEXto annex jointly [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COANNEXEDCOANNEX, to annex jointly [v] COANNEXESCOANNEX, to annex jointly [v] COANNEXINGCOANNEX, to annex jointly [v] COAXto cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COAXALcoaxial (having a common axis) [adj] COAXEDCOAX, to cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v] COAXERone that coaxes (to cajole (to persuade by flattery)) [n -S] COAXERSCOAXER, one that coaxes (to cajole (to persuade by flattery)) [n] COAXESCOAX, to cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v] COAXIALhaving a common axis [adj] COAXIALLY[adv] COAXINGCOAX, to cajole (to persuade by flattery) [v] COAXINGLY[adv] COCARBOXYLASE[n -S] COCARBOXYLASESCOCARBOXYLASE [n] COCCYXa bone of the spine [n -CYGES or -CYXES] COCCYXESCOCCYX, a bone of the spine [n] CODEXan ancient manuscript [n -DICES] COEXECUTOR[n -S] COEXECUTORSCOEXECUTOR [n] COEXERTto exert jointly [v -ED, -ING, -S] COEXERTEDCOEXERT, to exert jointly [v] COEXERTINGCOEXERT, to exert jointly [v] COEXERTSCOEXERT, to exert jointly [v] COEXISTto exist together [v -ED, -ING, -S] COEXISTEDCOEXIST, to exist together [v] COEXISTENCE[n -S] COEXISTENCESCOEXISTENCE [n] COEXISTENT[adj] COEXISTINGCOEXIST, to exist together [v] COEXISTSCOEXIST, to exist together [v] COEXTENDto extend through the same space or time as another [v -ED, -ING, -S] COEXTENDEDCOEXTEND, to extend through the same space or time as another [v] COEXTENDINGCOEXTEND, to extend through the same space or time as another [v] COEXTENDSCOEXTEND, to extend through the same space or time as another [v] COEXTENSIVE[adj] COEXTENSIVELY[adv] COMIXcomic books or strips [n] COMMIXto mix together [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] COMMIXEDCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXESCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXINGCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXTCOMMIX, to mix together [v] COMMIXTURE[n -S] COMMIXTURESCOMMIXTURE [n] COMPLEXcomplicated [adj -PLEXER, -PLEXEST] / to make complex [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COMPLEXATION[n -S] COMPLEXATIONSCOMPLEXATION [n] COMPLEXEDCOMPLEX, to make complex [v] COMPLEXERCOMPLEX, complicated [adj] COMPLEXESCOMPLEX, to make complex [v] COMPLEXESTCOMPLEX, complicated [adj] COMPLEXIFIEDCOMPLEXIFY [v] COMPLEXIFIESCOMPLEXIFY [v] COMPLEXIFY[v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] COMPLEXIFYINGCOMPLEXIFY [v] COMPLEXINGCOMPLEX, to make complex [v] COMPLEXION[n -S] COMPLEXIONAL[adj] COMPLEXIONED[adj] COMPLEXIONSCOMPLEXION [n] COMPLEXITIESCOMPLEXITY [n] COMPLEXITY[n -TIES] COMPLEXLY[adv] COMPLEXNESS[n -ES] COMPLEXNESSESCOMPLEXNESS [n] CONFLUXa flowing together of streams [n -ES] CONFLUXESCONFLUX, a flowing together of streams [n] CONNEXION[n -S] CONNEXIONSCONNEXION [n] CONTEXTthe part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appears [n -S] CONTEXTLESS[adj] CONTEXTSCONTEXT, the part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appears [n] CONTEXTUAL[adj] CONTEXTUALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] CONTEXTUALIZEDCONTEXTUALIZE [v] CONTEXTUALIZESCONTEXTUALIZE [v] CONTEXTUALIZINGCONTEXTUALIZE [v] CONTEXTUALLY[adv] CONTEXTURE[n -S] CONTEXTURESCONTEXTURE [n] CONVEXa surface or body that is convex (curving outward) [n -ES] CONVEXESCONVEX, a surface or body that is convex (curving outward) [n] CONVEXITIESCONVEXITY [n] CONVEXITY[n -TIES] CONVEXLYin a convex manner [adv] CORTEXthe outer layer of an organ [n -TICES or -TEXES] : CORTICAL ~adj CORTEXESCORTEX, the outer layer of an organ [n] COTEAUXCOTEAU, the higher ground of a region [n] COTURNIXa small quail [n -ES] COTURNIXESCOTURNIX, a small quail [n] COUNTEREXAMPLE[n -S] COUNTEREXAMPLESCOUNTEREXAMPLE [n] COUTEAUXCOUTEAU, a knife (a sharp-edged instrument used for cutting) [n] COWPOXa cattle disease [n -ES] COWPOXESCOWPOX, a cattle disease [n] COXto coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] COXAthe hip or hip joint [n COXAE] : COXAL ~adj COXAECOXA, the hip or hip joint [n] COXALCOXA, the hip or hip joint [adj] COXALGIApain in the hip [n -S] : COXALGIC ~adj COXALGIASCOXALGIA, pain in the hip [n] COXALGICCOXALGIA, pain in the hip [adj] COXALGIESCOXALGY, coxalgia (pain in the hip) [n] COXALGYcoxalgia (pain in the hip) [n -GIES] COXCOMBa conceited dandy [n -S] COXCOMBIC[adj] COXCOMBICAL[adj] COXCOMBRIESCOXCOMBRY [n] COXCOMBRY[n -RIES] COXCOMBSCOXCOMB, a conceited dandy [n] COXEDCOX, to coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v] COXESCOX, to coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v] COXINGCOX, to coxswain (to steer a racing rowboat) [v] COXITIDESCOXITIS, inflammation of the hip joint [n] COXITISinflammation of the hip joint [n COXITIDES] COXLESShaving no coxswain (the director of the crew of a racing rowboat) [adj] COXSWAINto steer a racing rowboat [v -ED, -ING, -S] COXSWAINEDCOXSWAIN, to steer a racing rowboat [v] COXSWAININGCOXSWAIN, to steer a racing rowboat [v] COXSWAINSCOXSWAIN, to steer a racing rowboat [v] CRUCIFIXa cross bearing an image of Christ [n -ES] CRUCIFIXESCRUCIFIX, a cross bearing an image of Christ [n] CRUCIFIXION[n -S] CRUCIFIXIONSCRUCIFIXION [n] CRUXa basic or decisive point [n CRUXES or CRUCES] CRUXESCRUX, a basic or decisive point [n] CULEXa mosquito (a winged insect) [n CULEXES or CULICES] CULEXESCULEX, a mosquito (a winged insect) [n] CURTALAXa cutlass (a short sword) [n -ES] CURTALAXESCURTALAX, a cutlass (a short sword) [n] CYBERSEXan online sex-oriented conversation [n -ES] CYBERSEXESCYBERSEX, an online sex-oriented conversation [n] CYCLODEXTRIN[n -S] CYCLODEXTRINSCYCLODEXTRIN [n] CYCLOHEXANE[n -S] CYCLOHEXANESCYCLOHEXANE [n] CYCLOHEXANONE[n -S] CYCLOHEXANONESCYCLOHEXANONE [n] CYCLOHEXIMIDE[n -S] CYCLOHEXIMIDESCYCLOHEXIMIDE [n] CYCLOHEXYLAMINE[n -S] CYLIXkylix (a drinking vessel) [n CYLICES] CYTOTAXONOMIC[adj] CYTOTAXONOMIESCYTOTAXONOMY [n] CYTOTAXONOMY[n -MIES] CYTOTOXIC[adj] CYTOTOXICITIESCYTOTOXICITY [n] CYTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] CYTOTOXIN[n -S] CYTOTOXINSCYTOTOXIN [n] DECARBOXYLASE[n -S] DECARBOXYLASESDECARBOXYLASE [n] DECARBOXYLATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] DECARBOXYLATEDDECARBOXYLATE [v] DECARBOXYLATESDECARBOXYLATE [v] DECARBOXYLATINGDECARBOXYLATE [v] DECARBOXYLATION[n -S] DEFLEXEDbent downward [adj] DEFLEXION[n -S] DEFLEXIONSDEFLEXION [n] DEIXISthe specifying function of some words [n DEIXISES] DEIXISESDEIXIS, the specifying function of some words [n] DELUXEof special elegance or luxury [adj] DEMULTIPLEXER[n -S] DEMULTIPLEXERSDEMULTIPLEXER [n] DEOXIDATION[n -S] DEOXIDATIONSDEOXIDATION [n] DEOXIDIZE[v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] DEOXIDIZEDDEOXIDIZE [v] DEOXIDIZER[n -S] DEOXIDIZERSDEOXIDIZER [n] DEOXIDIZESDEOXIDIZE [v] DEOXIDIZINGDEOXIDIZE [v] DEOXYhaving less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived [adj] DEOXYGENATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] DEOXYGENATEDDEOXYGENATE [v] DEOXYGENATESDEOXYGENATE [v] DEOXYGENATINGDEOXYGENATE [v] DEOXYGENATION[n -S] DEOXYGENATIONSDEOXYGENATION [n] DEOXYRIBOSE[n -S] DEOXYRIBOSESDEOXYRIBOSE [n] DESEXto castrate or spay [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DESEXEDDESEX, to castrate or spay [v] DESEXESDESEX, to castrate or spay [v] DESEXINGDESEX, to castrate or spay [v] DESEXUALIZATION[n -S] DESEXUALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] DESEXUALIZEDDESEXUALIZE [v] DESEXUALIZESDESEXUALIZE [v] DESEXUALIZINGDESEXUALIZE [v] DESOXYdeoxy (having less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived) [adj] DETOXto detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DETOXEDDETOX, to detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v] DETOXESDETOX, to detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v] DETOXICANT[n -S] DETOXICANTSDETOXICANT [n] DETOXICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] DETOXICATEDDETOXICATE [v] DETOXICATESDETOXICATE [v] DETOXICATINGDETOXICATE [v] DETOXICATION[n -S] DETOXICATIONSDETOXICATION [n] DETOXIFICATION[n -S] DETOXIFICATIONSDETOXIFICATION [n] DETOXIFIEDDETOXIFY, to remove a toxin from [v] DETOXIFIESDETOXIFY, to remove a toxin from [v] DETOXIFYto remove a toxin from [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] DETOXIFYINGDETOXIFY, to remove a toxin from [v] DETOXINGDETOX, to detoxify (to remove a toxin from) [v] DEWAXto remove wax from [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DEWAXEDDEWAX, to remove wax from [v] DEWAXESDEWAX, to remove wax from [v] DEWAXINGDEWAX, to remove wax from [v] DEXa sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n -ES] DEXAMETHASONE[n -S] DEXAMETHASONESDEXAMETHASONE [n] DEXESDEX, a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n] DEXIEa tablet of dex [n -S] DEXIESDEXY, dexie (a tablet of dex) [n] DEXTERsituated on the right [adj] DEXTERITIESDEXTERITY [n] DEXTERITY[n -TIES] DEXTEROUS[adj] DEXTEROUSLY[adv] DEXTEROUSNESS[n -ES] DEXTEROUSNESSESDEXTEROUSNESS [n] DEXTRALpertaining to the right [adj] DEXTRALLY[adv] DEXTRANa substance used as a blood plasma substitute [n -S] DEXTRANASE[n -S] DEXTRANASESDEXTRANASE [n] DEXTRANSDEXTRAN, a substance used as a blood plasma substitute [n] DEXTRINa substance used as an adhesive [n -S] DEXTRINEdextrin (a substance used as an adhesive) [n -S] DEXTRINESDEXTRINE, dextrin (a substance used as an adhesive) [n] DEXTRINSDEXTRIN, a substance used as an adhesive [n] DEXTROturning to the right [adj] DEXTROROTARY[adj] DEXTROROTATORY[adj] DEXTRORSE[adj] DEXTROSEa form of glucose [n -S] DEXTROSESDEXTROSE, a form of glucose [n] DEXTROUSadroit (skillful (having skill (the ability to do something well))) [adj] DEXYdexie (a tablet of dex) [n DEXIES] DICARBOXYLIC[adj] DIGITOXIGENIN[n -S] DIGITOXIGENINSDIGITOXIGENIN [n] DIGITOXIN[n -S] DIGITOXINSDIGITOXIN [n] DIGOXINa drug to improve heart function [n -S] DIGOXINSDIGOXIN, a drug to improve heart function [n] DIOXANdioxane (a flammable liquid) [n -S] DIOXANEa flammable liquid [n -S] DIOXANESDIOXANE, a flammable liquid [n] DIOXANSDIOXAN, dioxane (a flammable liquid) [n] DIOXIDdioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n -S] DIOXIDEa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] DIOXIDESDIOXIDE, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] DIOXIDSDIOXID, dioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n] DIOXINa toxic solid hydrocarbon [n -S] DIOXINSDIOXIN, a toxic solid hydrocarbon [n] DIPLEXpertaining to the simultaneous transmission or reception of two radio signals [adj] DIPLEXERa coupling device [n -S] DIPLEXERSDIPLEXER, a coupling device [n] DIRECTRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] DIRECTRIXESDIRECTRIX [n] DISCLIMAX[n -MAXES] DISCLIMAXESDISCLIMAX [n] DISINTOXICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] DISINTOXICATEDDISINTOXICATE [v] DISINTOXICATESDISINTOXICATE [v] DISINTOXICATINGDISINTOXICATE [v] DISINTOXICATION[n -S] DIXITa statement [n -S] DIXITSDIXIT, a statement [n] DOMINATRIX[n -TRICES] DOUXvery sweet -- used of champagne [adj] DOXIEdoxy (a doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated)) [n -S] DOXIESDOXY, a doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated) [n] DOXOLOGIESDOXOLOGY, a hymn or verse of praise to God [n] DOXOLOGYa hymn or verse of praise to God [n -GIES] DOXORUBICIN[n -S] DOXORUBICINSDOXORUBICIN [n] DOXYa doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advocated) [n DOXIES] DOXYCYCLINE[n -S] DOXYCYCLINESDOXYCYCLINE [n] DUPLEXto make duple (having two parts or elements) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] DUPLEXEDDUPLEX, to make duple (having two parts or elements) [v] DUPLEXERan electronic switching device [n -S] DUPLEXERSDUPLEXER, an electronic switching device [n] DUPLEXESDUPLEX, to make duple (having two parts or elements) [v] DUPLEXINGDUPLEX, to make duple (having two parts or elements) [v] DUPLEXITIESDUPLEXITY [n] DUPLEXITY[n -TIES] DUXELLESa garnish or sauce with minced mushrooms [n DUXELLES] DYSLEXIAimpairment of the ability to read [n -S] DYSLEXIASDYSLEXIA, impairment of the ability to read [n] DYSLEXICone who is affected with dyslexia [n -S] DYSLEXICSDYSLEXIC, one who is affected with dyslexia [n] DYSTAXIAa form of muscular tremor [n -S] DYSTAXIASDYSTAXIA, a form of muscular tremor [n] EARWAXcerumen (a waxy secretion of the ear) [n -ES] EARWAXESEARWAX, cerumen (a waxy secretion of the ear) [n] EAUXEAU, water [n] ECONOBOXa small economical car [n -ES] ECONOBOXESECONOBOX, a small economical car [n] EDITRIXa female editor (one that edits (to correct and prepare for publication)) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] EDITRIXESEDITRIX, a female editor (one that edits (to correct and prepare for publication)) [n] EFFLUXan outflow [n -ES] EFFLUXESEFFLUX, an outflow [n] EFFLUXION[n -S] EFFLUXIONSEFFLUXION [n] EKTEXINEan outer layer of the exine [n -S] EKTEXINESEKTEXINE, an outer layer of the exine [n] ELIXIRa medicinal beverage [n -S] ELIXIRSELIXIR, a medicinal beverage [n] ENDEXINEan inner layer of the exine [n -S] ENDEXINESENDEXINE, an inner layer of the exine [n] ENDOMIXIS[n -MIXISES] ENDOMIXISESENDOMIXIS [n] ENDOPEROXIDE[n -S] ENDOPEROXIDESENDOPEROXIDE [n] ENDOTOXIC[adj] ENDOTOXIN[n -S] ENDOTOXINSENDOTOXIN [n] ENTEROTOXIN[n -S] ENTEROTOXINSENTEROTOXIN [n] EPEXEGESESEPEXEGESIS [n] EPEXEGESIS[n -GESES] EPEXEGETIC[adj] EPEXEGETICAL[adj] EPEXEGETICALLY[adv] EPICALYXa set of bracts close to and resembling a calyx [n -LYXES or -LYCES] EPICALYXESEPICALYX, a set of bracts close to and resembling a calyx [n] EPISTAXESEPISTAXIS [n] EPISTAXIS[n -STAXES] EPITAXIAL[adj] EPITAXIALLY[adv] EPITAXICEPITAXY, a type of crystalline growth [adj] EPITAXIESEPITAXY, a type of crystalline growth [n] EPITAXYa type of crystalline growth [n -TAXIES] : EPITAXIC ~adj EPOXIDATION[n -S] EPOXIDATIONSEPOXIDATION [n] EPOXIDEan epoxy compound [n -S] EPOXIDESEPOXIDE, an epoxy compound [n] EPOXIDIZE[v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] EPOXIDIZEDEPOXIDIZE [v] EPOXIDIZESEPOXIDIZE [v] EPOXIDIZINGEPOXIDIZE [v] EPOXIEDEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EPOXIESEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EPOXYto glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v EPOXIED or EPOXYED, EPOXYING, EPOXIES] EPOXYEDEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EPOXYINGEPOXY, to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v] EQUINOXa point on the celestial sphere [n -ES] EQUINOXESEQUINOX, a point on the celestial sphere [n] ETHOXIESETHOXY, ethoxyl (a univalent chemical radical) [n] ETHOXYethoxyl (a univalent chemical radical) [n -OXIES] ETHOXYLa univalent chemical radical [n -S] ETHOXYLSETHOXYL, a univalent chemical radical [n] EUTAXIESEUTAXY, good order [n] EUTAXYgood order [n -TAXIES] EUXENITEa mineral [n -S] EUXENITESEUXENITE, a mineral [n] EXto cross out [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXABYTEone quintillion bytes [n -S] EXABYTESEXABYTE, one quintillion bytes [n] EXACERBATE[v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES] EXACERBATEDEXACERBATE [v] EXACERBATESEXACERBATE [v] EXACERBATINGEXACERBATE [v] EXACERBATION[n -S] EXACERBATIONSEXACERBATION [n] EXACTprecise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj -ACTER, -ACTEST] / to force the payment or yielding of [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXACTAa type of horse racing bet [n -S] EXACTABLE[adj] EXACTASEXACTA, a type of horse racing bet [n] EXACTEDEXACT, to force the payment or yielding of [v] EXACTERone that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of) [n -S] EXACTERSEXACTER, one that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of) [n] EXACTESTEXACT, precise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj] EXACTINGEXACT, to force the payment or yielding of [v] EXACTINGLY[adv] EXACTINGNESS[n -ES] EXACTINGNESSESEXACTINGNESS [n] EXACTIONthe act of exacting (to force the payment or yielding of) [n -S] EXACTIONSEXACTION, the act of exacting (to force the payment or yielding of) [n] EXACTITUDE[n -S] EXACTITUDESEXACTITUDE [n] EXACTLYin an exact manner [adv] EXACTNESS[n -ES] EXACTNESSESEXACTNESS [n] EXACTORexacter (one that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of)) [n -S] EXACTORSEXACTOR, exacter (one that exacts (to force the payment or yielding of)) [n] EXACTSEXACT, to force the payment or yielding of [v] EXAGGERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXAGGERATEDEXAGGERATE [v] EXAGGERATEDLY[adv] EXAGGERATEDNESS[n -ES] EXAGGERATESEXAGGERATE [v] EXAGGERATINGEXAGGERATE [v] EXAGGERATION[n -S] EXAGGERATIONSEXAGGERATION [n] EXAGGERATIVE[adj] EXAGGERATOR[n -S] EXAGGERATORSEXAGGERATOR [n] EXAGGERATORY[adj] EXAHERTZone quintillion hertz [n -HERTZ or -HERTZES] EXAHERTZESEXAHERTZ, one quintillion hertz [n] EXALTto raise (to move to a higher position) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXALTATION[n -S] EXALTATIONSEXALTATION [n] EXALTEDEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [v] EXALTEDLY[adv] EXALTERone that exalts (to raise (to move to a higher position)) [n -S] EXALTERSEXALTER, one that exalts (to raise (to move to a higher position)) [n] EXALTINGEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [v] EXALTSEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [v] EXAMan examination [n -S] EXAMENa critical study [n -S] EXAMENSEXAMEN, a critical study [n] EXAMINABLE[adj] EXAMINANT[n -S] EXAMINANTSEXAMINANT [n] EXAMINATION[n -S] EXAMINATIONAL[adj] EXAMINATIONSEXAMINATION [n] EXAMINEto inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v -INED, -INING, -INES] EXAMINEDEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] EXAMINEEone that is taking an examination [n -S] EXAMINEESEXAMINEE, one that is taking an examination [n] EXAMINERone that examines (to inspect (to look carefully at or over)) [n -S] EXAMINERSEXAMINER, one that examines (to inspect (to look carefully at or over)) [n] EXAMINESEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] EXAMININGEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] EXAMPLEto show by representation [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] EXAMPLEDEXAMPLE, to show by representation [v] EXAMPLESEXAMPLE, to show by representation [v] EXAMPLINGEXAMPLE, to show by representation [v] EXAMSEXAM, an examination [n] EXANIMATE[adj] EXANTHEMa skin eruption [n -S] EXANTHEMA[n -MATA or -MAS] EXANTHEMASEXANTHEMA [n] EXANTHEMATAEXANTHEMA [n] EXANTHEMATIC[adj] EXANTHEMATOUS[adj] EXANTHEMSEXANTHEM, a skin eruption [n] EXAPTEDutilized for a function other than the one developed through natural selection [adj] EXAPTIVEpertaining to an exapted function [adj] EXARCHthe ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n -S] : EXARCHAL ~adj EXARCHALEXARCH, the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [adj] EXARCHATE[n -S] EXARCHATESEXARCHATE [n] EXARCHIESEXARCHY, the domain of an exarch [n] EXARCHSEXARCH, the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n] EXARCHYthe domain of an exarch [n -CHIES] EXASPERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXASPERATEDEXASPERATE [v] EXASPERATEDLY[adv] EXASPERATESEXASPERATE [v] EXASPERATINGEXASPERATE [v] EXASPERATINGLY[adv] EXASPERATION[n -S] EXASPERATIONSEXASPERATION [n] EXCAUDATE[adj] EXCAVATEto dig out [v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES] EXCAVATEDEXCAVATE, to dig out [v] EXCAVATESEXCAVATE, to dig out [v] EXCAVATINGEXCAVATE, to dig out [v] EXCAVATION[n -S] EXCAVATIONAL[adj] EXCAVATIONSEXCAVATION [n] EXCAVATOR[n -S] EXCAVATORSEXCAVATOR [n] EXCEEDto go beyond [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCEEDEDEXCEED, to go beyond [v] EXCEEDERone that exceeds (to go beyond) [n -S] EXCEEDERSEXCEEDER, one that exceeds (to go beyond) [n] EXCEEDINGEXCEED, to go beyond [v] EXCEEDINGLY[adv] EXCEEDSEXCEED, to go beyond [v] EXCELto surpass others [v -CELLED, -CELLING, -CELS] EXCELLEDEXCEL, to surpass others [v] EXCELLENCE[n -S] EXCELLENCESEXCELLENCE [n] EXCELLENCIESEXCELLENCY [n] EXCELLENCY[n -CIES] EXCELLENT[adj] EXCELLENTLY[adv] EXCELLINGEXCEL, to surpass others [v] EXCELSEXCEL, to surpass others [v] EXCELSIOR[n -S] EXCELSIORSEXCELSIOR [n] EXCEPTto leave out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCEPTEDEXCEPT, to leave out [v] EXCEPTINGEXCEPT, to leave out [v] EXCEPTION[n -S] EXCEPTIONABLE[adj] EXCEPTIONABLY[adv] EXCEPTIONAL[adj] EXCEPTIONALISM[n -S] EXCEPTIONALISMSEXCEPTIONALISM [n] EXCEPTIONALITY[n -TIES] EXCEPTIONALLY[adv] EXCEPTIONALNESS[n -ES] EXCEPTIONSEXCEPTION [n] EXCEPTIVE[adj] EXCEPTSEXCEPT, to leave out [v] EXCERPTto pick out a passage from for quoting [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCERPTEDEXCERPT, to pick out a passage from for quoting [v] EXCERPTER[n -S] EXCERPTERSEXCERPTER [n] EXCERPTINGEXCERPT, to pick out a passage from for quoting [v] EXCERPTION[n -S] EXCERPTIONSEXCERPTION [n] EXCERPTOR[n -S] EXCERPTORSEXCERPTOR [n] EXCERPTSEXCERPT, to pick out a passage from for quoting [v] EXCESSto eliminate the position of [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXCESSEDEXCESS, to eliminate the position of [v] EXCESSESEXCESS, to eliminate the position of [v] EXCESSINGEXCESS, to eliminate the position of [v] EXCESSIVE[adj] EXCESSIVELY[adv] EXCESSIVENESS[n -ES] EXCESSIVENESSESEXCESSIVENESS [n] EXCHANGEto give and receive reciprocally [v -CHANGED, -CHANGING, -CHANGES] EXCHANGEABILITY[n -TIES] EXCHANGEABLE[adj] EXCHANGEDEXCHANGE, to give and receive reciprocally [v] EXCHANGERone that exchanges (to give and receive reciprocally) [n -S] EXCHANGERSEXCHANGER, one that exchanges (to give and receive reciprocally) [n] EXCHANGESEXCHANGE, to give and receive reciprocally [v] EXCHANGINGEXCHANGE, to give and receive reciprocally [v] EXCHEQUER[n -S] EXCHEQUERSEXCHEQUER [n] EXCIDEto excise (to remove by cutting out) [v -CIDED, -CIDING, -CIDES] EXCIDEDEXCIDE, to excise (to remove by cutting out) [v] EXCIDESEXCIDE, to excise (to remove by cutting out) [v] EXCIDINGEXCIDE, to excise (to remove by cutting out) [v] EXCIMERa dimer that exists in an excited state [n -S] EXCIMERSEXCIMER, a dimer that exists in an excited state [n] EXCIPIENT[n -S] EXCIPIENTSEXCIPIENT [n] EXCIPLEa rim around the hymenium of various lichens [n -S] EXCIPLESEXCIPLE, a rim around the hymenium of various lichens [n] EXCISABLE[adj] EXCISEto remove by cutting out [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXCISEDEXCISE, to remove by cutting out [v] EXCISEMAN[n EXCISEMEN] EXCISEMENEXCISEMAN [n] EXCISESEXCISE, to remove by cutting out [v] EXCISINGEXCISE, to remove by cutting out [v] EXCISIONthe act of excising (to remove by cutting out) [n -S] EXCISIONAL[adj] EXCISIONSEXCISION, the act of excising (to remove by cutting out) [n] EXCITABILITIESEXCITABILITY [n] EXCITABILITY[n -TIES] EXCITABLE[adj] EXCITABLENESS[n -ES] EXCITABLENESSESEXCITABLENESS [n] EXCITABLY[adv] EXCITANTa stimulant [n -S] EXCITANTSEXCITANT, a stimulant [n] EXCITATION[n -S] EXCITATIONSEXCITATION [n] EXCITATIVE[adj] EXCITATORY[adj] EXCITEto arouse the emotions of [v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES] EXCITEDEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [v] EXCITEDLY[adv] EXCITEMENT[n -S] EXCITEMENTSEXCITEMENT [n] EXCITERone that excites (to arouse the emotions of) [n -S] EXCITERSEXCITER, one that excites (to arouse the emotions of) [n] EXCITESEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [v] EXCITINGEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [v] EXCITINGLY[adv] EXCITONa phenomenon occurring in an excited crystal [n -S] EXCITONIC[adj] EXCITONSEXCITON, a phenomenon occurring in an excited crystal [n] EXCITORexciter (one that excites (to arouse the emotions of)) [n -S] EXCITORSEXCITOR, exciter (one that excites (to arouse the emotions of)) [n] EXCLAIMto cry out suddenly [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXCLAIMEDEXCLAIM, to cry out suddenly [v] EXCLAIMER[n -S] EXCLAIMERSEXCLAIMER [n] EXCLAIMINGEXCLAIM, to cry out suddenly [v] EXCLAIMSEXCLAIM, to cry out suddenly [v] EXCLAMATION[n -S] EXCLAMATIONSEXCLAMATION [n] EXCLAMATORY[adj] EXCLAVEa portion of a country which is isolated in foreign territory [n -S] EXCLAVESEXCLAVE, a portion of a country which is isolated in foreign territory [n] EXCLOSURE[n -S] EXCLOSURESEXCLOSURE [n] EXCLUDABILITIESEXCLUDABILITY [n] EXCLUDABILITY[n -TIES] EXCLUDABLE[adj] EXCLUDEto shut out [v -CLUDED, -CLUDING, -CLUDES] EXCLUDEDEXCLUDE, to shut out [v] EXCLUDERone that excludes (to shut out) [n -S] EXCLUDERSEXCLUDER, one that excludes (to shut out) [n] EXCLUDESEXCLUDE, to shut out [v] EXCLUDIBLE[adj] EXCLUDINGEXCLUDE, to shut out [v] EXCLUSION[n -S] EXCLUSIONARY[adj] EXCLUSIONIST[n -S] EXCLUSIONISTSEXCLUSIONIST [n] EXCLUSIONSEXCLUSION [n] EXCLUSIVE[n -S] EXCLUSIVELY[adv] EXCLUSIVENESS[n -ES] EXCLUSIVENESSESEXCLUSIVENESS [n] EXCLUSIVESEXCLUSIVE [n] EXCLUSIVISM[n -S] EXCLUSIVISMSEXCLUSIVISM [n] EXCLUSIVIST[n -S] EXCLUSIVISTSEXCLUSIVIST [n] EXCLUSIVITIESEXCLUSIVITY [n] EXCLUSIVITY[n -TIES] EXCLUSORY[adj] EXCOGITATE[v -TATED, -TATING, -TATES] EXCOGITATEDEXCOGITATE [v] EXCOGITATESEXCOGITATE [v] EXCOGITATINGEXCOGITATE [v] EXCOGITATION[n -S] EXCOGITATIONSEXCOGITATION [n] EXCOGITATIVE[adj] EXCOMMUNICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXCOMMUNICATEDEXCOMMUNICATE [v] EXCOMMUNICATESEXCOMMUNICATE [v] EXCOMMUNICATINGEXCOMMUNICATE [v] EXCOMMUNICATION[n -S] EXCOMMUNICATIVE[adj] EXCOMMUNICATOR[n -S] EXCOMMUNICATORSEXCOMMUNICATOR [n] EXCORIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXCORIATEDEXCORIATE [v] EXCORIATESEXCORIATE [v] EXCORIATINGEXCORIATE [v] EXCORIATION[n -S] EXCORIATIONSEXCORIATION [n] EXCREMENT[n -S] EXCREMENTAL[adj] EXCREMENTITIOUS[adj] EXCREMENTSEXCREMENT [n] EXCRESCENCE[n -S] EXCRESCENCESEXCRESCENCE [n] EXCRESCENCIESEXCRESCENCY [n] EXCRESCENCY[n -CIES] EXCRESCENT[adj] EXCRESCENTLY[adv] EXCRETAexcreted matter [n] : EXCRETAL ~adj EXCRETALEXCRETA, excreted matter [adj] EXCRETEto separate and eliminate from an organic body [v -CRETED, -CRETING, -CRETES] EXCRETEDEXCRETE, to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v] EXCRETERone that excretes (to separate and eliminate from an organic body) [n -S] EXCRETERSEXCRETER, one that excretes (to separate and eliminate from an organic body) [n] EXCRETESEXCRETE, to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v] EXCRETINGEXCRETE, to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v] EXCRETION[n -S] EXCRETIONSEXCRETION [n] EXCRETIVE[adj] EXCRETORIESEXCRETORY [n] EXCRETORY[n -RIES] EXCRUCIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXCRUCIATEDEXCRUCIATE [v] EXCRUCIATESEXCRUCIATE [v] EXCRUCIATINGEXCRUCIATE [v] EXCRUCIATINGLY[adv] EXCRUCIATION[n -S] EXCRUCIATIONSEXCRUCIATION [n] EXCULPATE[v -PATED, -PATING, -PATES] EXCULPATEDEXCULPATE [v] EXCULPATESEXCULPATE [v] EXCULPATINGEXCULPATE [v] EXCULPATION[n -S] EXCULPATIONSEXCULPATION [n] EXCULPATORY[adj] EXCURRENT[adj] EXCURSION[n -S] EXCURSIONIST[n -S] EXCURSIONISTSEXCURSIONIST [n] EXCURSIONSEXCURSION [n] EXCURSIVE[adj] EXCURSIVELY[adv] EXCURSIVENESS[n -ES] EXCURSIVENESSESEXCURSIVENESS [n] EXCURSUSa long appended exposition of a topic [n -ES] EXCURSUSESEXCURSUS, a long appended exposition of a topic [n] EXCUSABLE[adj] EXCUSABLENESS[n -ES] EXCUSABLENESSESEXCUSABLENESS [n] EXCUSABLY[adv] EXCUSATORY[adj] EXCUSEto apologize for [v -CUSED, -CUSING, -CUSES] EXCUSEDEXCUSE, to apologize for [v] EXCUSERone that excuses (to apologize for) [n -S] EXCUSERSEXCUSER, one that excuses (to apologize for) [n] EXCUSESEXCUSE, to apologize for [v] EXCUSINGEXCUSE, to apologize for [v] EXECan executive officer [n -S] EXECRABLE[adj] EXECRABLENESS[n -ES] EXECRABLENESSESEXECRABLENESS [n] EXECRABLY[adv] EXECRATEto curse (to wish evil upon) [v -CRATED, -CRATING, -CRATES] EXECRATEDEXECRATE, to curse (to wish evil upon) [v] EXECRATESEXECRATE, to curse (to wish evil upon) [v] EXECRATINGEXECRATE, to curse (to wish evil upon) [v] EXECRATION[n -S] EXECRATIONSEXECRATION [n] EXECRATIVE[adj] EXECRATOR[n -S] EXECRATORSEXECRATOR [n] EXECSEXEC, an executive officer [n] EXECUTABLE[adj] EXECUTANT[n -S] EXECUTANTSEXECUTANT [n] EXECUTEto carry out [v -CUTED, -CUTING, -CUTES] EXECUTEDEXECUTE, to carry out [v] EXECUTERexecutor (one that executes (to carry out)) [n -S] EXECUTERSEXECUTER, executor (one that executes (to carry out)) [n] EXECUTESEXECUTE, to carry out [v] EXECUTINGEXECUTE, to carry out [v] EXECUTION[n -S] EXECUTIONER[n -S] EXECUTIONERSEXECUTIONER [n] EXECUTIONSEXECUTION [n] EXECUTIVE[n -S] EXECUTIVESEXECUTIVE [n] EXECUTORone that executes (to carry out) [n -S] EXECUTORIAL[adj] EXECUTORSEXECUTOR, one that executes (to carry out) [n] EXECUTORY[adj] EXECUTRICESEXECUTRIX [n] EXECUTRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] EXECUTRIXESEXECUTRIX [n] EXEDEX, to cross out [v] EXEDRAa curved outdoor bench [n -DRAE] EXEDRAEEXEDRA, a curved outdoor bench [n] EXEGESESEXEGESIS, critical explanation or analysis [n] EXEGESIScritical explanation or analysis [n -GESES] : EXEGETIC ~adj EXEGETEone skilled in exegesis [n -S] EXEGETESEXEGETE, one skilled in exegesis [n] EXEGETICEXEGESIS, critical explanation or analysis [adj] EXEGETICAL[adj] EXEGETICS[n] EXEGETIST[n -S] EXEGETISTSEXEGETIST [n] EXEMPLAEXEMPLUM, an example [n] EXEMPLARone that is worthy of being copied [n -S] EXEMPLARILY[adv] EXEMPLARINESS[n -ES] EXEMPLARINESSESEXEMPLARINESS [n] EXEMPLARITIESEXEMPLARITY [n] EXEMPLARITY[n -TIES] EXEMPLARSEXEMPLAR, one that is worthy of being copied [n] EXEMPLARY[adj] EXEMPLIFICATION[n -S] EXEMPLIFIEDEXEMPLIFY [v] EXEMPLIFIESEXEMPLIFY [v] EXEMPLIFY[v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] EXEMPLIFYINGEXEMPLIFY [v] EXEMPLUMan example [n -PLA] EXEMPTto free from an obligation required of others [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXEMPTEDEXEMPT, to free from an obligation required of others [v] EXEMPTINGEXEMPT, to free from an obligation required of others [v] EXEMPTION[n -S] EXEMPTIONSEXEMPTION [n] EXEMPTIVE[adj] EXEMPTSEXEMPT, to free from an obligation required of others [v] EXENTERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXENTERATEDEXENTERATE [v] EXENTERATESEXENTERATE [v] EXENTERATINGEXENTERATE [v] EXENTERATION[n -S] EXENTERATIONSEXENTERATION [n] EXEQUATUR[n -S] EXEQUATURSEXEQUATUR [n] EXEQUIALEXEQUY, a funeral procession [adj] EXEQUIESEXEQUY, a funeral procession [n] EXEQUYa funeral procession [n -QUIES] : EXEQUIAL ~adj EXERCISABLE[adj] EXERCISEto make use of [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXERCISEDEXERCISE, to make use of [v] EXERCISER[n -S] EXERCISERSEXERCISER [n] EXERCISESEXERCISE, to make use of [v] EXERCISINGEXERCISE, to make use of [v] EXERCITATION[n -S] EXERCITATIONSEXERCITATION [n] EXERCYCLE[n -S] EXERCYCLESEXERCYCLE [n] EXERGONIC[adj] EXERGUALEXERGUE, a space on a coin [adj] EXERGUEa space on a coin [n -S] : EXERGUAL ~adj EXERGUESEXERGUE, a space on a coin [n] EXERTto put into action [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXERTEDEXERT, to put into action [v] EXERTINGEXERT, to put into action [v] EXERTIONthe act of exerting (to put into action) [n -S] EXERTIONSEXERTION, the act of exerting (to put into action) [n] EXERTIVEtending to exert [adj] EXERTSEXERT, to put into action [v] EXESEX, to cross out [v] EXEUNTthey leave the stage -- used as a stage direction [v] EXFOLIANT[n -S] EXFOLIANTSEXFOLIANT [n] EXFOLIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXFOLIATEDEXFOLIATE [v] EXFOLIATESEXFOLIATE [v] EXFOLIATINGEXFOLIATE [v] EXFOLIATION[n -S] EXFOLIATIONSEXFOLIATION [n] EXFOLIATIVE[adj] EXHALANTsomething that exhales [n -S] EXHALANTSEXHALANT, something that exhales [n] EXHALATION[n -S] EXHALATIONSEXHALATION [n] EXHALEto expel air or vapor [v -HALED, -HALING, -HALES] EXHALEDEXHALE, to expel air or vapor [v] EXHALENTexhalant (something that exhales) [n -S] EXHALENTSEXHALENT, exhalant (something that exhales) [n] EXHALESEXHALE, to expel air or vapor [v] EXHALINGEXHALE, to expel air or vapor [v] EXHAUSTto use up [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXHAUSTEDEXHAUST, to use up [v] EXHAUSTER[n -S] EXHAUSTERSEXHAUSTER [n] EXHAUSTIBILITY[n -TIES] EXHAUSTIBLE[adj] EXHAUSTINGEXHAUST, to use up [v] EXHAUSTION[n -S] EXHAUSTIONSEXHAUSTION [n] EXHAUSTIVE[adj] EXHAUSTIVELY[adv] EXHAUSTIVENESS[n -ES] EXHAUSTIVITIESEXHAUSTIVITY [n] EXHAUSTIVITY[n -TIES] EXHAUSTLESS[adj] EXHAUSTLESSLY[adv] EXHAUSTLESSNESS[n -ES] EXHAUSTSEXHAUST, to use up [v] EXHEDRAexedra (a curved outdoor bench) [n -DRAE] EXHEDRAEEXHEDRA, exedra (a curved outdoor bench) [n] EXHIBITto present for public viewing [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXHIBITEDEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] EXHIBITER[n -S] EXHIBITERSEXHIBITER [n] EXHIBITINGEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] EXHIBITION[n -S] EXHIBITIONER[n -S] EXHIBITIONERSEXHIBITIONER [n] EXHIBITIONISM[n -S] EXHIBITIONISMSEXHIBITIONISM [n] EXHIBITIONIST[n -S] EXHIBITIONISTIC[adj] EXHIBITIONISTSEXHIBITIONIST [n] EXHIBITIONSEXHIBITION [n] EXHIBITIVE[adj] EXHIBITOR[n -S] EXHIBITORSEXHIBITOR [n] EXHIBITORY[adj] EXHIBITSEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] EXHILARATE[v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES] EXHILARATEDEXHILARATE [v] EXHILARATESEXHILARATE [v] EXHILARATINGEXHILARATE [v] EXHILARATINGLY[adv] EXHILARATION[n -S] EXHILARATIONSEXHILARATION [n] EXHILARATIVE[adj] EXHORTto advise urgently [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXHORTATION[n -S] EXHORTATIONSEXHORTATION [n] EXHORTATIVE[adj] EXHORTATORY[adj] EXHORTEDEXHORT, to advise urgently [v] EXHORTERone that exhorts (to advise urgently) [n -S] EXHORTERSEXHORTER, one that exhorts (to advise urgently) [n] EXHORTINGEXHORT, to advise urgently [v] EXHORTSEXHORT, to advise urgently [v] EXHUMATION[n -S] EXHUMATIONSEXHUMATION [n] EXHUMEto dig out of the earth [v -HUMED, -HUMING, -HUMES] EXHUMEDEXHUME, to dig out of the earth [v] EXHUMERone that exhumes (to dig out of the earth) [n -S] EXHUMERSEXHUMER, one that exhumes (to dig out of the earth) [n] EXHUMESEXHUME, to dig out of the earth [v] EXHUMINGEXHUME, to dig out of the earth [v] EXIGENCEexigency (urgency (the quality of being urgent)) [n -S] EXIGENCESEXIGENCE, exigency (urgency (the quality of being urgent)) [n] EXIGENCIESEXIGENCY, urgency (the quality of being urgent) [n] EXIGENCYurgency (the quality of being urgent) [n -CIES] EXIGENTurgent (requiring immediate attention) [adj] EXIGENTLY[adv] EXIGIBLEliable to be demanded [adj] EXIGUITIESEXIGUITY, the state of being exiguous (meager (deficient in quantity or quality)) [n] EXIGUITYthe state of being exiguous (meager (deficient in quantity or quality)) [n -ITIES] EXIGUOUSmeager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj] EXIGUOUSLY[adv] EXIGUOUSNESS[n -ES] EXIGUOUSNESSESEXIGUOUSNESS [n] EXILABLEEXILE, to banish from one's own country [adj] EXILEto banish from one's own country [v -ILED, -ILING, -ILES] : EXILABLE ~adj EXILEDEXILE, to banish from one's own country [v] EXILERone that exiles (to banish from one's own country) [n -S] EXILERSEXILER, one that exiles (to banish from one's own country) [n] EXILESEXILE, to banish from one's own country [v] EXILIANexilic (pertaining to exile (banishment from one's own country)) [adj] EXILICpertaining to exile (banishment from one's own country) [adj] EXILINGEXILE, to banish from one's own country [v] EXIMIOUSexcellent [adj] EXINEthe outer layer of certain spores [n -S] EXINESEXINE, the outer layer of certain spores [n] EXINGEX, to cross out [v] EXISTto be (to have actuality) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXISTEDEXIST, to be (to have actuality) [v] EXISTENCE[n -S] EXISTENCESEXISTENCE [n] EXISTENTsomething that exists [n -S] EXISTENTIAL[adj] EXISTENTIALISM[n -S] EXISTENTIALISMSEXISTENTIALISM [n] EXISTENTIALIST[n -S] EXISTENTIALISTSEXISTENTIALIST [n] EXISTENTIALLY[adv] EXISTENTSEXISTENT, something that exists [n] EXISTINGEXIST, to be (to have actuality) [v] EXISTSEXIST, to be (to have actuality) [v] EXITto go out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXITEDEXIT, to go out [v] EXITINGEXIT, to go out [v] EXITLESSlacking a way out [adj] EXITSEXIT, to go out [v] EXOBIOLOGICAL[adj] EXOBIOLOGIESEXOBIOLOGY [n] EXOBIOLOGIST[n -S] EXOBIOLOGISTSEXOBIOLOGIST [n] EXOBIOLOGY[n -GIES] EXOCARPthe epicarp (the outer layer of a pericarp) [n -S] EXOCARPSEXOCARP, the epicarp (the outer layer of a pericarp) [n] EXOCRINEan external secretion [n -S] EXOCRINESEXOCRINE, an external secretion [n] EXOCYCLIC[adj] EXOCYTICpertaining to cellular excretion [adj] EXOCYTOSE[v -TOSED, -TOSING, -TOSES] EXOCYTOSEDEXOCYTOSE [v] EXOCYTOSESEXOCYTOSIS [n] EXOCYTOSINGEXOCYTOSE [v] EXOCYTOSIS[n -TOSES] EXOCYTOTIC[adj] EXODERMthe ectoderm (the outermost germ layer of an embryo) [n -S] EXODERMIS[n -DERMISES] EXODERMISESEXODERMIS [n] EXODERMSEXODERM, the ectoderm (the outermost germ layer of an embryo) [n] EXODOIEXODOS, a concluding dramatic scene [n] EXODONTIA[n -S] EXODONTIASEXODONTIA [n] EXODONTIST[n -S] EXODONTISTSEXODONTIST [n] EXODOSa concluding dramatic scene [n -DOI] EXODUSa movement away [n -ES] EXODUSESEXODUS, a movement away [n] EXOENZYME[n -S] EXOENZYMESEXOENZYME [n] EXOERGICreleasing energy [adj] EXOERYTHROCYTIC[adj] EXOGAMICEXOGAMY, marriage outside of a particular group [adj] EXOGAMIESEXOGAMY, marriage outside of a particular group [n] EXOGAMOUS[adj] EXOGAMYmarriage outside of a particular group [n -MIES] : EXOGAMIC ~adj EXOGENa type of plant [n -S] EXOGENISM[n -S] EXOGENISMSEXOGENISM [n] EXOGENOUS[adj] EXOGENOUSLY[adv] EXOGENSEXOGEN, a type of plant [n] EXONa sequence in the genetic code [n -S] : EXONIC ~adj EXONERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXONERATEDEXONERATE [v] EXONERATESEXONERATE [v] EXONERATINGEXONERATE [v] EXONERATION[n -S] EXONERATIONSEXONERATION [n] EXONERATIVE[adj] EXONICEXON, a sequence in the genetic code [adj] EXONSEXON, a sequence in the genetic code [n] EXONUCLEASE[n -S] EXONUCLEASESEXONUCLEASE [n] EXONUMIAnumismatic items other than coins or paper money [n] EXONUMIST[n -S] EXONUMISTSEXONUMIST [n] EXONYMa name for a people used by outsiders and not by the people themselves [n -S] EXONYMSEXONYM, a name for a people used by outsiders and not by the people themselves [n] EXOPEPTIDASE[n -S] EXOPEPTIDASESEXOPEPTIDASE [n] EXOPHTHALMIC[adj] EXOPHTHALMOS[n -MOSES] EXOPHTHALMOSESEXOPHTHALMOS [n] EXOPHTHALMUS[n -MUSES] EXOPHTHALMUSESEXOPHTHALMUS [n] EXORABLEpersuadable [adj] EXORBITANCE[n -S] EXORBITANCESEXORBITANCE [n] EXORBITANT[adj] EXORBITANTLY[adv] EXORCISEto free of an evil spirit [v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] EXORCISEDEXORCISE, to free of an evil spirit [v] EXORCISER[n -S] EXORCISERSEXORCISER [n] EXORCISESEXORCISE, to free of an evil spirit [v] EXORCISINGEXORCISE, to free of an evil spirit [v] EXORCISMthe act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit) [n -S] EXORCISMSEXORCISM, the act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit) [n] EXORCISTone who practices exorcism (the act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit)) [n -S] EXORCISTIC[adj] EXORCISTICAL[adj] EXORCISTSEXORCIST, one who practices exorcism (the act of exorcising (to free of an evil spirit)) [n] EXORCIZEto exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v -CIZED, -CIZING, -CIZES] EXORCIZEDEXORCIZE, to exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v] EXORCIZESEXORCIZE, to exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v] EXORCIZINGEXORCIZE, to exorcise (to free of an evil spirit) [v] EXORDIAEXORDIUM, a beginning [n] EXORDIALEXORDIUM, a beginning [adj] EXORDIUMa beginning [n -DIUMS or -DIA] : EXORDIAL ~adj EXORDIUMSEXORDIUM, a beginning [n] EXOSKELETAL[adj] EXOSKELETON[n -S] EXOSKELETONSEXOSKELETON [n] EXOSMICEXOSMOSE, a form of osmosis [adj] EXOSMOSEa form of osmosis [n -S] : EXOSMIC ~adj EXOSMOSESEXOSMOSE, a form of osmosis [n] EXOSMOSIS[n -MOSES] EXOSMOTIC[adj] EXOSPHERE[n -S] EXOSPHERESEXOSPHERE [n] EXOSPHERIC[adj] EXOSPOREthe outer coat of a spore [n -S] EXOSPORESEXOSPORE, the outer coat of a spore [n] EXOSPORIAEXOSPORIUM [n] EXOSPORIUM[n -RIA] EXOSTOSESEXOSTOSIS [n] EXOSTOSIS[n -TOSES] EXOTERICsuitable for the public [adj] EXOTERICALLY[adv] EXOTHERMAL[adj] EXOTHERMALLY[adv] EXOTHERMIC[adj] EXOTHERMICALLY[adv] EXOTHERMICITIESEXOTHERMICITY [n] EXOTHERMICITY[n -TIES] EXOTICsomething from another part of the world [n -S] EXOTICAthings excitingly different or unusual [n] EXOTICALLY[adv] EXOTICISM[n -S] EXOTICISMSEXOTICISM [n] EXOTICIST[n -S] EXOTICISTSEXOTICIST [n] EXOTICNESS[n -ES] EXOTICNESSESEXOTICNESS [n] EXOTICSEXOTIC, something from another part of the world [n] EXOTISMan exotic (something from another part of the world) [n -S] EXOTISMSEXOTISM, an exotic (something from another part of the world) [n] EXOTOXICEXOTOXIN, an excreted toxin [adj] EXOTOXINan excreted toxin [n -S] : EXOTOXIC ~adj EXOTOXINSEXOTOXIN, an excreted toxin [n] EXOTROPIA[n -S] EXOTROPIASEXOTROPIA [n] EXOTROPIC[adj] EXPANDto increase in size or volume [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPANDABILITIESEXPANDABILITY [n] EXPANDABILITY[n -TIES] EXPANDABLE[adj] EXPANDEDEXPAND, to increase in size or volume [v] EXPANDERone that expands (to increase in size or volume) [n -S] EXPANDERSEXPANDER, one that expands (to increase in size or volume) [n] EXPANDINGEXPAND, to increase in size or volume [v] EXPANDORa type of transducer [n -S] EXPANDORSEXPANDOR, a type of transducer [n] EXPANDSEXPAND, to increase in size or volume [v] EXPANSEa wide, continuous area [n -S] EXPANSESEXPANSE, a wide, continuous area [n] EXPANSIBILITIESEXPANSIBILITY [n] EXPANSIBILITY[n -TIES] EXPANSIBLE[adj] EXPANSILE[adj] EXPANSION[n -S] EXPANSIONAL[adj] EXPANSIONARY[adj] EXPANSIONISM[n -S] EXPANSIONISMSEXPANSIONISM [n] EXPANSIONIST[n -S] EXPANSIONISTIC[adj] EXPANSIONISTSEXPANSIONIST [n] EXPANSIONSEXPANSION [n] EXPANSIVE[adj] EXPANSIVELY[adv] EXPANSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPANSIVENESSESEXPANSIVENESS [n] EXPANSIVITIESEXPANSIVITY [n] EXPANSIVITY[n -TIES] EXPATan expatriate person [n -S] EXPATIATE[v EXPATIATED, EXPATIATING, EXPATIATES] EXPATIATEDEXPATIATE [v] EXPATIATESEXPATIATE [v] EXPATIATINGEXPATIATE [v] EXPATIATION[n -S] EXPATIATIONSEXPATIATION [n] EXPATRIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXPATRIATEDEXPATRIATE [v] EXPATRIATESEXPATRIATE [v] EXPATRIATINGEXPATRIATE [v] EXPATRIATION[n -S] EXPATRIATIONSEXPATRIATION [n] EXPATRIATISM[n -S] EXPATRIATISMSEXPATRIATISM [n] EXPATSEXPAT, an expatriate person [n] EXPECTto anticipate [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPECTABLE[adj] EXPECTABLY[adv] EXPECTANCE[n -S] EXPECTANCESEXPECTANCE [n] EXPECTANCIESEXPECTANCY [n] EXPECTANCY[n -CIES] EXPECTANT[n -S] EXPECTANTLY[adv] EXPECTANTSEXPECTANT [n] EXPECTATION[n -S] EXPECTATIONAL[adj] EXPECTATIONSEXPECTATION [n] EXPECTATIVE[adj] EXPECTEDEXPECT, to anticipate [v] EXPECTEDLY[adv] EXPECTEDNESS[n -ES] EXPECTEDNESSESEXPECTEDNESS [n] EXPECTERone that expects (to anticipate) [n -S] EXPECTERSEXPECTER, one that expects (to anticipate) [n] EXPECTINGEXPECT, to anticipate [v] EXPECTORANT[n -S] EXPECTORANTSEXPECTORANT [n] EXPECTORATE[v -RATED, -RATING, -RATES] EXPECTORATEDEXPECTORATE [v] EXPECTORATESEXPECTORATE [v] EXPECTORATINGEXPECTORATE [v] EXPECTORATION[n -S] EXPECTORATIONSEXPECTORATION [n] EXPECTSEXPECT, to anticipate [v] EXPEDIENCE[n -S] EXPEDIENCESEXPEDIENCE [n] EXPEDIENCIESEXPEDIENCY [n] EXPEDIENCY[n -CIES] EXPEDIENT[n -S] EXPEDIENTIAL[adj] EXPEDIENTLY[adv] EXPEDIENTSEXPEDIENT [n] EXPEDITEto speed up the progress of [v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES] EXPEDITEDEXPEDITE, to speed up the progress of [v] EXPEDITER[n -S] EXPEDITERSEXPEDITER [n] EXPEDITESEXPEDITE, to speed up the progress of [v] EXPEDITINGEXPEDITE, to speed up the progress of [v] EXPEDITION[n -S] EXPEDITIONARY[adj] EXPEDITIONSEXPEDITION [n] EXPEDITIOUS[adj] EXPEDITIOUSLY[adv] EXPEDITIOUSNESS[n -ES] EXPEDITOR[n -S] EXPEDITORSEXPEDITOR [n] EXPELto force out [v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS] EXPELLABLE[adj] EXPELLANT[n -S] EXPELLANTSEXPELLANT [n] EXPELLEDEXPEL, to force out [v] EXPELLEEa deportee (one who is deported) [n -S] EXPELLEESEXPELLEE, a deportee (one who is deported) [n] EXPELLENT[n -S] EXPELLENTSEXPELLENT [n] EXPELLERone that expels (to force out) [n -S] EXPELLERSEXPELLER, one that expels (to force out) [n] EXPELLINGEXPEL, to force out [v] EXPELSEXPEL, to force out [v] EXPENDto use up [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPENDABILITIESEXPENDABILITY [n] EXPENDABILITY[n -TIES] EXPENDABLE[n -S] EXPENDABLESEXPENDABLE [n] EXPENDEDEXPEND, to use up [v] EXPENDERone that expends (to use up) [n -S] EXPENDERSEXPENDER, one that expends (to use up) [n] EXPENDINGEXPEND, to use up [v] EXPENDITURE[n -S] EXPENDITURESEXPENDITURE [n] EXPENDSEXPEND, to use up [v] EXPENSEto charge with costs [v -PENSED, -PENSING, -PENSES] EXPENSEDEXPENSE, to charge with costs [v] EXPENSESEXPENSE, to charge with costs [v] EXPENSINGEXPENSE, to charge with costs [v] EXPENSIVE[adj] EXPENSIVELY[adv] EXPENSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPENSIVENESSESEXPENSIVENESS [n] EXPERIENCE[v -ENCED, -ENCING, -ENCES] EXPERIENCEDEXPERIENCE [v] EXPERIENCESEXPERIENCE [v] EXPERIENCINGEXPERIENCE [v] EXPERIENTIAL[adj] EXPERIENTIALLY[adv] EXPERIMENT[v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPERIMENTAL[adj] EXPERIMENTALISM[n -S] EXPERIMENTALIST[n -S] EXPERIMENTALLY[adv] EXPERIMENTATION[n -S] EXPERIMENTEDEXPERIMENT [v] EXPERIMENTER[n -S] EXPERIMENTERSEXPERIMENTER [n] EXPERIMENTINGEXPERIMENT [v] EXPERIMENTSEXPERIMENT [v] EXPERTto serve as an authority [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPERTEDEXPERT, to serve as an authority [v] EXPERTINGEXPERT, to serve as an authority [v] EXPERTISE[n -S] EXPERTISESEXPERTISE [n] EXPERTISM[n -S] EXPERTISMSEXPERTISM [n] EXPERTIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] EXPERTIZEDEXPERTIZE [v] EXPERTIZESEXPERTIZE [v] EXPERTIZINGEXPERTIZE [v] EXPERTLYskillfully [adv] EXPERTNESS[n -ES] EXPERTNESSESEXPERTNESS [n] EXPERTSEXPERT, to serve as an authority [v] EXPIABLEcapable of being expiated [adj] EXPIATEto atone for [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXPIATEDEXPIATE, to atone for [v] EXPIATESEXPIATE, to atone for [v] EXPIATINGEXPIATE, to atone for [v] EXPIATION[n -S] EXPIATIONSEXPIATION [n] EXPIATORone that expiates (to atone for) [n -S] EXPIATORSEXPIATOR, one that expiates (to atone for) [n] EXPIATORY[adj] EXPIRATION[n -S] EXPIRATIONSEXPIRATION [n] EXPIRATORY[adj] EXPIREto come to an end [v -PIRED, -PIRING, -PIRES] EXPIREDEXPIRE, to come to an end [v] EXPIRERone that expires (to come to an end) [n -S] EXPIRERSEXPIRER, one that expires (to come to an end) [n] EXPIRESEXPIRE, to come to an end [v] EXPIRIESEXPIRY, a termination [n] EXPIRINGEXPIRE, to come to an end [v] EXPIRYa termination [n -RIES] EXPLAINto make plain or understandable [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPLAINABLE[adj] EXPLAINEDEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] EXPLAINER[n -S] EXPLAINERSEXPLAINER [n] EXPLAININGEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] EXPLAINSEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] EXPLANATION[n -S] EXPLANATIONSEXPLANATION [n] EXPLANATIVE[adj] EXPLANATIVELY[adv] EXPLANATORILY[adv] EXPLANATORY[adj] EXPLANTto remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPLANTATION[n -S] EXPLANTATIONSEXPLANTATION [n] EXPLANTEDEXPLANT, to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v] EXPLANTINGEXPLANT, to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v] EXPLANTSEXPLANT, to remove from the natural site of growth and place in a medium [v] EXPLETIVE[n -S] EXPLETIVESEXPLETIVE [n] EXPLETORY[adj] EXPLICABLE[adj] EXPLICABLY[adv] EXPLICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXPLICATEDEXPLICATE [v] EXPLICATESEXPLICATE [v] EXPLICATINGEXPLICATE [v] EXPLICATION[n -S] EXPLICATIONSEXPLICATION [n] EXPLICATIVE[adj] EXPLICATIVELY[adv] EXPLICATOR[n -S] EXPLICATORSEXPLICATOR [n] EXPLICATORY[adj] EXPLICITa statement formerly used at the close of a book [n -S] EXPLICITLY[adv] EXPLICITNESS[n -ES] EXPLICITNESSESEXPLICITNESS [n] EXPLICITSEXPLICIT, a statement formerly used at the close of a book [n] EXPLODEto blow up [v -PLODED, -PLODING, -PLODES] EXPLODEDEXPLODE, to blow up [v] EXPLODERone that explodes (to blow up) [n -S] EXPLODERSEXPLODER, one that explodes (to blow up) [n] EXPLODESEXPLODE, to blow up [v] EXPLODINGEXPLODE, to blow up [v] EXPLOITto take advantage of [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPLOITABLE[adj] EXPLOITATION[n -S] EXPLOITATIONSEXPLOITATION [n] EXPLOITATIVE[adj] EXPLOITATIVELY[adv] EXPLOITEDEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [v] EXPLOITER[n -S] EXPLOITERSEXPLOITER [n] EXPLOITINGEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [v] EXPLOITIVE[adj] EXPLOITSEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [v] EXPLORATION[n -S] EXPLORATIONAL[adj] EXPLORATIONSEXPLORATION [n] EXPLORATIVE[adj] EXPLORATIVELY[adv] EXPLORATORY[adj] EXPLOREto travel through for the purpose of discovery [v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES] EXPLOREDEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] EXPLORERone that explores (to travel through for the purpose of discovery) [n -S] EXPLORERSEXPLORER, one that explores (to travel through for the purpose of discovery) [n] EXPLORESEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] EXPLORINGEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] EXPLOSION[n -S] EXPLOSIONSEXPLOSION [n] EXPLOSIVE[n -S] EXPLOSIVELY[adv] EXPLOSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPLOSIVENESSESEXPLOSIVENESS [n] EXPLOSIVESEXPLOSIVE [n] EXPOa public exhibition [n -POS] EXPONENTone who expounds (to explain in detail) [n -S] EXPONENTIAL[n -S] EXPONENTIALLY[adv] EXPONENTIALSEXPONENTIAL [n] EXPONENTIATION[n -S] EXPONENTIATIONSEXPONENTIATION [n] EXPONENTSEXPONENT, one who expounds (to explain in detail) [n] EXPORTto send to other countries for commercial purposes [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPORTABILITIESEXPORTABILITY [n] EXPORTABILITY[n -TIES] EXPORTABLE[adj] EXPORTATION[n -S] EXPORTATIONSEXPORTATION [n] EXPORTEDEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] EXPORTERone that exports (to send to other countries for commercial purposes) [n -S] EXPORTERSEXPORTER, one that exports (to send to other countries for commercial purposes) [n] EXPORTINGEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] EXPORTSEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] EXPOSEXPO, a public exhibition [n] EXPOSABLE[adj] EXPOSALan exposure (the act of exposing (to lay open to view)) [n -S] EXPOSALSEXPOSAL, an exposure (the act of exposing (to lay open to view)) [n] EXPOSEto lay open to view [v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] EXPOSEDEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] EXPOSERone that exposes (to lay open to view) [n -S] EXPOSERSEXPOSER, one that exposes (to lay open to view) [n] EXPOSESEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] EXPOSINGEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] EXPOSITto expound (to explain in detail) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPOSITEDEXPOSIT, to expound (to explain in detail) [v] EXPOSITINGEXPOSIT, to expound (to explain in detail) [v] EXPOSITION[n -S] EXPOSITIONAL[adj] EXPOSITIONSEXPOSITION [n] EXPOSITIVE[adj] EXPOSITOR[n -S] EXPOSITORSEXPOSITOR [n] EXPOSITORY[adj] EXPOSITSEXPOSIT, to expound (to explain in detail) [v] EXPOSTULATE[v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] EXPOSTULATEDEXPOSTULATE [v] EXPOSTULATESEXPOSTULATE [v] EXPOSTULATINGEXPOSTULATE [v] EXPOSTULATION[n -S] EXPOSTULATIONSEXPOSTULATION [n] EXPOSTULATORY[adj] EXPOSUREthe act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n -S] EXPOSURESEXPOSURE, the act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n] EXPOUNDto explain in detail [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXPOUNDEDEXPOUND, to explain in detail [v] EXPOUNDER[n -S] EXPOUNDERSEXPOUNDER [n] EXPOUNDINGEXPOUND, to explain in detail [v] EXPOUNDSEXPOUND, to explain in detail [v] EXPRESSto set forth in words [v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXPRESSAGE[n -S] EXPRESSAGESEXPRESSAGE [n] EXPRESSEDEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] EXPRESSER[n -S] EXPRESSERSEXPRESSER [n] EXPRESSESEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] EXPRESSIBLE[adj] EXPRESSINGEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] EXPRESSION[n -S] EXPRESSIONAL[adj] EXPRESSIONISM[n -S] EXPRESSIONISMSEXPRESSIONISM [n] EXPRESSIONIST[n -S] EXPRESSIONISTIC[adj] EXPRESSIONISTSEXPRESSIONIST [n] EXPRESSIONLESS[adj] EXPRESSIONSEXPRESSION [n] EXPRESSIVE[adj] EXPRESSIVELY[adv] EXPRESSIVENESS[n -ES] EXPRESSIVITIESEXPRESSIVITY [n] EXPRESSIVITY[n -TIES] EXPRESSLY[adv] EXPRESSMAN[n EXPRESSMEN] EXPRESSMENEXPRESSMAN [n] EXPRESSOespresso (a strong coffee) [n -SOS] EXPRESSOSEXPRESSO, espresso (a strong coffee) [n] EXPRESSWAY[n -WAYS] EXPRESSWAYSEXPRESSWAY [n] EXPROPRIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXPROPRIATEDEXPROPRIATE [v] EXPROPRIATESEXPROPRIATE [v] EXPROPRIATINGEXPROPRIATE [v] EXPROPRIATION[n -S] EXPROPRIATIONSEXPROPRIATION [n] EXPROPRIATOR[n -S] EXPROPRIATORSEXPROPRIATOR [n] EXPULSEto expel (to force out) [v -PULSED, -PULSING, -PULSES] EXPULSEDEXPULSE, to expel (to force out) [v] EXPULSESEXPULSE, to expel (to force out) [v] EXPULSINGEXPULSE, to expel (to force out) [v] EXPULSION[n -S] EXPULSIONSEXPULSION [n] EXPULSIVE[adj] EXPUNCTION[n -S] EXPUNCTIONSEXPUNCTION [n] EXPUNGEto delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v -PUNGED, -PUNGING, -PUNGES] EXPUNGEDEXPUNGE, to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v] EXPUNGERone that expunges (to delete (to remove written or printed matter)) [n -S] EXPUNGERSEXPUNGER, one that expunges (to delete (to remove written or printed matter)) [n] EXPUNGESEXPUNGE, to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v] EXPUNGINGEXPUNGE, to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v] EXPURGATE[v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES] EXPURGATEDEXPURGATE [v] EXPURGATESEXPURGATE [v] EXPURGATINGEXPURGATE [v] EXPURGATION[n -S] EXPURGATIONSEXPURGATION [n] EXPURGATOR[n -S] EXPURGATORIAL[adj] EXPURGATORSEXPURGATOR [n] EXPURGATORY[adj] EXQUISITE[n -S] EXQUISITELY[adv] EXQUISITENESS[n -ES] EXQUISITENESSESEXQUISITENESS [n] EXQUISITESEXQUISITE [n] EXSANGUINATE[v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES] EXSANGUINATEDEXSANGUINATE [v] EXSANGUINATESEXSANGUINATE [v] EXSANGUINATINGEXSANGUINATE [v] EXSANGUINATION[n -S] EXSANGUINATIONSEXSANGUINATION [n] EXSCINDto cut out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXSCINDEDEXSCIND, to cut out [v] EXSCINDINGEXSCIND, to cut out [v] EXSCINDSEXSCIND, to cut out [v] EXSECANTa trigonometric function of an angle [n -S] EXSECANTSEXSECANT, a trigonometric function of an angle [n] EXSECTto cut out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXSECTEDEXSECT, to cut out [v] EXSECTINGEXSECT, to cut out [v] EXSECTION[n -S] EXSECTIONSEXSECTION [n] EXSECTSEXSECT, to cut out [v] EXSERTto thrust out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXSERTEDEXSERT, to thrust out [v] EXSERTILE[adj] EXSERTINGEXSERT, to thrust out [v] EXSERTION[n -S] EXSERTIONSEXSERTION [n] EXSERTSEXSERT, to thrust out [v] EXSICCATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXSICCATEDEXSICCATE [v] EXSICCATESEXSICCATE [v] EXSICCATINGEXSICCATE [v] EXSICCATION[n -S] EXSICCATIONSEXSICCATION [n] EXSOLUTION[n -S] EXSOLUTIONSEXSOLUTION [n] EXSTROPHIESEXSTROPHY [n] EXSTROPHY[n -PHIES] EXTANTstill in existence [adj] EXTEMPORAL[adj] EXTEMPORALLY[adv] EXTEMPORANEITY[n -TIES] EXTEMPORANEOUS[adj] EXTEMPORARILY[adv] EXTEMPORARY[adj] EXTEMPORE[adv] EXTEMPORISATION[n -S] EXTEMPORISE[v -RISED, -RISING, -RISES] EXTEMPORISEDEXTEMPORISE [v] EXTEMPORISESEXTEMPORISE [v] EXTEMPORISINGEXTEMPORISE [v] EXTEMPORIZATION[n -S] EXTEMPORIZE[v -RIZED, -RIZING, -RIZES] EXTEMPORIZEDEXTEMPORIZE [v] EXTEMPORIZER[n -S] EXTEMPORIZERSEXTEMPORIZER [n] EXTEMPORIZESEXTEMPORIZE [v] EXTEMPORIZINGEXTEMPORIZE [v] EXTENDto stretch out to full length [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTENDABILITIESEXTENDABILITY [n] EXTENDABILITY[n -TIES] EXTENDABLE[adj] EXTENDEDEXTEND, to stretch out to full length [v] EXTENDEDLY[adv] EXTENDEDNESS[n -ES] EXTENDEDNESSESEXTENDEDNESS [n] EXTENDERa substance added to another substance [n -S] EXTENDERSEXTENDER, a substance added to another substance [n] EXTENDIBLE[adj] EXTENDINGEXTEND, to stretch out to full length [v] EXTENDSEXTEND, to stretch out to full length [v] EXTENSIBILITIESEXTENSIBILITY [n] EXTENSIBILITY[n -TIES] EXTENSIBLE[adj] EXTENSILE[adj] EXTENSION[n -S] EXTENSIONAL[adj] EXTENSIONALITY[n -TIES] EXTENSIONALLY[adv] EXTENSIONSEXTENSION [n] EXTENSITIESEXTENSITY [n] EXTENSITY[n -TIES] EXTENSIVE[adj] EXTENSIVELY[adv] EXTENSIVENESS[n -ES] EXTENSIVENESSESEXTENSIVENESS [n] EXTENSOMETER[n -S] EXTENSOMETERSEXTENSOMETER [n] EXTENSORa muscle that extends a limb [n -S] EXTENSORSEXTENSOR, a muscle that extends a limb [n] EXTENTthe range over which something extends [n -S] EXTENTSEXTENT, the range over which something extends [n] EXTENUATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXTENUATEDEXTENUATE [v] EXTENUATESEXTENUATE [v] EXTENUATINGEXTENUATE [v] EXTENUATION[n -S] EXTENUATIONSEXTENUATION [n] EXTENUATOR[n -S] EXTENUATORSEXTENUATOR [n] EXTENUATORY[adj] EXTERIORa part or surface that is outside [n -S] EXTERIORISE[v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES] EXTERIORISEDEXTERIORISE [v] EXTERIORISESEXTERIORISE [v] EXTERIORISINGEXTERIORISE [v] EXTERIORITIESEXTERIORITY [n] EXTERIORITY[n -TIES] EXTERIORIZATION[n -S] EXTERIORIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] EXTERIORIZEDEXTERIORIZE [v] EXTERIORIZESEXTERIORIZE [v] EXTERIORIZINGEXTERIORIZE [v] EXTERIORLY[adv] EXTERIORSEXTERIOR, a part or surface that is outside [n] EXTERMINATE[v -NATED, -NATING, -NATES] EXTERMINATEDEXTERMINATE [v] EXTERMINATESEXTERMINATE [v] EXTERMINATINGEXTERMINATE [v] EXTERMINATION[n -S] EXTERMINATIONSEXTERMINATION [n] EXTERMINATOR[n -S] EXTERMINATORSEXTERMINATOR [n] EXTERMINATORY[adj] EXTERMINE[v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES] EXTERMINEDEXTERMINE [v] EXTERMINESEXTERMINE [v] EXTERMININGEXTERMINE [v] EXTERNa nonresident of an institution [n -S] EXTERNALan exterior (a part or surface that is outside) [n -S] EXTERNALISATION[n -S] EXTERNALISE[v -ISED, -ISING, -ISES] EXTERNALISEDEXTERNALISE [v] EXTERNALISESEXTERNALISE [v] EXTERNALISINGEXTERNALISE [v] EXTERNALISM[n -S] EXTERNALISMSEXTERNALISM [n] EXTERNALITIESEXTERNALITY [n] EXTERNALITY[n -TIES] EXTERNALIZATION[n -S] EXTERNALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] EXTERNALIZEDEXTERNALIZE [v] EXTERNALIZESEXTERNALIZE [v] EXTERNALIZINGEXTERNALIZE [v] EXTERNALLY[adv] EXTERNALSEXTERNAL, an exterior (a part or surface that is outside) [n] EXTERNEextern (a nonresident of an institution) [n -S] EXTERNESEXTERNE, extern (a nonresident of an institution) [n] EXTERNSEXTERN, a nonresident of an institution [n] EXTERNSHIP[n -S] EXTERNSHIPSEXTERNSHIP [n] EXTEROCEPTIVE[adj] EXTEROCEPTOR[n -S] EXTEROCEPTORSEXTEROCEPTOR [n] EXTERRITORIAL[adj] EXTINCTto extinguish [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTINCTEDEXTINCT, to extinguish [v] EXTINCTINGEXTINCT, to extinguish [v] EXTINCTION[n -S] EXTINCTIONSEXTINCTION [n] EXTINCTIVE[adj] EXTINCTSEXTINCT, to extinguish [v] EXTINGUISH[v -ED, -ING, -ES] EXTINGUISHABLE[adj] EXTINGUISHEDEXTINGUISH [v] EXTINGUISHER[n -S] EXTINGUISHERSEXTINGUISHER [n] EXTINGUISHESEXTINGUISH [v] EXTINGUISHINGEXTINGUISH [v] EXTINGUISHMENT[n -S] EXTINGUISHMENTSEXTINGUISHMENT [n] EXTIRPATE[v -PATED, -PATING, -PATES] EXTIRPATEDEXTIRPATE [v] EXTIRPATESEXTIRPATE [v] EXTIRPATINGEXTIRPATE [v] EXTIRPATION[n -S] EXTIRPATIONSEXTIRPATION [n] EXTIRPATOR[n -S] EXTIRPATORSEXTIRPATOR [n] EXTOLto praise highly [v -TOLLED, -TOLLING, -TOLS] EXTOLLto extol (to praise highly) [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTOLLEDEXTOL, to praise highly [v] EXTOLLERone that extols (to praise highly) [n -S] EXTOLLERSEXTOLLER, one that extols (to praise highly) [n] EXTOLLINGEXTOL, to praise highly [v] EXTOLLSEXTOLL, to extol (to praise highly) [v] EXTOLMENT[n -S] EXTOLMENTSEXTOLMENT [n] EXTOLSEXTOL, to praise highly [v] EXTORTto obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTORTEDEXTORT, to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v] EXTORTERone that extorts (to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation) [n -S] EXTORTERSEXTORTER, one that extorts (to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation) [n] EXTORTINGEXTORT, to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v] EXTORTION[n -S] EXTORTIONARY[adj] EXTORTIONATE[adj] EXTORTIONATELY[adv] EXTORTIONER[n -S] EXTORTIONERSEXTORTIONER [n] EXTORTIONIST[n -S] EXTORTIONISTSEXTORTIONIST [n] EXTORTIONSEXTORTION [n] EXTORTIVE[adj] EXTORTSEXTORT, to obtain from a person by violence or intimidation [v] EXTRAsomething additional [n -S] EXTRABOLD[n -S] EXTRABOLDSEXTRABOLD [n] EXTRACELLULAR[adj] EXTRACELLULARLY[adv] EXTRACORPOREAL[adj] EXTRACRANIAL[adj] EXTRACTto pull or draw out [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXTRACTABILITY[n -TIES] EXTRACTABLE[adj] EXTRACTEDEXTRACT, to pull or draw out [v] EXTRACTINGEXTRACT, to pull or draw out [v] EXTRACTION[n -S] EXTRACTIONSEXTRACTION [n] EXTRACTIVE[n -S] EXTRACTIVELY[adv] EXTRACTIVESEXTRACTIVE [n] EXTRACTOR[n -S] EXTRACTORSEXTRACTOR [n] EXTRACTSEXTRACT, to pull or draw out [v] EXTRACURRICULAR[n -S] EXTRADITABLE[adj] EXTRADITE[v -DITED, -DITING, -DITES] EXTRADITEDEXTRADITE [v] EXTRADITESEXTRADITE [v] EXTRADITINGEXTRADITE [v] EXTRADITION[n -S] EXTRADITIONSEXTRADITION [n] EXTRADOSthe outer curve of an arch [n -ES] EXTRADOSESEXTRADOS, the outer curve of an arch [n] EXTRAEMBRYONIC[adj] EXTRAGALACTIC[adj] EXTRAHEPATIC[adj] EXTRAJUDICIAL[adj] EXTRAJUDICIALLY[adv] EXTRALEGAL[adj] EXTRALEGALLY[adv] EXTRALIMITAL[adj] EXTRALINGUISTIC[adj] EXTRALITERARY[adj] EXTRALITIESEXTRALITY [n] EXTRALITY[n -TIES] EXTRALOGICAL[adj] EXTRAMARITAL[adj] EXTRAMUNDANE[adj] EXTRAMURAL[adj] EXTRAMURALLY[adv] EXTRAMUSICAL[adj] EXTRANEOUS[adj] EXTRANEOUSLY[adv] EXTRANEOUSNESS[n -ES] EXTRANETan intranet that permits limited access by outsiders [n -S] EXTRANETSEXTRANET, an intranet that permits limited access by outsiders [n] EXTRANUCLEAR[adj] EXTRAORDINAIRE[adj] EXTRAORDINARILY[adv] EXTRAORDINARY[adj] EXTRAPOLATE[v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] EXTRAPOLATEDEXTRAPOLATE [v] EXTRAPOLATESEXTRAPOLATE [v] EXTRAPOLATINGEXTRAPOLATE [v] EXTRAPOLATION[n -S] EXTRAPOLATIONSEXTRAPOLATION [n] EXTRAPOLATIVE[adj] EXTRAPOLATOR[n -S] EXTRAPOLATORSEXTRAPOLATOR [n] EXTRAPYRAMIDAL[adj] EXTRASEXTRA, something additional [n] EXTRASENSORY[adj] EXTRASYSTOLE[n -S] EXTRASYSTOLESEXTRASYSTOLE [n] EXTRATEXTUAL[adj] EXTRAUTERINE[adj] EXTRAVAGANCE[n -S] EXTRAVAGANCESEXTRAVAGANCE [n] EXTRAVAGANCIESEXTRAVAGANCY [n] EXTRAVAGANCY[n -CIES] EXTRAVAGANT[adj] EXTRAVAGANTLY[adv] EXTRAVAGANZA[n -S] EXTRAVAGANZASEXTRAVAGANZA [n] EXTRAVAGATE[v -GATED, -GATING, -GATES] EXTRAVAGATEDEXTRAVAGATE [v] EXTRAVAGATESEXTRAVAGATE [v] EXTRAVAGATINGEXTRAVAGATE [v] EXTRAVASATE[v -SATED, -SATING, -SATES] EXTRAVASATEDEXTRAVASATE [v] EXTRAVASATESEXTRAVASATE [v] EXTRAVASATINGEXTRAVASATE [v] EXTRAVASATION[n -S] EXTRAVASATIONSEXTRAVASATION [n] EXTRAVASCULAR[adj] EXTRAVEHICULAR[adj] EXTRAVERSION[n -S] EXTRAVERSIONSEXTRAVERSION [n] EXTRAVERT[n -S] EXTRAVERTED[adj] EXTRAVERTSEXTRAVERT [n] EXTREMAEXTREMUM, a maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n] EXTREMEexisting in a very high degree [adj -TREMER, -TREMEST] / the highest degree [n -S] EXTREMELY[adv] EXTREMENESS[n -ES] EXTREMENESSESEXTREMENESS [n] EXTREMEREXTREME, existing in a very high degree [adj] EXTREMESEXTREME, the highest degree [n] EXTREMESTEXTREME, existing in a very high degree [adj] EXTREMISM[n -S] EXTREMISMSEXTREMISM [n] EXTREMIST[n -S] EXTREMISTSEXTREMIST [n] EXTREMITIESEXTREMITY [n] EXTREMITY[n -TIES] EXTREMUMa maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n -MA] EXTRICABLE[adj] EXTRICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] EXTRICATEDEXTRICATE [v] EXTRICATESEXTRICATE [v] EXTRICATINGEXTRICATE [v] EXTRICATION[n -S] EXTRICATIONSEXTRICATION [n] EXTRINSIC[adj] EXTRINSICALLY[adv] EXTRORSEfacing outward [adj] EXTROVERSION[n -S] EXTROVERSIONSEXTROVERSION [n] EXTROVERT[n -S] EXTROVERTED[adj] EXTROVERTSEXTROVERT [n] EXTRUDABILITIESEXTRUDABILITY [n] EXTRUDABILITY[n -TIES] EXTRUDABLE[adj] EXTRUDEto force, thrust, or push out [v -TRUDED, -TRUDING, -TRUDES] EXTRUDEDEXTRUDE, to force, thrust, or push out [v] EXTRUDERone that extrudes (to force, thrust, or push out) [n -S] EXTRUDERSEXTRUDER, one that extrudes (to force, thrust, or push out) [n] EXTRUDESEXTRUDE, to force, thrust, or push out [v] EXTRUDINGEXTRUDE, to force, thrust, or push out [v] EXTRUSION[n -S] EXTRUSIONSEXTRUSION [n] EXTRUSIVE[adj] EXTUBATEto remove a tube from [v -BATED, -BATING, -BATES] EXTUBATEDEXTUBATE, to remove a tube from [v] EXTUBATESEXTUBATE, to remove a tube from [v] EXTUBATINGEXTUBATE, to remove a tube from [v] EXUBERANCE[n -S] EXUBERANCESEXUBERANCE [n] EXUBERANT[adj] EXUBERANTLY[adv] EXUBERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXUBERATEDEXUBERATE [v] EXUBERATESEXUBERATE [v] EXUBERATINGEXUBERATE [v] EXUDATEan exuded substance [n -S] EXUDATESEXUDATE, an exuded substance [n] EXUDATION[n -S] EXUDATIONSEXUDATION [n] EXUDATIVE[adj] EXUDEto ooze forth [v -UDED, -UDING, -UDES] EXUDEDEXUDE, to ooze forth [v] EXUDESEXUDE, to ooze forth [v] EXUDINGEXUDE, to ooze forth [v] EXULTto rejoice greatly [v -ED, -ING, -S] EXULTANCE[n -S] EXULTANCESEXULTANCE [n] EXULTANCIESEXULTANCY [n] EXULTANCY[n -CIES] EXULTANTexulting [adj] EXULTANTLY[adv] EXULTATION[n -S] EXULTATIONSEXULTATION [n] EXULTEDEXULT, to rejoice greatly [v] EXULTINGEXULT, to rejoice greatly [v] EXULTINGLY[adv] EXULTSEXULT, to rejoice greatly [v] EXURBa residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n -S] : EXURBAN ~adj EXURBANEXURB, a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [adj] EXURBANITE[n -S] EXURBANITESEXURBANITE [n] EXURBIAan exurb (a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city) [n -S] EXURBIASEXURBIA, an exurb (a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city) [n] EXURBSEXURB, a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [n] EXUVIAEXUVIUM, the molted covering of an animal [n] EXUVIAEEXUVIUM, the molted covering of an animal [n] EXUVIALEXUVIUM, the molted covering of an animal [adj] EXUVIATEto molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] EXUVIATEDEXUVIATE, to molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v] EXUVIATESEXUVIATE, to molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v] EXUVIATINGEXUVIATE, to molt (to cast off an outer covering) [v] EXUVIATION[n -S] EXUVIATIONSEXUVIATION [n] EXUVIUMthe molted covering of an animal [n -VIAE or -VIA] : EXUVIAL ~adj FABLIAUXFABLIAU, a short metrical tale popular in medieval France [n] FALXa sickle-shaped structure [n FALCES] FAREBOXa receptacle for fares on a bus [n -ES] FAREBOXESFAREBOX, a receptacle for fares on a bus [n] FAUXnot genuine; fake [adj] FAXto transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FAXEDFAX, to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v] FAXESFAX, to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v] FAXINGFAX, to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v] FEDEXto send by Federal Express [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FEDEXEDFEDEX, to send by Federal Express [v] FEDEXESFEDEX, to send by Federal Express [v] FEDEXINGFEDEX, to send by Federal Express [v] FEEDBOXa box for animal feed [n -ES] FEEDBOXESFEEDBOX, a box for animal feed [n] FELLATRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] FELLATRIXESFELLATRIX [n] FERREDOXIN[n -S] FERREDOXINSFERREDOXIN [n] FIREBOXa chamber in which fuel is burned [n -ES] FIREBOXESFIREBOX, a chamber in which fuel is burned [n] FIXto repair (to restore to good condition) [v FIXED or FIXT, FIXING, FIXES] : FIXABLE ~adj FIXABLEFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [adj] FIXATEto make stable or stationary [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] FIXATEDFIXATE, to make stable or stationary [v] FIXATESFIXATE, to make stable or stationary [v] FIXATIFfixative (a substance for preserving paintings or drawings) [n -S] FIXATIFSFIXATIF, fixative (a substance for preserving paintings or drawings) [n] FIXATINGFIXATE, to make stable or stationary [v] FIXATIONthe act of fixating (to make stable or stationary) [n -S] FIXATIONSFIXATION, the act of fixating (to make stable or stationary) [n] FIXATIVEa substance for preserving paintings or drawings [n -S] FIXATIVESFIXATIVE, a substance for preserving paintings or drawings [n] FIXEDFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXEDLYfirmly (in a firm manner) [adv] FIXEDNESS[n -ES] FIXEDNESSESFIXEDNESS [n] FIXERone that fixes (to repair (to restore to good condition)) [n -S] FIXERSFIXER, one that fixes (to repair (to restore to good condition)) [n] FIXESFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXINGFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXINGSaccompaniments to the main dish of a meal [n] FIXITinvolved with fixing things [adj] FIXITIESFIXITY, stability [n] FIXITYstability [n -TIES] FIXTFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] FIXTUREa permanent part or appendage of a house [n -S] FIXTURESFIXTURE, a permanent part or appendage of a house [n] FIXUREfirmness (the state of being firm (unyielding to pressure)) [n -S] FIXURESFIXURE, firmness (the state of being firm (unyielding to pressure)) [n] FLAMBEAUXFLAMBEAU, a flaming torch [n] FLAXan annual herb [n -ES] FLAXENof a pale yellow color [adj] FLAXESFLAX, an annual herb [n] FLAXIERFLAXY, flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj] FLAXIESTFLAXY, flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj] FLAXSEEDthe seed of flax [n -S] FLAXSEEDSFLAXSEED, the seed of flax [n] FLAXYflaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj FLAXIER, FLAXIEST] FLEXto bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLEXAGONa folded paper construction [n -S] FLEXAGONSFLEXAGON, a folded paper construction [n] FLEXEDFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v] FLEXESFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v] FLEXIBILITIESFLEXIBILITY [n] FLEXIBILITY[n -TIES] FLEXIBLEcapable of being bent [adj] : FLEXIBLY ~adv FLEXIBLYFLEXIBLE, capable of being bent [adv] FLEXILEflexible (capable of being bent) [adj] FLEXINGFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v] FLEXIONflection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n -S] FLEXIONAL[adj] FLEXIONSFLEXION, flection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n] FLEXITIME[n -S] FLEXITIMESFLEXITIME [n] FLEXOGRAPHIC[adj] FLEXOGRAPHIESFLEXOGRAPHY [n] FLEXOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] FLEXORa muscle that serves to bend a bodily part [n -S] FLEXORSFLEXOR, a muscle that serves to bend a bodily part [n] FLEXTIMEa system that allows flexible working hours [n -S] FLEXTIMER[n -S] FLEXTIMERSFLEXTIMER [n] FLEXTIMESFLEXTIME, a system that allows flexible working hours [n] FLEXUOSEflexuous (winding) [adj] FLEXUOUSwinding [adj] FLEXURALFLEXURE, the act of bending (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [adj] FLEXUREthe act of bending (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [n -S] : FLEXURAL ~adj FLEXURESFLEXURE, the act of bending (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [n] FLUIDEXTRACT[n -S] FLUIDEXTRACTSFLUIDEXTRACT [n] FLUMMOXto confuse (to mix up mentally) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLUMMOXEDFLUMMOX, to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v] FLUMMOXESFLUMMOX, to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v] FLUMMOXINGFLUMMOX, to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v] FLUOXETINE[n -S] FLUOXETINESFLUOXETINE [n] FLUXto melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FLUXEDFLUX, to melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v] FLUXESFLUX, to melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v] FLUXGATEa device to measure a magnetic field [n -S] FLUXGATESFLUXGATE, a device to measure a magnetic field [n] FLUXINGFLUX, to melt (to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat) [v] FLUXIONthe act of flowing (to move steadily and smoothly along) [n -S] FLUXIONAL[adj] FLUXIONSFLUXION, the act of flowing (to move steadily and smoothly along) [n] FORNIXan arched anatomical structure [n -NICES] : FORNICAL ~adj FOURPLEXquadplex (a building having four units) [n -ES] FOURPLEXESFOURPLEX, quadplex (a building having four units) [n] FOWLPOXa virus disease of poultry [n -ES] FOWLPOXESFOWLPOX, a virus disease of poultry [n] FOXto outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] FOXEDFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] FOXESFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] FOXFIREa glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood [n -S] FOXFIRESFOXFIRE, a glow produced by certain fungi on decaying wood [n] FOXFISHa large shark [n -ES] FOXFISHESFOXFISH, a large shark [n] FOXGLOVEa flowering plant [n -S] FOXGLOVESFOXGLOVE, a flowering plant [n] FOXHOLEa small pit used for cover in a battle area [n -S] FOXHOLESFOXHOLE, a small pit used for cover in a battle area [n] FOXHOUNDa hunting dog [n -S] FOXHOUNDSFOXHOUND, a hunting dog [n] FOXHUNTto hunt with hounds for a fox [v -ED, -ING, -S] FOXHUNTEDFOXHUNT, to hunt with hounds for a fox [v] FOXHUNTER[n -S] FOXHUNTERSFOXHUNTER [n] FOXHUNTING[n -S] FOXHUNTINGSFOXHUNTING [n] FOXHUNTSFOXHUNT, to hunt with hounds for a fox [v] FOXIERFOXY, crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj] FOXIESTFOXY, crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj] FOXILYin a foxy manner [adv] FOXINESSthe state of being foxy (crafty (skillful in deceiving)) [n -ES] FOXINESSESFOXINESS, the state of being foxy (crafty (skillful in deceiving)) [n] FOXINGa piece of material used to cover the upper portion of a shoe [n -S] FOXINGSFOXING, a piece of material used to cover the upper portion of a shoe [n] FOXLIKEresembling a fox (a carnivorous mammal) [adj] FOXSKINthe skin of a fox [n -S] FOXSKINSFOXSKIN, the skin of a fox [n] FOXTAILthe tail of a fox [n -S] FOXTAILSFOXTAIL, the tail of a fox [n] FOXTROTto dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v -TROTTED, -TROTTING, -TROTS] FOXTROTSFOXTROT, to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v] FOXTROTTEDFOXTROT, to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v] FOXTROTTINGFOXTROT, to dance the fox trot (a dance for couples) [v] FOXYcrafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj FOXIER, FOXIEST] FRAXINELLA[n -S] FRAXINELLASFRAXINELLA [n] FUCOXANTHIN[n -S] FUCOXANTHINSFUCOXANTHIN [n] FUNPLEXa building with facilities for sports and games [n -ES] FUNPLEXESFUNPLEX, a building with facilities for sports and games [n] GALAXan evergreen herb [n -ES] GALAXESGALAX, an evergreen herb [n] GALAXIESGALAXY, a large system of celestial bodies [n] GALAXYa large system of celestial bodies [n -AXIES] GASPEREAUXGASPEREAU [n] GATEAUXGATEAU, a fancy cake [n] GEARBOXan automotive transmission [n -ES] GEARBOXESGEARBOX, an automotive transmission [n] GENERATRIX[n -TRICES] GEOTAXESGEOTAXIS, the movement of an organism in response to gravity [n] GEOTAXISthe movement of an organism in response to gravity [n -TAXES] GLOXINIAa tropical plant [n -S] GLOXINIASGLOXINIA, a tropical plant [n] GOOGOLPLEX[n -ES] GOOGOLPLEXESGOOGOLPLEX [n] GOXgaseous oxygen [n -ES] GOXESGOX, gaseous oxygen [n] GRAVLAXcured salmon [n GRAVLAX] HALLUXthe big toe [n -LUCES] : HALLUCAL ~adj HANDAXa short-handled ax [n -ES] HANDAXESHANDAX, a short-handled ax [n] HAPAXa word that occurs only once [n -ES] HAPAXESHAPAX, a word that occurs only once [n] HARUSPEXa soothsayer of ancient Rome [n -PICES] HATBOXa box for a hat [n -ES] HATBOXESHATBOX, a box for a hat [n] HELIXsomething spiral in form [n -LIXES or -LICES] HELIXESHELIX, something spiral in form [n] HELLBOXa printer's receptacle [n -ES] HELLBOXESHELLBOX, a printer's receptacle [n] HEMATOXYLIN[n -S] HEMATOXYLINSHEMATOXYLIN [n] HEMOTOXIC[adj] HEMOTOXIN[n -S] HEMOTOXINSHEMOTOXIN [n] HEPATOTOXIC[adj] HEPATOTOXICITY[n -TIES] HERETRIXheritrix (a female heritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] HERETRIXESHERETRIX, heritrix (a female heritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n] HERITRIXa female heritor (one that inherits (to receive by legal succession)) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] HERITRIXESHERITRIX, a female heritor (one that inherits (to receive by legal succession)) [n] HETEROAUXIN[n -S] HETEROAUXINSHETEROAUXIN [n] HETERODOX[adj] HETERODOXIESHETERODOXY [n] HETERODOXY[n -DOXIES] HETERODUPLEX[n -PLEXES] HETERODUPLEXESHETERODUPLEX [n] HETEROSEXUAL[n -S] HETEROSEXUALITY[n -TIES] HETEROSEXUALLY[adv] HETEROSEXUALSHETEROSEXUAL [n] HEXto cast an evil spell upon [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HEXACHLORETHANE[n -S] HEXACHLOROPHENE[n -S] HEXACHORD[n -S] HEXACHORDSHEXACHORD [n] HEXADa group of six [n -S] : HEXADIC ~adj HEXADEhexad (a group of six) [n -S] HEXADECIMAL[n -S] HEXADECIMALSHEXADECIMAL [n] HEXADESHEXADE, hexad (a group of six) [n] HEXADICHEXAD, a group of six [adj] HEXADSHEXAD, a group of six [n] HEXAGONa polygon having six sides [n -S] HEXAGONAL[adj] HEXAGONALLY[adv] HEXAGONSHEXAGON, a polygon having six sides [n] HEXAGRAMa six-pointed star [n -S] HEXAGRAMSHEXAGRAM, a six-pointed star [n] HEXAHEDRAHEXAHEDRON [n] HEXAHEDRON[n -DRA or -DRONS] HEXAHEDRONSHEXAHEDRON [n] HEXAHYDRATE[n -S] HEXAHYDRATESHEXAHYDRATE [n] HEXAMETER[n -S] HEXAMETERSHEXAMETER [n] HEXAMETHONIUM[n -S] HEXAMETHONIUMSHEXAMETHONIUM [n] HEXAMINEa chemical compound [n -S] HEXAMINESHEXAMINE, a chemical compound [n] HEXANEa volatile liquid [n -S] HEXANESHEXANE, a volatile liquid [n] HEXAPLAan edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns [n -S] : HEXAPLAR ~adj HEXAPLARHEXAPLA, an edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns [adj] HEXAPLASHEXAPLA, an edition in which six texts are set in parallel columns [n] HEXAPLOID[n -S] HEXAPLOIDIESHEXAPLOIDY [n] HEXAPLOIDSHEXAPLOID [n] HEXAPLOIDY[n -DIES] HEXAPODa six-legged insect [n -S] HEXAPODIESHEXAPODY, a line of verse with six feet [n] HEXAPODSHEXAPOD, a six-legged insect [n] HEXAPODYa line of verse with six feet [n -DIES] HEXARCHIESHEXARCHY, a group of six separate states [n] HEXARCHYa group of six separate states [n -CHIES] HEXASTICH[n -S] HEXASTICHSHEXASTICH [n] HEXEDHEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v] HEXERone that hexes (to cast an evil spell upon) [n -S] HEXEREIwitchcraft [n -S] HEXEREISHEXEREI, witchcraft [n] HEXERSHEXER, one that hexes (to cast an evil spell upon) [n] HEXESHEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v] HEXINGHEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v] HEXOBARBITAL[n -S] HEXOBARBITALSHEXOBARBITAL [n] HEXOKINASE[n -S] HEXOKINASESHEXOKINASE [n] HEXONEa hydrocarbon solvent [n -S] HEXONESHEXONE, a hydrocarbon solvent [n] HEXOSAMINIDASE[n -S] HEXOSAMINIDASESHEXOSAMINIDASE [n] HEXOSANa carbohydrate [n -S] HEXOSANSHEXOSAN, a carbohydrate [n] HEXOSEa simple sugar [n -S] HEXOSESHEXOSE, a simple sugar [n] HEXYLa hydrocarbon radical [n -S] : HEXYLIC ~adj HEXYLICHEXYL, a hydrocarbon radical [adj] HEXYLRESORCINOL[n -S] HEXYLSHEXYL, a hydrocarbon radical [n] HOAXto deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] HOAXEDHOAX, to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v] HOAXERone that hoaxes (to deceive (to mislead by falsehood)) [n -S] HOAXERSHOAXER, one that hoaxes (to deceive (to mislead by falsehood)) [n] HOAXESHOAX, to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v] HOAXINGHOAX, to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v] HOMEOBOXa short DNA sequence [n -ES] HOMEOBOXESHOMEOBOX, a short DNA sequence [n] HOMOSEXhomosexuality [n -ES] HOMOSEXESHOMOSEX, homosexuality [n] HOMOSEXUAL[n -S] HOMOSEXUALITIESHOMOSEXUALITY [n] HOMOSEXUALITY[n -TIES] HOMOSEXUALLY[adv] HOMOSEXUALSHOMOSEXUAL [n] HOMOTAXESHOMOTAXIS [n] HOMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] HORSEPOXa skin disease of horses [n -ES] HORSEPOXESHORSEPOX, a skin disease of horses [n] HOTBOXan overheated bearing of a railroad car [n -ES] HOTBOXESHOTBOX, an overheated bearing of a railroad car [n] HUMIDEXan index of discomfort [n -ES] HUMIDEXESHUMIDEX, an index of discomfort [n] HYDROPEROXIDE[n -S] HYDROPEROXIDESHYDROPEROXIDE [n] HYDROTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] HYDROTHORAXESHYDROTHORAX [n] HYDROXIDE[n -S] HYDROXIDESHYDROXIDE [n] HYDROXYcontaining hydroxyl [adj] HYDROXYAPATITE[n -S] HYDROXYAPATITESHYDROXYAPATITE [n] HYDROXYLthe radical or group containing oxygen and hydrogen [n -S] HYDROXYLAMINE[n -S] HYDROXYLAMINESHYDROXYLAMINE [n] HYDROXYLAPATITE[n -S] HYDROXYLASE[n -S] HYDROXYLASESHYDROXYLASE [n] HYDROXYLATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] HYDROXYLATEDHYDROXYLATE [v] HYDROXYLATESHYDROXYLATE [v] HYDROXYLATINGHYDROXYLATE [v] HYDROXYLATION[n -S] HYDROXYLATIONSHYDROXYLATION [n] HYDROXYLIC[adj] HYDROXYLSHYDROXYL, the radical or group containing oxygen and hydrogen [n] HYDROXYPROLINE[n -S] HYDROXYPROLINESHYDROXYPROLINE [n] HYDROXYUREA[n -S] HYDROXYUREASHYDROXYUREA [n] HYDROXYZINE[n -S] HYDROXYZINESHYDROXYZINE [n] HYPERCATALEXESHYPERCATALEXIS [n] HYPERCATALEXIS[n -LEXES] HYPERCOMPLEX[adj] HYPEREXCITABLE[adj] HYPEREXCITED[adj] HYPEREXCITEMENT[n -S] HYPEREXCRETION[n -S] HYPEREXCRETIONSHYPEREXCRETION [n] HYPEREXTEND[v -ED, -ING, -S] HYPEREXTENDEDHYPEREXTEND [v] HYPEREXTENDINGHYPEREXTEND [v] HYPEREXTENDSHYPEREXTEND [v] HYPEREXTENSION[n -S] HYPEREXTENSIONSHYPEREXTENSION [n] HYPERPYREXIA[n -S] HYPERPYREXIASHYPERPYREXIA [n] HYPERSEXUAL[adj] HYPERSEXUALITY[n -TIES] HYPERTEXT[n -S] HYPERTEXTSHYPERTEXT [n] HYPOPHARYNX[n -YNXES or -YNGES] HYPOPHARYNXESHYPOPHARYNX [n] HYPOTAXESHYPOTAXIS [n] HYPOTAXIS[n -TAXES] HYPOXANTHINE[n -S] HYPOXANTHINESHYPOXANTHINE [n] HYPOXEMIA[n -S] HYPOXEMIASHYPOXEMIA [n] HYPOXEMIC[adj] HYPOXIAa deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [n -S] : HYPOXIC ~adj HYPOXIASHYPOXIA, a deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [n] HYPOXICHYPOXIA, a deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [adj] HYRAXa small, harelike mammal [n -RAXES or -RACES] HYRAXESHYRAX, a small, harelike mammal [n] IBEXa wild goat [n IBEXES or IBICES] IBEXESIBEX, a wild goat [n] ICEBOXa cabinet for cooling food [n -ES] ICEBOXESICEBOX, a cabinet for cooling food [n] ILEXa holly (a tree) [n -ES] ILEXESILEX, a holly (a tree) [n] IMMIXto mix in [v -ED, -ING, -ES] IMMIXEDIMMIX, to mix in [v] IMMIXESIMMIX, to mix in [v] IMMIXINGIMMIX, to mix in [v] IMMIXTURE[n -S] IMMIXTURESIMMIXTURE [n] INDEXa type of reference guide at the end of a book [n INDEXES or INDICES] / to provide with an index [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INDEXABLE[adj] INDEXATION[n -S] INDEXATIONSINDEXATION [n] INDEXEDINDEX, to provide with an index [v] INDEXERone that indexes [n -S] INDEXERSINDEXER, one that indexes [n] INDEXESINDEX, a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] INDEXICAL[n -S] INDEXICALSINDEXICAL [n] INDEXINGthe linking of wages and prices to cost-of-living levels [n -S] INDEXINGSINDEXING, the linking of wages and prices to cost-of-living levels [n] INDOXYLa chemical compound [n -S] INDOXYLSINDOXYL, a chemical compound [n] INEXACTnot exact [adj] INEXACTITUDE[n -S] INEXACTITUDESINEXACTITUDE [n] INEXACTLY[adv] INEXACTNESS[n -ES] INEXACTNESSESINEXACTNESS [n] INEXCUSABLE[adj] INEXCUSABLENESS[n -ES] INEXCUSABLY[adv] INEXHAUSTIBLE[adj] INEXHAUSTIBLY[adv] INEXISTENCE[n -S] INEXISTENCESINEXISTENCE [n] INEXISTENT[adj] INEXORABILITIESINEXORABILITY [n] INEXORABILITY[n -TIES] INEXORABLE[adj] INEXORABLENESS[n -ES] INEXORABLY[adv] INEXPEDIENCE[n -S] INEXPEDIENCESINEXPEDIENCE [n] INEXPEDIENCIESINEXPEDIENCY [n] INEXPEDIENCY[n -CIES] INEXPEDIENT[adj] INEXPEDIENTLY[adv] INEXPENSIVE[adj] INEXPENSIVELY[adv] INEXPENSIVENESS[n -ES] INEXPERIENCE[n -S] INEXPERIENCED[adj] INEXPERIENCESINEXPERIENCE [n] INEXPERTa novice (a person new to any field or activity) [n -S] INEXPERTLY[adv] INEXPERTNESS[n -ES] INEXPERTNESSESINEXPERTNESS [n] INEXPERTSINEXPERT, a novice (a person new to any field or activity) [n] INEXPIABLE[adj] INEXPIABLY[adv] INEXPLAINABLE[adj] INEXPLICABILITY[n -TIES] INEXPLICABLE[adj] INEXPLICABLY[adv] INEXPLICIT[adj] INEXPRESSIBLE[adj] INEXPRESSIBLY[adv] INEXPRESSIVE[adj] INEXPRESSIVELY[adv] INEXPUGNABLE[adj] INEXPUGNABLY[adv] INEXPUNGIBLE[adj] INEXTRICABILITY[n -TIES] INEXTRICABLE[adj] INEXTRICABLY[adv] INFIXto implant (to set securely) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INFIXATION[n -S] INFIXATIONSINFIXATION [n] INFIXEDINFIX, to implant (to set securely) [v] INFIXESINFIX, to implant (to set securely) [v] INFIXINGINFIX, to implant (to set securely) [v] INFIXIONthe act of infixing (to implant (to set securely)) [n -S] INFIXIONSINFIXION, the act of infixing (to implant (to set securely)) [n] INFLEXEDbent inward [adj] INFLEXIBILITIESINFLEXIBILITY [n] INFLEXIBILITY[n -TIES] INFLEXIBLE[adj] INFLEXIBLENESS[n -ES] INFLEXIBLY[adv] INFLEXION[n -S] INFLEXIONSINFLEXION [n] INFLUXa flowing in [n -ES] INFLUXESINFLUX, a flowing in [n] INHERITRIXinheritress (a female inheritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n -TRIXES or -TRICES] INHERITRIXESINHERITRIX, inheritress (a female inheritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n] INNOXIOUS[adj] INTERMIXto mix together [v -ED, -ING, -ES] INTERMIXEDINTERMIX, to mix together [v] INTERMIXESINTERMIX, to mix together [v] INTERMIXINGINTERMIX, to mix together [v] INTERMIXTURE[n -S] INTERMIXTURESINTERMIXTURE [n] INTERPAROXYSMAL[adj] INTERPROXIMAL[adj] INTERREXa type of sovereign [n -REGES] INTERSEXa person having characteristics of both sexes [n -ES] INTERSEXESINTERSEX, a person having characteristics of both sexes [n] INTERSEXUAL[adj] INTERSEXUALITY[n -TIES] INTERSEXUALLY[adv] INTERTEXTUAL[adj] INTERTEXTUALITY[n -TIES] INTERTEXTUALLY[adv] INTOXICANT[n -S] INTOXICANTSINTOXICANT [n] INTOXICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] INTOXICATEDINTOXICATE [v] INTOXICATEDLY[adv] INTOXICATESINTOXICATE [v] INTOXICATINGINTOXICATE [v] INTOXICATION[n -S] INTOXICATIONSINTOXICATION [n] IRREFLEXIVE[adj] ISOALLOXAZINE[n -S] ISOALLOXAZINESISOALLOXAZINE [n] ISOCARBOXAZID[n -S] ISOCARBOXAZIDSISOCARBOXAZID [n] IXIAa flowering plant [n -S] IXIASIXIA, a flowering plant [n] IXODIDa bloodsucking insect [n -S] IXODIDSIXODID, a bloodsucking insect [n] IXORAa flowering plant [n -S] IXORASIXORA, a flowering plant [n] IXTLEistle (a strong fiber) [n -S] IXTLESIXTLE, istle (a strong fiber) [n] JAMBEAUXJAMBEAU, a piece of armor for the leg [n] JEUXJEU, a game [n] JINXto bring bad luck to [v -ED, -ING, -ES] JINXEDJINX, to bring bad luck to [v] JINXESJINX, to bring bad luck to [v] JINXINGJINX, to bring bad luck to [v] JUKEBOXa coin-operated phonograph [n -ES] JUKEBOXESJUKEBOX, a coin-operated phonograph [n] JUXTAPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] JUXTAPOSEDJUXTAPOSE [v] JUXTAPOSESJUXTAPOSE [v] JUXTAPOSINGJUXTAPOSE [v] JUXTAPOSITION[n -S] JUXTAPOSITIONAL[adj] JUXTAPOSITIONSJUXTAPOSITION [n] KEXa dry, hollow stalk [n -ES] KEXESKEX, a dry, hollow stalk [n] KICKBOXto box in a style that allows kicking [v -ED, -ING, -ES] KICKBOXEDKICKBOX, to box in a style that allows kicking [v] KICKBOXER[n -S] KICKBOXERSKICKBOXER [n] KICKBOXESKICKBOX, to box in a style that allows kicking [v] KICKBOXING[n -S] KICKBOXINGSKICKBOXING [n] KLAXONa low-pitched horn [n -S] KLAXONSKLAXON, a low-pitched horn [n] KLEENEXa cleansing tissue -- a trademark [n -ES] KLEENEXESKLEENEX, a cleansing tissue -- a trademark [n] KYLIXa drinking vessel [n -LIKES] LARYNXan organ of the respiratory tract [n LARYNGES or LARYNXES] : LARYNGAL ~adj LARYNXESLARYNX, an organ of the respiratory tract [n] LATEXa milky liquid of certain plants [n LATICES or LATEXES] LATEXESLATEX, a milky liquid of certain plants [n] LAXnot strict or stringent [adj LAXER, LAXEST] / a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n -ES] LAXATIONthe act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n -S] LAXATIONSLAXATION, the act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n] LAXATIVEa drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels [n -S] LAXATIVESLAXATIVE, a drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels [n] LAXERLAX, not strict or stringent [adj] LAXESLAX, a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] LAXESTLAX, not strict or stringent [adj] LAXITIESLAXITY, the state of being lax (not strict or stringent) [n] LAXITYthe state of being lax (not strict or stringent) [n -ITIES] LAXLYin a lax manner [adv] LAXNESSlaxity (the state of being lax (not strict or stringent)) [n -ES] LAXNESSESLAXNESS, laxity (the state of being lax (not strict or stringent)) [n] LETTERBOX[v -ED, -ING, -ES] LETTERBOXEDLETTERBOX [v] LETTERBOXESLETTERBOX [v] LETTERBOXING[n -S] LETTERBOXINGSLETTERBOXING [n] LEXlaw [n LEGES] LEXEMEa linguistic unit [n -S] : LEXEMIC ~adj LEXEMESLEXEME, a linguistic unit [n] LEXEMICLEXEME, a linguistic unit [adj] LEXESLEXIS, the vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field [n] LEXICALEXICON, a dictionary [n] LEXICALpertaining to the words of a language [adj] LEXICALISATION[n -S] LEXICALISATIONSLEXICALISATION [n] LEXICALITIESLEXICALITY [n] LEXICALITY[n -TIES] LEXICALIZATION[n -S] LEXICALIZATIONSLEXICALIZATION [n] LEXICALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] LEXICALIZEDLEXICALIZE [v] LEXICALIZESLEXICALIZE [v] LEXICALIZINGLEXICALIZE [v] LEXICALLY[adv] LEXICOGRAPHER[n -S] LEXICOGRAPHERSLEXICOGRAPHER [n] LEXICOGRAPHIC[adj] LEXICOGRAPHICAL[adj] LEXICOGRAPHIESLEXICOGRAPHY [n] LEXICOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] LEXICOLOGIESLEXICOLOGY [n] LEXICOLOGIST[n -S] LEXICOLOGISTSLEXICOLOGIST [n] LEXICOLOGY[n -GIES] LEXICONa dictionary [n -CA or -CONS] LEXICONSLEXICON, a dictionary [n] LEXISthe vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field [n LEXES] LIXIVIALIXIVIUM, a solution obtained by leaching [n] LIXIVIALLIXIVIUM, a solution obtained by leaching [adj] LIXIVIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] LIXIVIATEDLIXIVIATE [v] LIXIVIATESLIXIVIATE [v] LIXIVIATINGLIXIVIATE [v] LIXIVIATION[n -S] LIXIVIATIONSLIXIVIATION [n] LIXIVIUMa solution obtained by leaching [n -IA or -IUMS] : LIXIVIAL ~adj LIXIVIUMSLIXIVIUM, a solution obtained by leaching [n] LOCKBOXa box that locks [n -ES] LOCKBOXESLOCKBOX, a box that locks [n] LOXto supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] LOXEDLOX, to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v] LOXESLOX, to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v] LOXINGLOX, to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v] LOXODROME[n -S] LOXODROMESLOXODROME [n] LUMMOXa clumsy person [n -ES] LUMMOXESLUMMOX, a clumsy person [n] LUNCHBOXa container for carrying meals to school or work [n -ES] LUNCHBOXESLUNCHBOX, a container for carrying meals to school or work [n] LUREXa metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n -ES] LUREXESLUREX, a metallic yarn or thread -- a trademark [n] LUXa unit of illumination [n LUXES or LUCES] LUXATEto put out of joint [v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] LUXATEDLUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATESLUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATINGLUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATIONthe act of luxating (to put out of joint) [n -S] LUXATIONSLUXATION, the act of luxating (to put out of joint) [n] LUXEluxury (free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort) [n -S] LUXESLUXE, luxury (free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort) [n] LUXURIANCE[n -S] LUXURIANCESLUXURIANCE [n] LUXURIANT[adj] LUXURIANTLY[adv] LUXURIATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] LUXURIATEDLUXURIATE [v] LUXURIATESLUXURIATE [v] LUXURIATINGLUXURIATE [v] LUXURIESLUXURY, free indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort [n] LUXURIOUS[adj] LUXURIOUSLY[adv] LUXURIOUSNESS[n -ES] LUXURIOUSNESSESLUXURIOUSNESS [n] LUXURYfree indulgence in that which affords pleasure or comfort [n -RIES] LYNXa short-tailed wildcat [n -ES] LYNXESLYNX, a short-tailed wildcat [n] MAILBOXa box for depositing mail [n -ES] MAILBOXESMAILBOX, a box for depositing mail [n] MANTEAUXMANTEAU, a loose cloak [n] MASTIXmastic (an aromatic resin) [n -ES] MASTIXESMASTIX, mastic (an aromatic resin) [n] MASTOPEXIESMASTOPEXY [n] MASTOPEXY[n -PEXIES] MATCHBOXa small box [n -ES] MATCHBOXESMATCHBOX, a small box [n] MATRIXsomething within which something else originates or develops [n -TRICES or -TRIXES] MATRIXESMATRIX, something within which something else originates or develops [n] MAXto reach the upper limit [v -ED, -ING, -ES] MAXEDMAX, to reach the upper limit [v] MAXESMAX, to reach the upper limit [v] MAXIa long skirt or coat [n -S] MAXICOATa long coat [n -S] MAXICOATSMAXICOAT, a long coat [n] MAXILLAthe upper jaw or jawbone [n -LAE or -LAS] MAXILLAEMAXILLA, the upper jaw or jawbone [n] MAXILLARIESMAXILLARY [n] MAXILLARY[n -RIES] MAXILLASMAXILLA, the upper jaw or jawbone [n] MAXILLIPED[n -S] MAXILLIPEDSMAXILLIPED [n] MAXILLOFACIAL[adj] MAXIMa brief statement of a general truth or principle [n -S] MAXIMAMAXIMUM, the greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n] MAXIMALan element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other [n -S] MAXIMALIST[n -S] MAXIMALISTSMAXIMALIST [n] MAXIMALLY[adv] MAXIMALSMAXIMAL, an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other [n] MAXIMINthe maximum of a set of minima [n -S] MAXIMINSMAXIMIN, the maximum of a set of minima [n] MAXIMISEto maximize (to make as great as possible) [v -MISED, -MISING, -MISES] MAXIMISEDMAXIMISE, to maximize (to make as great as possible) [v] MAXIMISESMAXIMISE, to maximize (to make as great as possible) [v] MAXIMISINGMAXIMISE, to maximize (to make as great as possible) [v] MAXIMITEa powerful explosive [n -S] MAXIMITESMAXIMITE, a powerful explosive [n] MAXIMIZATION[n -S] MAXIMIZATIONSMAXIMIZATION [n] MAXIMIZEto make as great as possible [v -MIZED, -MIZING, -MIZES] MAXIMIZEDMAXIMIZE, to make as great as possible [v] MAXIMIZER[n -S] MAXIMIZERSMAXIMIZER [n] MAXIMIZESMAXIMIZE, to make as great as possible [v] MAXIMIZINGMAXIMIZE, to make as great as possible [v] MAXIMSMAXIM, a brief statement of a general truth or principle [n] MAXIMUMthe greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n -MUMS or -MA] MAXIMUMLY[adv] MAXIMUMSMAXIMUM, the greatest possible amount, quantity, or degree [n] MAXINGMAX, to reach the upper limit [v] MAXISMAXI, a long skirt or coat [n] MAXIXEa Brazilian dance [n -S] MAXIXESMAXIXE, a Brazilian dance [n] MAXWELLa unit of magnetic flux [n -S] MAXWELLSMAXWELL, a unit of magnetic flux [n] MEDIATRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] MEDIATRIXESMEDIATRIX [n] MEGAPIXEL[n -S] MEGAPIXELSMEGAPIXEL [n] MEGAPLEXa large building having many movie theaters [n -ES] MEGAPLEXESMEGAPLEX, a large building having many movie theaters [n] MENINXany of the membranes enclosing the brain and spinal cord [n -NINGES] MESOTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] MESOTHORAXESMESOTHORAX [n] METAGALAXIESMETAGALAXY [n] METAGALAXY[n -GALAXIES] METATHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] METATHORAXESMETATHORAX [n] METAXYLEM[n -S] METAXYLEMSMETAXYLEM [n] METHOTREXATE[n -S] METHOTREXATESMETHOTREXATE [n] METHOXIDE[n -S] METHOXIDESMETHOXIDE [n] METHOXYcontaining a certain chemical group [adj] METHOXYCHLOR[n -S] METHOXYCHLORSMETHOXYCHLOR [n] METHOXYFLURANE[n -S] METHOXYFLURANESMETHOXYFLURANE [n] METHOXYLmethoxy (containing a certain chemical group) [adj] METHYLXANTHINE[n -S] METHYLXANTHINESMETHYLXANTHINE [n] METROPLEX[n -ES] METROPLEXESMETROPLEX [n] MICROLUXa unit of illumination [n -LUXES or -LUCES] MICROLUXESMICROLUX, a unit of illumination [n] MILIEUXMILIEU, environment [n] MILLILUXa unit of illumination [n -LUXES or -LUCES] MILLILUXESMILLILUX, a unit of illumination [n] MINIMAXthe minimum of a set of maxima [n -ES] MINIMAXESMINIMAX, the minimum of a set of maxima [n] MINOXIDIL[n -S] MINOXIDILSMINOXIDIL [n] MINXa pert girl [n -ES] : MINXISH ~adj MINXESMINX, a pert girl [n] MINXISHMINX, a pert girl [adj] MIREPOIXa sauteed mixture of diced vegetables [n MIREPOIX] MIREXan insecticide [n -ES] MIREXESMIREX, an insecticide [n] MIXto put together into one mass [v MIXED or MIXT, MIXING, MIXES] : MIXABLE, MIXIBLE ~adj, MIXEDLY ~adv MIXABLEMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] MIXEDMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXEDLYMIX, to put together into one mass [adv] MIXERone that mixes (to put together into one mass) [n -S] MIXERSMIXER, one that mixes (to put together into one mass) [n] MIXESMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXIBLEMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] MIXINGMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXOLOGIESMIXOLOGY, the art of making mixed drinks [n] MIXOLOGIST[n -S] MIXOLOGISTSMIXOLOGIST [n] MIXOLOGYthe art of making mixed drinks [n -GIES] MIXTMIX, to put together into one mass [v] MIXTUREsomething produced by mixing [n -S] MIXTURESMIXTURE, something produced by mixing [n] MIXUPa state of confusion [n -S] MIXUPSMIXUP, a state of confusion [n] MONAXIALhaving one axis [adj] MONAXONa straight spicule in sponges [n -S] MONAXONSMONAXON, a straight spicule in sponges [n] MONOCARBOXYLIC[adj] MONOHYDROXY[adj] MONOXIDEa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] MONOXIDESMONOXIDE, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] MORCEAUXMORCEAU, a short literary or musical composition [n] MORPHALLAXESMORPHALLAXIS [n] MORPHALLAXIS[n -LAXES] MOXAa Chinese plant [n -S] MOXASMOXA, a Chinese plant [n] MOXIEspirit or courage [n -S] MOXIESMOXIE, spirit or courage [n] MULTIAXIAL[adj] MULTIPLEX[v -ED, -ING, -ES] MULTIPLEXEDMULTIPLEX [v] MULTIPLEXER[n -S] MULTIPLEXERSMULTIPLEXER [n] MULTIPLEXESMULTIPLEX [v] MULTIPLEXINGMULTIPLEX [v] MULTIPLEXOR[n -S] MULTIPLEXORSMULTIPLEXOR [n] MUREXa marine mollusk [n -RICES or -REXES] MUREXESMUREX, a marine mollusk [n] MUSKOXa large bovid of arctic regions [n -OXEN] MUSKOXENMUSKOX, a large bovid of arctic regions [n] MYCOTOXIN[n -S] MYCOTOXINSMYCOTOXIN [n] MYXAMEBAa slime mold that resembles an amoeba [n -BAS or -BAE] MYXAMEBAEMYXAMEBA, a slime mold that resembles an amoeba [n] MYXAMEBASMYXAMEBA, a slime mold that resembles an amoeba [n] MYXAMOEBA[n -BAE or -BAS] MYXAMOEBAEMYXAMOEBA [n] MYXAMOEBASMYXAMOEBA [n] MYXEDEMAa disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland [n -S] MYXEDEMASMYXEDEMA, a disease caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland [n] MYXEDEMATOUS[adj] MYXEDEMIC[adj] MYXOCYTEa large cell found in mucous tissue [n -S] MYXOCYTESMYXOCYTE, a large cell found in mucous tissue [n] MYXOEDEMA[n -S] MYXOEDEMASMYXOEDEMA [n] MYXOIDcontaining mucus [adj] MYXOMAa tumor composed of mucous tissue [n -MAS or -MATA] MYXOMASMYXOMA, a tumor composed of mucous tissue [n] MYXOMATAMYXOMA, a tumor composed of mucous tissue [n] MYXOMATOSESMYXOMATOSIS [n] MYXOMATOSIS[n -TOSES] MYXOMATOUS[adj] MYXOMYCETE[n -S] MYXOMYCETESMYXOMYCETE [n] MYXOVIRAL[adj] MYXOVIRUS[n -ES] MYXOVIRUSESMYXOVIRUS [n] NALOXONEa chemical compound [n -S] NALOXONESNALOXONE, a chemical compound [n] NALTREXONE[n -S] NALTREXONESNALTREXONE [n] NAPROXENan anti-inflammatory drug [n -S] NAPROXENSNAPROXEN, an anti-inflammatory drug [n] NARTHEXa vestibule in a church [n -ES] NARTHEXESNARTHEX, a vestibule in a church [n] NASOPHARYNX[n -YNXES or -YNGES] NASOPHARYNXESNASOPHARYNX [n] NEOCORTEX[n -TEXES or -TICES] NEOCORTEXESNEOCORTEX [n] NEOORTHODOX[adj] NEOORTHODOXIESNEOORTHODOXY [n] NEOORTHODOXY[n -DOXIES] NEPHROTOXIC[adj] NEPHROTOXICITY[n -TIES] NEURAXONa part of a neuron [n -S] NEURAXONSNEURAXON, a part of a neuron [n] NEUROTOXIC[adj] NEUROTOXICITIESNEUROTOXICITY [n] NEUROTOXICITY[n -TIES] NEUROTOXIN[n -S] NEUROTOXINSNEUROTOXIN [n] NEXTcoming immediately after; adjoining [adj] NEXTDOORlocated in the next building or room [adj] NEXUSa connection or link [n -ES] NEXUSESNEXUS, a connection or link [n] NIXa water sprite [n NIXES or NIXE] / to veto (to forbid or prevent authoritatively) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] NIXENIX, a water sprite [n] NIXEDNIX, to veto (to forbid or prevent authoritatively) [v] NIXESNIX, a water sprite [n] NIXIEa female water sprite [n -S] NIXIESNIXY, an undeliverable piece of mail [n] NIXINGNIX, to veto (to forbid or prevent authoritatively) [v] NIXYan undeliverable piece of mail [n NIXIES] NONCOMPLEX[adj] NONEXCLUSIVE[adj] NONEXECUTIVE[n -S] NONEXECUTIVESNONEXECUTIVE [n] NONEXEMPT[n -S] NONEXEMPTSNONEXEMPT [n] NONEXISTENCE[n -S] NONEXISTENCESNONEXISTENCE [n] NONEXISTENT[adj] NONEXISTENTIAL[adj] NONEXOTIC[adj] NONEXPENDABLE[adj] NONEXPERIMENTAL[adj] NONEXPERT[n -S] NONEXPERTSNONEXPERT [n] NONEXPLANATORY[adj] NONEXPLOITATION[n] NONEXPLOITATIVE[adj] NONEXPLOITIVE[adj] NONEXPLOSIVE[adj] NONEXPOSED[adj] NONEXTANT[adj] NONHOMOSEXUAL[n -S] NONHOMOSEXUALSNONHOMOSEXUAL [n] NONINTOXICANT[n -S] NONINTOXICANTSNONINTOXICANT [n] NONINTOXICATING[adj] NONLEXICAL[adj] NONORTHODOX[adj] NONOXIDIZING[adj] NONSEXIST[adj] NONSEXUAL[adj] NONTAXa tax of little consequence [n -ES] NONTAXABLE[adj] NONTAXESNONTAX, a tax of little consequence [n] NONTOXICnot toxic [adj] NOXIOUSharmful to health [adj] NOXIOUSLY[adv] NOXIOUSNESS[n -ES] NOXIOUSNESSESNOXIOUSNESS [n] OBNOXIOUS[adj] OBNOXIOUSLY[adv] OBNOXIOUSNESS[n -ES] OBNOXIOUSNESSESOBNOXIOUSNESS [n] OCTUPLEXbeing eight times as great [adj] ONYXa variety of quartz [n -ES] ONYXESONYX, a variety of quartz [n] ORATRIXa female orator (one that orates (to speak formally)) [n -TRICES] OROPHARYNX[n -YNXES or -YNGES] OROPHARYNXESOROPHARYNX [n] ORTHODOXone holding traditional beliefs [n -ES] ORTHODOXESORTHODOX, one holding traditional beliefs [n] ORTHODOXIESORTHODOXY [n] ORTHODOXLY[adv] ORTHODOXY[n -DOXIES] ORYXan African antelope [n -ES] ORYXESORYX, an African antelope [n] OTOTOXICadversely affecting hearing or balance [adj] OTOTOXICITIESOTOTOXICITY [n] OTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] OUTBOXto surpass in boxing [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OUTBOXEDOUTBOX, to surpass in boxing [v] OUTBOXESOUTBOX, to surpass in boxing [v] OUTBOXINGOUTBOX, to surpass in boxing [v] OUTFOXto outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OUTFOXEDOUTFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] OUTFOXESOUTFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] OUTFOXINGOUTFOX, to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v] OUTJINXto surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OUTJINXEDOUTJINX, to surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v] OUTJINXESOUTJINX, to surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v] OUTJINXINGOUTJINX, to surpass in jinxing (to bring bad luck to) [v] OVERANXIETIESOVERANXIETY [n] OVERANXIETY[n -TIES] OVERANXIOUSANXIOUS, full of anxiety [adj] OVERCOMPLEX[adj] OVEREXAGGERATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] OVEREXAGGERATEDOVEREXAGGERATE [v] OVEREXAGGERATESOVEREXAGGERATE [v] OVEREXCITE[v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES] OVEREXCITEDOVEREXCITE [v] OVEREXCITESOVEREXCITE [v] OVEREXCITINGOVEREXCITE [v] OVEREXERCISE[v -CISED, -CISING, -CISES] OVEREXERCISEDOVEREXERCISE [v] OVEREXERCISESOVEREXERCISE [v] OVEREXERCISINGOVEREXERCISE [v] OVEREXERT[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXERTEDOVEREXERT [v] OVEREXERTINGOVEREXERT [v] OVEREXERTION[n -S] OVEREXERTIONSOVEREXERTION [n] OVEREXERTSOVEREXERT [v] OVEREXPAND[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXPANDEDOVEREXPAND [v] OVEREXPANDINGOVEREXPAND [v] OVEREXPANDSOVEREXPAND [v] OVEREXPANSION[n -S] OVEREXPANSIONSOVEREXPANSION [n] OVEREXPECTATION[n -S] OVEREXPLAIN[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXPLAINEDOVEREXPLAIN [v] OVEREXPLAININGOVEREXPLAIN [v] OVEREXPLAINSOVEREXPLAIN [v] OVEREXPLICIT[adj] OVEREXPLOIT[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXPLOITEDOVEREXPLOIT [v] OVEREXPLOITINGOVEREXPLOIT [v] OVEREXPLOITSOVEREXPLOIT [v] OVEREXPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] OVEREXPOSEDOVEREXPOSE [v] OVEREXPOSESOVEREXPOSE [v] OVEREXPOSINGOVEREXPOSE [v] OVEREXPOSURE[n -S] OVEREXPOSURESOVEREXPOSURE [n] OVEREXTEND[v -ED, -ING, -S] OVEREXTENDEDOVEREXTEND [v] OVEREXTENDINGOVEREXTEND [v] OVEREXTENDSOVEREXTEND [v] OVEREXTENSION[n -S] OVEREXTENSIONSOVEREXTENSION [n] OVEREXTRACTION[n -S] OVEREXTRACTIONSOVEREXTRACTION [n] OVEREXTRAVAGANT[adj] OVEREXUBERANT[adj] OVERLAXtoo lax (not strict or stringent) [adj] OVERMIXto mix too much [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OVERMIXEDOVERMIX, to mix too much [v] OVERMIXESOVERMIX, to mix too much [v] OVERMIXINGOVERMIX, to mix too much [v] OVERSEXED[adj] OVERTAXto tax too heavily [v -ED, -ING, -ES] OVERTAXATION[n -S] OVERTAXATIONSOVERTAXATION [n] OVERTAXEDOVERTAX, to tax too heavily [v] OVERTAXESOVERTAX, to tax too heavily [v] OVERTAXINGOVERTAX, to tax too heavily [v] OXa clumsy person [n -ES] / a hoofed mammal [n OXEN] OXACILLIN[n -S] OXACILLINSOXACILLIN [n] OXALACETATE[n -S] OXALACETATESOXALACETATE [n] OXALATEto treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v -LATED, -LATING, -LATES] OXALATEDOXALATE, to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v] OXALATESOXALATE, to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v] OXALATINGOXALATE, to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v] OXALICOXALIS, a flowering plant [adj] OXALISa flowering plant [n -ALISES] : OXALIC ~adj OXALISESOXALIS, a flowering plant [n] OXALOACETATE[n -S] OXALOACETATESOXALOACETATE [n] OXAZEPAMa tranquilizing drug [n -S] OXAZEPAMSOXAZEPAM, a tranquilizing drug [n] OXAZINEa chemical compound [n -S] OXAZINESOXAZINE, a chemical compound [n] OXBLOODa deep red color [n -S] OXBLOODSOXBLOOD, a deep red color [n] OXBOWa U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n -S] OXBOWSOXBOW, a U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n] OXCARTan ox-drawn cart [n -S] OXCARTSOXCART, an ox-drawn cart [n] OXENOX, a clumsy person [n] OXESOX, a clumsy person [n] OXEYEa flowering plant [n -S] OXEYESOXEYE, a flowering plant [n] OXFORDa type of shoe (a covering for the foot) [n -S] OXFORDSOXFORD, a type of shoe (a covering for the foot) [n] OXHEARTa variety of sweet cherry [n -S] OXHEARTSOXHEART, a variety of sweet cherry [n] OXIDoxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] OXIDABLEcapable of being oxidized [adj] OXIDANTan oxidizing agent [n -S] OXIDANTSOXIDANT, an oxidizing agent [n] OXIDASEan oxidizing enzyme [n -S] : OXIDASIC ~adj OXIDASESOXIDASE, an oxidizing enzyme [n] OXIDASICOXIDASE, an oxidizing enzyme [adj] OXIDATEto oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v -DATED, -DATING, -DATES] OXIDATEDOXIDATE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDATESOXIDATE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDATINGOXIDATE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDATION[n -S] OXIDATIONSOXIDATION [n] OXIDATIVE[adj] OXIDATIVELY[adv] OXIDEa binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n -S] : OXIDIC ~adj OXIDESOXIDE, a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n] OXIDICOXIDE, a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [adj] OXIDISEto oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v -DISED, -DISING, -DISES] OXIDISEDOXIDISE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDISERoxidizer (an oxidant (an oxidizing agent)) [n -S] OXIDISERSOXIDISER, oxidizer (an oxidant (an oxidizing agent)) [n] OXIDISESOXIDISE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDISINGOXIDISE, to oxidize (to combine with oxygen) [v] OXIDIZABLE[adj] OXIDIZEto combine with oxygen [v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] OXIDIZEDOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] OXIDIZERan oxidant (an oxidizing agent) [n -S] OXIDIZERSOXIDIZER, an oxidant (an oxidizing agent) [n] OXIDIZESOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] OXIDIZINGOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] OXIDOREDUCTASE[n -S] OXIDOREDUCTASESOXIDOREDUCTASE [n] OXIDSOXID, oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] OXIMoxime (a chemical compound) [n -S] OXIMEa chemical compound [n -S] OXIMESOXIME, a chemical compound [n] OXIMETERan instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood [n -S] OXIMETERSOXIMETER, an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood [n] OXIMETRIESOXIMETRY, the use of an oximeter (an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood) [n] OXIMETRYthe use of an oximeter (an instrument for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood) [n -TRIES] OXIMSOXIM, oxime (a chemical compound) [n] OXLIKEresembling an ox (a clumsy person) [adj] OXLIPa flowering plant [n -S] OXLIPSOXLIP, a flowering plant [n] OXOcontaining oxygen [adj] OXPECKERan African bird [n -S] OXPECKERSOXPECKER, an African bird [n] OXTAILthe tail of an ox [n -S] OXTAILSOXTAIL, the tail of an ox [n] OXTERthe armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n -S] OXTERSOXTER, the armpit (the hollow under the arm at the shoulder) [n] OXTONGUEa European herb [n -S] OXTONGUESOXTONGUE, a European herb [n] OXYcontaining oxygen [adj] OXYACETYLENE[adj] OXYACIDan acid that contains oxygen [n -S] OXYACIDSOXYACID, an acid that contains oxygen [n] OXYCODONE[n -S] OXYCODONESOXYCODONE [n] OXYGENa gaseous element [n -S] : OXYGENIC ~adj OXYGENASE[n -S] OXYGENASESOXYGENASE [n] OXYGENATE[v -ATED, -ATING, -ATES] OXYGENATEDOXYGENATE [v] OXYGENATESOXYGENATE [v] OXYGENATINGOXYGENATE [v] OXYGENATION[n -S] OXYGENATIONSOXYGENATION [n] OXYGENATOR[n -S] OXYGENATORSOXYGENATOR [n] OXYGENICOXYGEN, a gaseous element [adj] OXYGENIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] OXYGENIZEDOXYGENIZE [v] OXYGENIZESOXYGENIZE [v] OXYGENIZINGOXYGENIZE [v] OXYGENLESS[adj] OXYGENOUS[adj] OXYGENSOXYGEN, a gaseous element [n] OXYHEMOGLOBIN[n -S] OXYHEMOGLOBINSOXYHEMOGLOBIN [n] OXYHYDROGEN[adj] OXYMORAOXYMORON, a combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n] OXYMORONa combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n -MORONS or -MORA] OXYMORONIC[adj] OXYMORONICALLY[adv] OXYMORONSOXYMORON, a combination of contradictory or incongruous words [n] OXYPHENBUTAZONE[n -S] OXYPHILoxyphile (an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment) [n -S] OXYPHILEan organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment [n -S] OXYPHILESOXYPHILE, an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment [n] OXYPHILIC[adj] OXYPHILSOXYPHIL, oxyphile (an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment) [n] OXYSALTa salt of an oxyacid [n -S] OXYSALTSOXYSALT, a salt of an oxyacid [n] OXYSOMEa structural unit of cellular cristae [n -S] OXYSOMESOXYSOME, a structural unit of cellular cristae [n] OXYTETRACYCLINE[n -S] OXYTOCICa drug that hastens the process of childbirth [n -S] OXYTOCICSOXYTOCIC, a drug that hastens the process of childbirth [n] OXYTOCINa pituitary hormone [n -S] OXYTOCINSOXYTOCIN, a pituitary hormone [n] OXYTONEa word having heavy stress on the last syllable [n -S] OXYTONESOXYTONE, a word having heavy stress on the last syllable [n] OXYURIASESOXYURIASIS [n] OXYURIASIS[n -URIASES] PACKWAXpaxwax (the nuchal ligament of a quadruped) [n -ES] PACKWAXESPACKWAX, paxwax (the nuchal ligament of a quadruped) [n] PACLITAXEL[n -S] PACLITAXELSPACLITAXEL [n] PANCHAXa tropical fish [n -ES] PANCHAXESPANCHAX, a tropical fish [n] PANMIXESPANMIXIS, panmixia (random mating within a breeding population) [n] PANMIXIArandom mating within a breeding population [n -S] PANMIXIASPANMIXIA, random mating within a breeding population [n] PANMIXISpanmixia (random mating within a breeding population) [n -MIXES] PANSEXUAL[n -S] PANSEXUALITIESPANSEXUALITY [n] PANSEXUALITY[n -TIES] PANSEXUALSPANSEXUAL [n] PARADOXa statement seemingly contradictory or absurd yet perhaps true [n -ES] PARADOXESPARADOX, a statement seemingly contradictory or absurd yet perhaps true [n] PARADOXICAL[adj] PARADOXICALITY[n -TIES] PARADOXICALLY[adv] PARADOXICALNESS[n -ES] PARALLAXan apparent optical displacement of an object [n -ES] PARALLAXESPARALLAX, an apparent optical displacement of an object [n] PARAMYXOVIRUS[n -ES] PARAMYXOVIRUSESPARAMYXOVIRUS [n] PARASEXUAL[adj] PARASEXUALITIESPARASEXUALITY [n] PARASEXUALITY[n -TIES] PARATAXESPARATAXIS [n] PARATAXIS[n -TAXES] PAROXYSMa sudden fit or attack [n -S] PAROXYSMAL[adj] PAROXYSMSPAROXYSM, a sudden fit or attack [n] PAXa ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n -ES] PAXESPAX, a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n] PAXWAXthe nuchal ligament of a quadruped [n -ES] PAXWAXESPAXWAX, the nuchal ligament of a quadruped [n] PEGBOXa part of a stringed instrument [n -ES] PEGBOXESPEGBOX, a part of a stringed instrument [n] PEMPHIXa skin disease [n -ES] PEMPHIXESPEMPHIX, a skin disease [n] PENTOXIDE[n -S] PENTOXIDESPENTOXIDE [n] PEPPERBOX[n -ES] PEPPERBOXESPEPPERBOX [n] PEROXIDperoxide [n -S] PEROXIDASE[n -S] PEROXIDASESPEROXIDASE [n] PEROXIDEto treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v -IDED, -IDING, -IDES] PEROXIDEDPEROXIDE, to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v] PEROXIDESPEROXIDE, to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v] PEROXIDIC[adj] PEROXIDINGPEROXIDE, to treat with peroxide (a bleaching agent) [v] PEROXIDSPEROXID, peroxide [n] PEROXISOMAL[adj] PEROXISOME[n -S] PEROXISOMESPEROXISOME [n] PEROXYcontaining the bivalent group O2 [adj] PERPLEXto make mentally uncertain [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PERPLEXEDPERPLEX, to make mentally uncertain [v] PERPLEXEDLY[adv] PERPLEXER[n -S] PERPLEXERSPERPLEXER [n] PERPLEXESPERPLEX, to make mentally uncertain [v] PERPLEXINGPERPLEX, to make mentally uncertain [v] PERPLEXITIESPERPLEXITY [n] PERPLEXITY[n -TIES] PERSPEXan acrylic plastic consisting essentially of polymethyl methacrylate -- a trademark [n -ES] PERSPEXESPERSPEX, an acrylic plastic consisting essentially of polymethyl methacrylate -- a trademark [n] PHALANXa formation of infantry in ancient Greece [n -ES] PHALANXESPHALANX, a formation of infantry in ancient Greece [n] PHARYNXa section of the digestive tract [n -YNGES or -YNXES] PHARYNXESPHARYNX, a section of the digestive tract [n] PHENIXphoenix (a mythical bird) [n -ES] PHENIXESPHENIX, phoenix (a mythical bird) [n] PHENOXIDE[n -S] PHENOXIDESPHENOXIDE [n] PHENOXYcontaining a radical derived from phenol [adj] PHLOXa flowering plant [n -ES] PHLOXESPHLOX, a flowering plant [n] PHOENIXa mythical bird [n -ES] PHOENIXESPHOENIX, a mythical bird [n] PHOENIXLIKE[adj] PHOTOEXCITATION[n -S] PHOTOEXCITED[adj] PHOTOOXIDATION[n -S] PHOTOOXIDATIONSPHOTOOXIDATION [n] PHOTOOXIDATIVE[adj] PHOTOOXIDIZE[v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] PHOTOOXIDIZEDPHOTOOXIDIZE [v] PHOTOOXIDIZESPHOTOOXIDIZE [v] PHOTOOXIDIZINGPHOTOOXIDIZE [v] PHOTOTAXESPHOTOTAXIS [n] PHOTOTAXIESPHOTOTAXY [n] PHOTOTAXIS[n -TAXES] PHOTOTAXY[n -TAXIES] PHOTOTOXIC[adj] PHOTOTOXICITIESPHOTOTOXICITY [n] PHOTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] PHYLAXISan inhibiting of infection by the body [n -AXISES] PHYLAXISESPHYLAXIS, an inhibiting of infection by the body [n] PHYLLOTAXESPHYLLOTAXIS [n] PHYLLOTAXIESPHYLLOTAXY [n] PHYLLOTAXIS[n -TAXES] PHYLLOTAXY[n -TAXIES] PHYLLOXERA[n -S] PHYLLOXERASPHYLLOXERA [n] PHYTOALEXIN[n -S] PHYTOALEXINSPHYTOALEXIN [n] PHYTOTOXIC[adj] PHYTOTOXICITIESPHYTOTOXICITY [n] PHYTOTOXICITY[n -TIES] PICKAXto use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PICKAXEto pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v -AXED, -AXING, -AXES] PICKAXEDPICKAXE, to pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v] PICKAXESPICKAXE, to pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v] PICKAXINGPICKAXE, to pickax (to use a pickax (a tool for breaking hard surfaces)) [v] PICROTOXIN[n -S] PICROTOXINSPICROTOXIN [n] PILLBOXa small box for pills [n -ES] PILLBOXESPILLBOX, a small box for pills [n] PIXpyx (a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept) [n -ES] PIXELa basic unit of a video image [n -S] PIXELSPIXEL, a basic unit of a video image [n] PIXESPIX, pyx (a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept) [n] PIXIEpixy (a playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [n -S] : PIXIEISH ~adj PIXIEISHPIXIE, pixy (a playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [adj] PIXIESPIXIE, pixy (a playfully mischievous fairy or elf) [n] PIXILATED[adj] PIXILATION[n -S] PIXILATIONSPIXILATION [n] PIXILLATED[adj] PIXINESSthe state of being playfully mischievous [n -ES] PIXINESSESPIXINESS, the state of being playfully mischievous [n] PIXYa playfully mischievous fairy or elf [n PIXIES] : PIXYISH ~adj PIXYISHPIXY, a playfully mischievous fairy or elf [adj] PLAINTEXT[n -S] PLAINTEXTSPLAINTEXT [n] PLATEAUXPLATEAU, a level stretch of elevated land [n] PLEIOTAXIESPLEIOTAXY [n] PLEIOTAXY[n -TAXIES] PLEXa multiplex [n -ES] PLEXALpertaining to a plexus (an interlacing of parts) [adj] PLEXESPLEX, a multiplex [n] PLEXIFORM[adj] PLEXORa small, hammer-like medical instrument [n -S] PLEXORSPLEXOR, a small, hammer-like medical instrument [n] PLEXUSan interlacing of parts [n -ES] PLEXUSESPLEXUS, an interlacing of parts [n] PNEUMOTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] PNEUMOTHORAXESPNEUMOTHORAX [n] POLEAXto strike with an axlike weapon [v -ED, -ING, -ES] POLEAXEto poleax (to strike with an axlike weapon) [v -AXED, -AXING, -AXES] POLEAXEDPOLEAX, to strike with an axlike weapon [v] POLEAXESPOLEAX, to strike with an axlike weapon [v] POLEAXINGPOLEAX, to strike with an axlike weapon [v] POLLEXthe innermost digit of the forelimb [n -LICES] : POLLICAL ~adj POLYHYDROXY[adj] POLYMYXIN[n -S] POLYMYXINSPOLYMYXIN [n] PONTIFEXan ancient Roman priest [n -FICES] PORTMANTEAUXPORTMANTEAU [n] POSTAXIAL[adj] POSTBOXa mailbox (a box for depositing mail) [n -ES] POSTBOXESPOSTBOX, a mailbox (a box for depositing mail) [n] POSTEXERCISE[adj] POSTEXILIC[adj] POSTEXPERIENCE[adj] POSTEXPOSURE[adj] POSTFIXto affix at the end of something [v -ED, -ING, -ES] POSTFIXAL[adj] POSTFIXEDPOSTFIX, to affix at the end of something [v] POSTFIXESPOSTFIX, to affix at the end of something [v] POSTFIXINGPOSTFIX, to affix at the end of something [v] POSTTAXafter taxes have been taken out [adj] POXto infect with syphilis [v -ED, -ING, -ES] POXEDPOX, to infect with syphilis [v] POXESPOX, to infect with syphilis [v] POXIERPOXY, afflicted with a pox [adj] POXIESTPOXY, afflicted with a pox [adj] POXINGPOX, to infect with syphilis [v] POXVIRUSa type of virus (any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens) [n -ES] POXVIRUSESPOXVIRUS, a type of virus (any of a class of submicroscopic pathogens) [n] POXYafflicted with a pox [adj POXIER, POXIEST] PRAXEOLOGICAL[adj] PRAXEOLOGIESPRAXEOLOGY [n] PRAXEOLOGY[n -GIES] PRAXESPRAXIS, practical use of a branch of learning [n] PRAXISpractical use of a branch of learning [n PRAXISES or PRAXES] PRAXISESPRAXIS, practical use of a branch of learning [n] PREAXIALsituated in front of an axis [adj] PRECIEUXexcessively refined [adj] PREEXCITE[v -CITED, -CITING, -CITES] PREEXCITEDPREEXCITE [v] PREEXCITESPREEXCITE [v] PREEXCITINGPREEXCITE [v] PREEXEMPT[v -ED, -ING, -S] PREEXEMPTEDPREEXEMPT [v] PREEXEMPTINGPREEXEMPT [v] PREEXEMPTSPREEXEMPT [v] PREEXILIC[adj] PREEXISTto exist before [v -ED, -ING, -S] PREEXISTEDPREEXIST, to exist before [v] PREEXISTENCE[n -S] PREEXISTENCESPREEXISTENCE [n] PREEXISTENT[adj] PREEXISTINGPREEXIST, to exist before [v] PREEXISTSPREEXIST, to exist before [v] PREEXPERIMENT[adj] PREEXPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] PREEXPOSEDPREEXPOSE [v] PREEXPOSESPREEXPOSE [v] PREEXPOSINGPREEXPOSE [v] PREFIXto add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] PREFIXALpertaining to or being a prefix [adj] PREFIXEDPREFIX, to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v] PREFIXESPREFIX, to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v] PREFIXINGPREFIX, to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word) [v] PREFIXION[n -S] PREFIXIONSPREFIXION [n] PREMAXILLA[n -LAE or -LAS] PREMAXILLAEPREMAXILLA [n] PREMAXILLARIESPREMAXILLARY [n] PREMAXILLARY[n -RIES] PREMAXILLASPREMAXILLA [n] PREMIXto mix before use [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] PREMIXEDPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PREMIXESPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PREMIXINGPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PREMIXTPREMIX, to mix before use [v] PRETAXexisting before provision for taxes [adj] PRETEXTto allege as an excuse [v -ED, -ING, -S] PRETEXTEDPRETEXT, to allege as an excuse [v] PRETEXTINGPRETEXT, to allege as an excuse [v] PRETEXTSPRETEXT, to allege as an excuse [v] PREXprexy (a president) [n -ES] PREXESPREX, prexy (a president) [n] PREXIESPREXY, a president [n] PREXYa president [n PREXIES] PRIEDIEUXPRIEDIEU, a piece of furniture for kneeling on during prayer [n] PRINCOXprincock (a coxcomb (a conceited dandy)) [n -ES] PRINCOXESPRINCOX, princock (a coxcomb (a conceited dandy)) [n] PROLIXtediously long and wordy [adj] : PROLIXLY ~adv PROLIXITIESPROLIXITY [n] PROLIXITY[n -TIES] PROLIXLYPROLIX, tediously long and wordy [adv] PROPHYLAXESPROPHYLAXIS [n] PROPHYLAXIS[n -LAXES] PROPOXYPHENE[n -S] PROPOXYPHENESPROPOXYPHENE [n] PROTHORAX[n -RAXES or -RACES] PROTHORAXESPROTHORAX [n] PROTOGALAXIESPROTOGALAXY [n] PROTOGALAXY[n -GALAXIES] PROTOXIDan oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] PROTOXIDE[n -S] PROTOXIDESPROTOXIDE [n] PROTOXIDSPROTOXID, an oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] PROTOXYLEM[n -S] PROTOXYLEMSPROTOXYLEM [n] PROXEMICpertaining to a branch of environmental study [adj] PROXEMICS[n] PROXIESPROXY, a person authorized to act for another [n] PROXIMALlocated near the point of origin [adj] PROXIMALLY[adv] PROXIMATE[adj] PROXIMATELY[adv] PROXIMATENESS[n -ES] PROXIMATENESSESPROXIMATENESS [n] PROXIMITIESPROXIMITY [n] PROXIMITY[n -TIES] PROXIMOof or occurring in the following month [adj] PROXYa person authorized to act for another [n PROXIES] PSYCHOSEXUAL[adj] PSYCHOSEXUALITY[n -TIES] PSYCHOSEXUALLY[adv] PYREXborosilicate glass and glassware resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity -- a trademark [n -ES] PYREXESPYREX, borosilicate glass and glassware resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity -- a trademark [n] PYREXIAfever [n -S] : PYREXIAL, PYREXIC ~adj PYREXIALPYREXIA, fever [adj] PYREXIASPYREXIA, fever [n] PYREXICPYREXIA, fever [adj] PYRIDOXAL[n -S] PYRIDOXALSPYRIDOXAL [n] PYRIDOXAMINE[n -S] PYRIDOXAMINESPYRIDOXAMINE [n] PYRIDOXIN[n -S] PYRIDOXINE[n -S] PYRIDOXINESPYRIDOXINE [n] PYRIDOXINSPYRIDOXIN [n] PYROXENEany of a group of minerals common in igneous rocks [n -S] PYROXENESPYROXENE, any of a group of minerals common in igneous rocks [n] PYROXENIC[adj] PYROXENITE[n -S] PYROXENITESPYROXENITE [n] PYROXENITIC[adj] PYROXENOID[n -S] PYROXENOIDSPYROXENOID [n] PYROXYLIN[n -S] PYROXYLINSPYROXYLIN [n] PYXa container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n -ES] PYXESPYX, a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] PYXIDESPYXIS, a pyxidium (a type of seed vessel) [n] PYXIDIAPYXIDIUM, a type of seed vessel [n] PYXIDIUMa type of seed vessel [n -IA] PYXIEan evergreen shrub [n -S] PYXIESPYXIE, an evergreen shrub [n] PYXISa pyxidium (a type of seed vessel) [n PYXIDES] QUADPLEXa building having four units [n -ES] QUADPLEXESQUADPLEX, a building having four units [n] QUINCUNXan arrangement of five objects [n -ES] QUINCUNXESQUINCUNX, an arrangement of five objects [n] QUINCUNXIAL[adj] QUIXOTEa quixotic person [n -S] QUIXOTESQUIXOTE, a quixotic person [n] QUIXOTICextremely idealistic [adj] QUIXOTICAL[adj] QUIXOTICALLY[adv] QUIXOTISM[n -S] QUIXOTISMSQUIXOTISM [n] QUIXOTRIESQUIXOTRY, quixotic action or thought [n] QUIXOTRYquixotic action or thought [n -TRIES] RADIXthe root of a plant [n -DICES or -DIXES] RADIXESRADIX, the root of a plant [n] RATTLEBOX[n -ES] RATTLEBOXESRATTLEBOX [n] RAXto stretch out [v -ED, -ING, -ES] RAXEDRAX, to stretch out [v] RAXESRAX, to stretch out [v] RAXINGRAX, to stretch out [v] REAFFIXAFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REAFFIXEDREAFFIX, AFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] REAFFIXESREAFFIX, AFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] REAFFIXINGREAFFIX, AFFIX, to attach (to connect as an associated part) [v] REANNEXANNEX, to add or attach [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REANNEXATIONANNEXATION [n -S] REANNEXATIONSREANNEXATION, ANNEXATION [n] REANNEXEDREANNEX, ANNEX, to add or attach [v] REANNEXESREANNEX, ANNEX, to add or attach [v] REANNEXINGREANNEX, ANNEX, to add or attach [v] RECONTEXTUALIZECONTEXTUALIZE [v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] RECTRIXa feather of a bird's tail [n -TRICES] REDOXa type of chemical reaction [n -ES] REDOXESREDOX, a type of chemical reaction [n] REDUXbrought back [adj] REEXAMINATIONEXAMINATION [n -S] REEXAMINATIONSREEXAMINATION, EXAMINATION [n] REEXAMINEEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v -MINED, -MINING, -MINES] REEXAMINEDREEXAMINE, EXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] REEXAMINESREEXAMINE, EXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] REEXAMININGREEXAMINE, EXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [v] REEXECUTEEXECUTE, to carry out [v -CUTED, -CUTING, -CUTES] REEXECUTEDREEXECUTE, EXECUTE, to carry out [v] REEXECUTESREEXECUTE, EXECUTE, to carry out [v] REEXECUTINGREEXECUTE, EXECUTE, to carry out [v] REEXHIBITEXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEXHIBITEDREEXHIBIT, EXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] REEXHIBITINGREEXHIBIT, EXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] REEXHIBITSREEXHIBIT, EXHIBIT, to present for public viewing [v] REEXPELEXPEL, to force out [v -PELLED, -PELLING, -PELS] REEXPELLEDREEXPEL, EXPEL, to force out [v] REEXPELLINGREEXPEL, EXPEL, to force out [v] REEXPELSREEXPEL, EXPEL, to force out [v] REEXPERIENCEEXPERIENCE [v -ENCED, -ENCING, -ENCES] REEXPERIENCEDREEXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE [v] REEXPERIENCESREEXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE [v] REEXPERIENCINGREEXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE [v] REEXPLAINEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEXPLAINEDREEXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] REEXPLAININGREEXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] REEXPLAINSREEXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [v] REEXPLOREEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v -PLORED, -PLORING, -PLORES] REEXPLOREDREEXPLORE, EXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] REEXPLORESREEXPLORE, EXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] REEXPLORINGREEXPLORE, EXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [v] REEXPORTEXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v -ED, -ING, -S] REEXPORTATIONEXPORTATION [n -S] REEXPORTATIONSREEXPORTATION, EXPORTATION [n] REEXPORTEDREEXPORT, EXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] REEXPORTINGREEXPORT, EXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] REEXPORTSREEXPORT, EXPORT, to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v] REEXPOSEEXPOSE, to lay open to view [v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] REEXPOSEDREEXPOSE, EXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] REEXPOSESREEXPOSE, EXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] REEXPOSINGREEXPOSE, EXPOSE, to lay open to view [v] REEXPOSUREEXPOSURE, the act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n -S] REEXPOSURESREEXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, the act of exposing (to lay open to view) [n] REEXPRESSEXPRESS, to set forth in words [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REEXPRESSEDREEXPRESS, EXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] REEXPRESSESREEXPRESS, EXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] REEXPRESSINGREEXPRESS, EXPRESS, to set forth in words [v] REFIXFIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REFIXEDREFIX, FIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] REFIXESREFIX, FIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] REFIXINGREFIX, FIX, to repair (to restore to good condition) [v] REFLEXto bend back [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REFLEXEDREFLEX, to bend back [v] REFLEXESREFLEX, to bend back [v] REFLEXINGREFLEX, to bend back [v] REFLEXIONFLEXION, flection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n -S] REFLEXIONSREFLEXION, FLEXION, flection (the act of bending (to curve)) [n] REFLEXIVE[n -S] REFLEXIVELY[adv] REFLEXIVENESS[n -ES] REFLEXIVENESSESREFLEXIVENESS [n] REFLEXIVESREFLEXIVE [n] REFLEXIVITIESREFLEXIVITY [n] REFLEXIVITY[n -TIES] REFLEXLYin a reflexed manner [adv] REFLEXOLOGIESREFLEXOLOGY [n] REFLEXOLOGY[n -GIES] REFLUXto cause to flow back [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REFLUXEDREFLUX, to cause to flow back [v] REFLUXESREFLUX, to cause to flow back [v] REFLUXINGREFLUX, to cause to flow back [v] REINDEXINDEX, to provide with an index [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REINDEXEDREINDEX, INDEX, to provide with an index [v] REINDEXESREINDEX, INDEX, to provide with an index [v] REINDEXINGREINDEX, INDEX, to provide with an index [v] RELAXto make less tense or rigid [v -ED, -ING, -ES] RELAXABLE[adj] RELAXANTa drug that relieves muscular tension [n -S] RELAXANTSRELAXANT, a drug that relieves muscular tension [n] RELAXATIONLAXATION, the act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n -S] RELAXATIONSRELAXATION, LAXATION, the act of relaxing (to make less tense or rigid) [n] RELAXEDRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [v] RELAXEDLY[adv] RELAXEDNESS[n -ES] RELAXEDNESSESRELAXEDNESS [n] RELAXERone that relaxes (to make less tense or rigid) [n -S] RELAXERSRELAXER, one that relaxes (to make less tense or rigid) [n] RELAXESRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [v] RELAXINa female hormone (a secretion of the endocrine organs) [n -S] RELAXINGRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [v] RELAXINSRELAXIN, a female hormone (a secretion of the endocrine organs) [n] REMEXa flight feather of a bird's wing [n REMIGES] : REMIGIAL ~adj REMIXMIX, to put together into one mass [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] REMIXEDREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXESREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXINGREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXTREMIX, MIX, to put together into one mass [v] REMIXTUREMIXTURE, something produced by mixing [n -S] REMIXTURESREMIXTURE, MIXTURE, something produced by mixing [n] REOXIDATIONOXIDATION [n -S] REOXIDATIONSREOXIDATION, OXIDATION [n] REOXIDIZEOXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v -DIZED, -DIZING, -DIZES] REOXIDIZEDREOXIDIZE, OXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] REOXIDIZESREOXIDIZE, OXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] REOXIDIZINGREOXIDIZE, OXIDIZE, to combine with oxygen [v] RESEAUXRESEAU, a filter screen for making color films [n] RETAXTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v -ED, -ING, -ES] RETAXEDRETAX, TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] RETAXESRETAX, TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] RETAXINGRETAX, TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] RETEXTURETEXTURE, to make by weaving [v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES] RETEXTUREDRETEXTURE, TEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] RETEXTURESRETEXTURE, TEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] RETEXTURINGRETEXTURE, TEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] RETROFLEX[n -ES] RETROFLEXESRETROFLEX [n] RETROFLEXION[n -S] RETROFLEXIONSRETROFLEXION [n] REWAXWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] REWAXEDREWAX, WAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] REWAXESREWAX, WAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] REWAXINGREWAX, WAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] REXan animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n -ES] / king [n REGES] REXESREX, an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n] REXINEa strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n -S] REXINESREXINE, a strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n] RHEOTAXESRHEOTAXIS [n] RHEOTAXIS[n -TAXES] RONDEAUXRONDEAU, a short poem of fixed form [n] ROULEAUXROULEAU, a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n] ROUXa mixture of butter and flour [n ROUX] SALPINXan anatomical tube [n -PINGES] SALTBOXa type of house [n -ES] SALTBOXESSALTBOX, a type of house [n] SANDBOXa box containing sand for children to play in [n -ES] SANDBOXESSANDBOX, a box containing sand for children to play in [n] SARDONYXa variety of quartz [n -ES] SARDONYXESSARDONYX, a variety of quartz [n] SAUCEBOXa saucy person [n -ES] SAUCEBOXESSAUCEBOX, a saucy person [n] SAXa saxophone [n -ES] SAXATILEliving or growing among rocks [adj] SAXESSAX, a saxophone [n] SAXHORNa brass wind instrument [n -S] SAXHORNSSAXHORN, a brass wind instrument [n] SAXICOLOUS[adj] SAXIFRAGE[n -S] SAXIFRAGESSAXIFRAGE [n] SAXITOXIN[n -S] SAXITOXINSSAXITOXIN [n] SAXONIESSAXONY, a woolen fabric [n] SAXONYa woolen fabric [n -NIES] SAXOPHONE[n -S] SAXOPHONESSAXOPHONE [n] SAXOPHONIC[adj] SAXOPHONIST[n -S] SAXOPHONISTSSAXOPHONIST [n] SAXTUBAa bass saxhorn [n -S] SAXTUBASSAXTUBA, a bass saxhorn [n] SCOLEXthe knoblike head of a tapeworm [n -LECES or -LICES] SEMIFLEXIBLE[adj] SEXto determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SEXAGENARIAN[n -S] SEXAGENARIANSSEXAGENARIAN [n] SEXAGESIMAL[n -S] SEXAGESIMALSSEXAGESIMAL [n] SEXDECILLION[n -S] SEXDECILLIONSSEXDECILLION [n] SEXEDSEX, to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v] SEXENNIAL[n -S] SEXENNIALSSEXENNIAL [n] SEXESSEX, to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v] SEXIERSEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj] SEXIESTSEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj] SEXILYin a sexy manner [adv] SEXINESSthe quality or state of being sexy [n -ES] SEXINESSESSEXINESS, the quality or state of being sexy [n] SEXINGSEX, to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v] SEXISMprejudice or discrimination against women [n -S] SEXISMSSEXISM, prejudice or discrimination against women [n] SEXISTone that practices sexism (prejudice or discrimination against women) [n -S] SEXISTSSEXIST, one that practices sexism (prejudice or discrimination against women) [n] SEXLESSlacking sexual characteristics [adj] SEXLESSLY[adv] SEXLESSNESS[n -ES] SEXLESSNESSESSEXLESSNESS [n] SEXOLOGIC[adj] SEXOLOGIESSEXOLOGY, the study of human sexual behavior [n] SEXOLOGIST[n -S] SEXOLOGISTSSEXOLOGIST [n] SEXOLOGYthe study of human sexual behavior [n -GIES] SEXPLOITATION[n -S] SEXPLOITATIONSSEXPLOITATION [n] SEXPOTa sexually attractive woman [n -S] SEXPOTSSEXPOT, a sexually attractive woman [n] SEXTone of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n -S] SEXTAINa stanza of six lines [n -S] SEXTAINSSEXTAIN, a stanza of six lines [n] SEXTANa recurrent malarial fever [n -S] SEXTANSSEXTAN, a recurrent malarial fever [n] SEXTANTan instrument for measuring angular distances [n -S] SEXTANTSSEXTANT, an instrument for measuring angular distances [n] SEXTARIISEXTARIUS, an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure [n] SEXTARIUSan ancient Roman unit of liquid measure [n -TARII] SEXTETa group of six [n -S] SEXTETSSEXTET, a group of six [n] SEXTETTEsextet (a group of six) [n -S] SEXTETTESSEXTETTE, sextet (a group of six) [n] SEXTILEthe position of two celestial bodies when they are sixty degrees apart [n -S] SEXTILESSEXTILE, the position of two celestial bodies when they are sixty degrees apart [n] SEXTILLION[n -S] SEXTILLIONSSEXTILLION [n] SEXTOsixmo (a paper size) [n -TOS] SEXTODECIMO[n -MOS] SEXTODECIMOSSEXTODECIMO [n] SEXTONa maintenance worker of a church [n -S] SEXTONSSEXTON, a maintenance worker of a church [n] SEXTOSSEXTO, sixmo (a paper size) [n] SEXTSSEXT, one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n] SEXTUPLEto make six times as great [v -PLED, -PLING, -PLES] SEXTUPLEDSEXTUPLE, to make six times as great [v] SEXTUPLESSEXTUPLE, to make six times as great [v] SEXTUPLET[n -S] SEXTUPLETSSEXTUPLET [n] SEXTUPLICATE[v -CATED, -CATING, -CATES] SEXTUPLICATEDSEXTUPLICATE [v] SEXTUPLICATESSEXTUPLICATE [v] SEXTUPLICATINGSEXTUPLICATE [v] SEXTUPLINGSEXTUPLE, to make six times as great [v] SEXTUPLYto six times as much or as many [adv] SEXUALpertaining to sex [adj] : SEXUALLY ~adv SEXUALITIESSEXUALITY [n] SEXUALITY[n -TIES] SEXUALIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] SEXUALIZEDSEXUALIZE [v] SEXUALIZESSEXUALIZE [v] SEXUALIZINGSEXUALIZE [v] SEXUALLYSEXUAL, pertaining to sex [adv] SEXYarousing sexual desire [adj SEXIER, SEXIEST] SHADOWBOX[v -ED, -ING, -ES] SHADOWBOXEDSHADOWBOX [v] SHADOWBOXESSHADOWBOX [v] SHADOWBOXINGSHADOWBOX [v] SHOEBOXan oblong box for holding a pair of shoes [n -ES] SHOEBOXESSHOEBOX, an oblong box for holding a pair of shoes [n] SILEXsilica (a form of silicon) [n -ES] SILEXESSILEX, silica (a form of silicon) [n] SILOXANEa chemical compound [n -S] SILOXANESSILOXANE, a chemical compound [n] SILVEXan herbicide [n -ES] SILVEXESSILVEX, an herbicide [n] SIMPLEXa simple word [n -PLEXES, -PLICES, or -PLICIA] SIMPLEXESSIMPLEX, a simple word [n] SIXa number [n -ES] SIXESSIX, a number [n] SIXFOLDbeing six times as great as [adj] SIXMOa paper size [n -MOS] SIXMOSSIXMO, a paper size [n] SIXPENCEa British coin worth six pennies [n -S] SIXPENCESSIXPENCE, a British coin worth six pennies [n] SIXPENNYworth sixpence [adj] SIXTEa fencing parry [n -S] SIXTEENa number [n -S] SIXTEENMO[n -MOS] SIXTEENMOSSIXTEENMO [n] SIXTEENSSIXTEEN, a number [n] SIXTEENTH[n -S] SIXTEENTHSSIXTEENTH [n] SIXTESSIXTE, a fencing parry [n] SIXTHone of six equal parts [n -S] SIXTHLYin the sixth place [adv] SIXTHSSIXTH, one of six equal parts [n] SIXTIESSIXTY, a number [n] SIXTIETHone of sixty equal parts [n -S] SIXTIETHSSIXTIETH, one of sixty equal parts [n] SIXTYa number [n -TIES] SIXTYISHbeing about sixty years old [adj] SKYBOXan enclosure of seats situated high in a stadium [n -ES] SKYBOXESSKYBOX, an enclosure of seats situated high in a stadium [n] SMALLPOXa virus disease [n -ES] SMALLPOXESSMALLPOX, a virus disease [n] SMILAXa twining plant [n -ES] SMILAXESSMILAX, a twining plant [n] SNUFFBOXa box for holding snuff [n -ES] SNUFFBOXESSNUFFBOX, a box for holding snuff [n] SOAPBOXto deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SOAPBOXEDSOAPBOX, to deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v] SOAPBOXESSOAPBOX, to deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v] SOAPBOXINGSOAPBOX, to deliver an informal impassioned speech on the street [v] SOCIOSEXUAL[adj] SONOVOXa sound effects device [n -ES] SONOVOXESSONOVOX, a sound effects device [n] SOUNDBOXa resonant cavity in a musical instrument [n -ES] SOUNDBOXESSOUNDBOX, a resonant cavity in a musical instrument [n] SOXSOCK, a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n] SPADIXa flower cluster [n -DICES or -DIXES] SPADIXESSPADIX, a flower cluster [n] SPANDEXa synthetic elastic fiber [n -ES] SPANDEXESSPANDEX, a synthetic elastic fiber [n] SPHINXa monster in Egyptian mythology [n SPHINXES or SPHINGES] SPHINXESSPHINX, a monster in Egyptian mythology [n] SPHINXLIKE[adj] SPHYNXa cat of a breed of hairless cats [n -ES] SPHYNXESSPHYNX, a cat of a breed of hairless cats [n] SPINIFEXan Australian grass [n -ES] SPINIFEXESSPINIFEX, an Australian grass [n] STEREOTAXIC[adj] STEREOTAXICALLY[adv] STORAXa fragrant resin [n -ES] STORAXESSTORAX, a fragrant resin [n] STRONGBOX[n -ES] STRONGBOXESSTRONGBOX [n] STYRAXstorax (a fragrant resin) [n -ES] STYRAXESSTYRAX, storax (a fragrant resin) [n] SUBAXIALsomewhat axial [adj] SUBBUREAUXSUBBUREAU [n] SUBCLIMAX[n -ES] SUBCLIMAXESSUBCLIMAX [n] SUBCORTEX[n -TEXES or -TICES] SUBCORTEXESSUBCORTEX [n] SUBFIXa distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character [n -ES] SUBFIXESSUBFIX, a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character [n] SUBINDEXa subfix (a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character) [n -DEXES or -DICES] SUBINDEXESSUBINDEX, a subfix (a distinguishing symbol or letter written below another character) [n] SUBLUXATION[n -S] SUBLUXATIONSSUBLUXATION [n] SUBMAXILLARIESSUBMAXILLARY [n] SUBMAXILLARY[n -RIES] SUBMAXIMAL[adj] SUBOXIDEan oxide containing relatively little oxygen [n -S] SUBOXIDESSUBOXIDE, an oxide containing relatively little oxygen [n] SUBTAXASUBTAXON, a subdivision of a taxon [n] SUBTAXONa subdivision of a taxon [n -TAXA or -TAXONS] SUBTAXONSSUBTAXON, a subdivision of a taxon [n] SUBTEXTwritten or printed matter under a more general text [n -S] SUBTEXTSSUBTEXT, written or printed matter under a more general text [n] SUBTEXTUAL[adj] SUFFIXto add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SUFFIXALpertaining to or being a suffix [adj] SUFFIXATION[n -S] SUFFIXATIONSSUFFIXATION [n] SUFFIXEDSUFFIX, to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v] SUFFIXESSUFFIX, to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v] SUFFIXINGSUFFIX, to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word) [v] SUFFIXION[n -S] SUFFIXIONSSUFFIXION [n] SULFOXIDE[n -S] SULFOXIDESSULFOXIDE [n] SUPERDELUXE[adj] SUPEREXPENSIVE[adj] SUPEREXPRESS[n -ES] SUPEREXPRESSESSUPEREXPRESS [n] SUPERFIXa recurrent pattern of stress in speech [n -ES] SUPERFIXESSUPERFIX, a recurrent pattern of stress in speech [n] SUPERHELIX[n -LIXES or -LICES] SUPERHELIXESSUPERHELIX [n] SUPERLUXURIOUS[adj] SUPERLUXURY[adj] SUPEROXIDE[n -S] SUPEROXIDESSUPEROXIDE [n] SUPERSEXa type of sterile organism [n -ES] SUPERSEXESSUPERSEX, a type of sterile organism [n] SUPERSEXUALITY[n -TIES] SUPERTAXan additional tax [n -ES] SUPERTAXESSUPERTAX, an additional tax [n] SURTAXto assess with an extra tax [v -ED, -ING, -ES] SURTAXEDSURTAX, to assess with an extra tax [v] SURTAXESSURTAX, to assess with an extra tax [v] SURTAXINGSURTAX, to assess with an extra tax [v] SWEATBOXa small enclosure in which one is made to sweat [n -ES] SWEATBOXESSWEATBOX, a small enclosure in which one is made to sweat [n] SWINEPOXa disease of swine [n -ES] SWINEPOXESSWINEPOX, a disease of swine [n] SYNTAXthe way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences [n -ES] SYNTAXESSYNTAX, the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences [n] SYRINXthe vocal organ of a bird [n -INGES or -INXES] SYRINXESSYRINX, the vocal organ of a bird [n] TABLEAUXTABLEAU, a picture [n] TAMOXIFEN[n -S] TAMOXIFENSTAMOXIFEN [n] TAXto place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v -ED, -ING, -ES] TAXATAXON, a unit of scientific classification [n] TAXABLEsubject to tax [adj] : TAXABLY ~adv / a taxable item [n -S] TAXABLESTAXABLE, a taxable item [n] TAXABLYTAXABLE, subject to tax [adv] TAXATIONthe process of taxing [n -S] TAXATIONSTAXATION, the process of taxing [n] TAXEDTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] TAXEMEa minimum grammatical feature of selection [n -S] : TAXEMIC ~adj TAXEMESTAXEME, a minimum grammatical feature of selection [n] TAXEMICTAXEME, a minimum grammatical feature of selection [adj] TAXERone that taxes (to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on) [n -S] TAXERSTAXER, one that taxes (to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on) [n] TAXESTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] TAXIto travel in a taxicab [v TAXIED, TAXIING or TAXYING, TAXIS or TAXIES] TAXICABan automobile for hire [n -S] TAXICABSTAXICAB, an automobile for hire [n] TAXIDERMIC[adj] TAXIDERMIESTAXIDERMY [n] TAXIDERMIST[n -S] TAXIDERMISTSTAXIDERMIST [n] TAXIDERMY[n -MIES] TAXIEDTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXIESTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXIINGTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXIMANthe operator of a taxicab [n TAXIMEN] TAXIMENTAXIMAN, the operator of a taxicab [n] TAXIMETER[n -S] TAXIMETERSTAXIMETER [n] TAXINGTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] TAXINGLYin an onerous manner [adv] TAXISTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TAXITEa volcanic rock [n -S] : TAXITIC ~adj TAXITESTAXITE, a volcanic rock [n] TAXITICTAXITE, a volcanic rock [adj] TAXIWAYa paved strip at an airport [n -WAYS] TAXIWAYSTAXIWAY, a paved strip at an airport [n] TAXLESSfree from taxation [adj] TAXMANone who collects taxes [n TAXMEN] TAXMENTAXMAN, one who collects taxes [n] TAXOLa medicinal substance from a yew tree [n -S] TAXOLSTAXOL, a medicinal substance from a yew tree [n] TAXONa unit of scientific classification [n TAXA or TAXONS] TAXONOMIC[adj] TAXONOMICALLY[adv] TAXONOMIESTAXONOMY, the study of scientific classification [n] TAXONOMIST[n -S] TAXONOMISTSTAXONOMIST [n] TAXONOMYthe study of scientific classification [n -MIES] TAXONSTAXON, a unit of scientific classification [n] TAXPAIDpaid for by taxes [adj] TAXPAYERone that pays taxes [n -S] TAXPAYERSTAXPAYER, one that pays taxes [n] TAXPAYING[n -S] TAXPAYINGSTAXPAYING [n] TAXUSan evergreen tree or shrub [n TAXUS] TAXWISEpertaining to taxes [adj] TAXYINGTAXI, to travel in a taxicab [v] TEABOXa box for tea leaves [n -ES] TEABOXESTEABOX, a box for tea leaves [n] TECTRIXa small feather of a bird's wing [n -TRICES] TELEFAXa system for transmitting graphic material over telephone lines [n -ES] TELEFAXESTELEFAX, a system for transmitting graphic material over telephone lines [n] TELETEXTa communications system in which printed matter is telecast to subscribers [n -S] TELETEXTSTELETEXT, a communications system in which printed matter is telecast to subscribers [n] TELEXto send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v -ED, -ING, -ES] TELEXEDTELEX, to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v] TELEXESTELEX, to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v] TELEXINGTELEX, to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v] TELOTAXESTELOTAXIS [n] TELOTAXIS[n -TAXES] TESTATRIX[n -TRIXES or -TRICES] TESTATRIXESTESTATRIX [n] TETRODOTOXIN[n -S] TETRODOTOXINSTETRODOTOXIN [n] TETROXIDa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] TETROXIDE[n -S] TETROXIDESTETROXIDE [n] TETROXIDSTETROXID, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] TEXASthe uppermost structure on a steamboat [n -ES] TEXASESTEXAS, the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n] TEXTthe main body of a written or printed work [n -S] TEXTBOOKa book used in the study of a subject [n -S] TEXTBOOKISH[adj] TEXTBOOKSTEXTBOOK, a book used in the study of a subject [n] TEXTILEa woven fabric [n -S] TEXTILESTEXTILE, a woven fabric [n] TEXTLESShaving no text [adj] TEXTSTEXT, the main body of a written or printed work [n] TEXTUALpertaining to a text (the main body of a written or printed work) [adj] TEXTUALLY[adv] TEXTUARIESTEXTUARY, a specialist in the study of the Scriptures [n] TEXTUARYa specialist in the study of the Scriptures [n -ARIES] TEXTURALpertaining to the surface characteristics of something [adj] TEXTURALLY[adv] TEXTUREto make by weaving [v -TURED, -TURING, -TURES] TEXTUREDTEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] TEXTURELESS[adj] TEXTURESTEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] TEXTURINGTEXTURE, to make by weaving [v] TEXTURIZE[v -IZED, -IZING, -IZES] TEXTURIZEDTEXTURIZE [v] TEXTURIZESTEXTURIZE [v] TEXTURIZINGTEXTURIZE [v] THERMOTAXESTHERMOTAXIS [n] THERMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] THIGMOTAXESTHIGMOTAXIS [n] THIGMOTAXIS[n -TAXES] THIXOTROPIC[adj] THIXOTROPIESTHIXOTROPY [n] THIXOTROPY[n -PIES] THORAXthe part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n -RACES or -RAXES] : THORACAL, THORACIC ~adj THORAXESTHORAX, the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n] THROMBOXANE[n -S] THROMBOXANESTHROMBOXANE [n] THYROTOXICOSESTHYROTOXICOSIS [n] THYROTOXICOSIS[n -COSES] THYROXINan amino acid [n -S] THYROXINE[n -S] THYROXINESTHYROXINE [n] THYROXINSTHYROXIN, an amino acid [n] TINDERBOX[n -ES] TINDERBOXESTINDERBOX [n] TOADFLAXa perennial herb [n -ES] TOADFLAXESTOADFLAX, a perennial herb [n] TONNEAUXTONNEAU, the rear seating compartment of an automobile [n] TOOLBOXa box for tools [n -ES] TOOLBOXESTOOLBOX, a box for tools [n] TORTRIXa small moth (a winged insect) [n -ES] TORTRIXESTORTRIX, a small moth (a winged insect) [n] TOXAEMIAtoxemia (the condition of having toxins in the blood) [n -S] : TOXAEMIC ~adj TOXAEMIASTOXAEMIA, toxemia (the condition of having toxins in the blood) [n] TOXAEMICTOXAEMIA, toxemia (the condition of having toxins in the blood) [adj] TOXAPHENE[n -S] TOXAPHENESTOXAPHENE [n] TOXEMIAthe condition of having toxins in the blood [n -S] : TOXEMIC ~adj TOXEMIASTOXEMIA, the condition of having toxins in the blood [n] TOXEMICTOXEMIA, the condition of having toxins in the blood [adj] TOXICtoxin (a poisonous substance) [n -S] : TOXICAL ~adj TOXICALTOXIC, toxin (a poisonous substance) [adj] TOXICALLY[adv] TOXICANTa poisonous substance [n -S] TOXICANTSTOXICANT, a poisonous substance [n] TOXICITIESTOXICITY, the quality of being poisonous [n] TOXICITYthe quality of being poisonous [n -TIES] TOXICOLOGIC[adj] TOXICOLOGICAL[adj] TOXICOLOGICALLY[adv] TOXICOLOGIESTOXICOLOGY [n] TOXICOLOGIST[n -S] TOXICOLOGISTSTOXICOLOGIST [n] TOXICOLOGY[n -GIES] TOXICOSESTOXICOSIS [n] TOXICOSIS[n -COSES] TOXICSTOXIC, toxin (a poisonous substance) [n] TOXIGENIC[adj] TOXIGENICITIESTOXIGENICITY [n] TOXIGENICITY[n -TIES] TOXINa poisonous substance [n -S] TOXINEtoxin (a poisonous substance) [n -S] TOXINESTOXINE, toxin (a poisonous substance) [n] TOXINSTOXIN, a poisonous substance [n] TOXOIDa type of toxin (a poisonous substance) [n -S] TOXOIDSTOXOID, a type of toxin (a poisonous substance) [n] TOXOPHILIESTOXOPHILY [n] TOXOPHILITE[n -S] TOXOPHILITESTOXOPHILITE [n] TOXOPHILY[n -LIES] TOXOPLASMA[n -S] TOXOPLASMASTOXOPLASMA [n] TOXOPLASMIC[adj] TOXOPLASMOSESTOXOPLASMOSIS [n] TOXOPLASMOSIS[n -MOSES] TRANSAXLE[n -S] TRANSAXLESTRANSAXLE [n] TRANSFIXto impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES] TRANSFIXEDTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSFIXESTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSFIXINGTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSFIXION[n -S] TRANSFIXIONSTRANSFIXION [n] TRANSFIXTTRANSFIX, to impale (to pierce with a pointed object) [v] TRANSSEXUAL[n -S] TRANSSEXUALISM[n -S] TRANSSEXUALISMSTRANSSEXUALISM [n] TRANSSEXUALITY[n -TIES] TRANSSEXUALSTRANSSEXUAL [n] TRIAXIALhaving three axes [adj] TRIAXIALITIESTRIAXIALITY [n] TRIAXIALITY[n -TIES] TRICARBOXYLIC[adj] TRIHYDROXY[adj] TRIOXIDtrioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n -S] TRIOXIDEa type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n -S] TRIOXIDESTRIOXIDE, a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical) [n] TRIOXIDSTRIOXID, trioxide (a type of oxide (a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical)) [n] TRIPLEXan apartment having three floors [n -ES] TRIPLEXESTRIPLEX, an apartment having three floors [n] TROPHALLAXESTROPHALLAXIS [n] TROPHALLAXIS[n -LAXES] TROPOTAXESTROPOTAXIS [n] TROPOTAXIS[n -TAXES] TROUSSEAUXTROUSSEAU [n] TRUMEAUXTRUMEAU, a column supporting part of a doorway [n] TUBIFEXan aquatic worm [n -ES] TUBIFEXESTUBIFEX, an aquatic worm [n] TUXa tuxedo (a man's semiformal dinner coat) [n -ES] TUXEDOa man's semiformal dinner coat [n -DOES or -DOS] : TUXEDOED ~adj TUXEDOEDTUXEDO, a man's semiformal dinner coat [adj] TUXEDOESTUXEDO, a man's semiformal dinner coat [n] TUXEDOSTUXEDO, a man's semiformal dinner coat [n] TUXESTUX, a tuxedo (a man's semiformal dinner coat) [n] TWIXTbetween (in the space that separates) [prep] ULEXITEa mineral [n -S] ULEXITESULEXITE, a mineral [n] ULTRAEXCLUSIVE[adj] ULTRAORTHODOX[adj] UNANNEXEDANNEX, to add or attach [adj] UNAXEDAX, to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [adj] UNBOXto remove from a box [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNBOXEDUNBOX, to remove from a box [v] UNBOXESUNBOX, to remove from a box [v] UNBOXINGUNBOX, to remove from a box [v] UNDEREXPOSE[v -POSED, -POSING, -POSES] UNDEREXPOSEDUNDEREXPOSE [v] UNDEREXPOSESUNDEREXPOSE [v] UNDEREXPOSINGUNDEREXPOSE [v] UNDEREXPOSURE[n -S] UNDEREXPOSURESUNDEREXPOSURE [n] UNDERSEXED[adj] UNDERTAXto tax less than the usual amount [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNDERTAXEDUNDERTAX, to tax less than the usual amount [v] UNDERTAXESUNDERTAX, to tax less than the usual amount [v] UNDERTAXINGUNDERTAX, to tax less than the usual amount [v] UNEXALTEDEXALT, to raise (to move to a higher position) [adj] UNEXAMINEDEXAMINE, to inspect (to look carefully at or over) [adj] UNEXAMPLEDEXAMPLE, to show by representation [adj] UNEXCELLEDEXCEL, to surpass others [adj] UNEXCEPTIONABLEEXCEPTIONABLE [adj] UNEXCEPTIONABLYEXCEPTIONABLY [adv] UNEXCEPTIONALEXCEPTIONAL [adj] UNEXCITABLEEXCITABLE [adj] UNEXCITEDEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [adj] UNEXCITINGEXCITE, to arouse the emotions of [adj] UNEXCUSEDEXCUSE, to apologize for [adj] UNEXERCISEDEXERCISE, to make use of [adj] UNEXOTICnot exotic [adj] UNEXPECTEDEXPECT, to anticipate [adj] UNEXPECTEDLYEXPECTEDLY [adv] UNEXPECTEDNESSEXPECTEDNESS [n -ES] UNEXPENDEDEXPEND, to use up [adj] UNEXPERTnot expert [adj] UNEXPIREDEXPIRE, to come to an end [adj] UNEXPLAINABLEEXPLAINABLE [adj] UNEXPLAINEDEXPLAIN, to make plain or understandable [adj] UNEXPLODEDEXPLODE, to blow up [adj] UNEXPLOITEDEXPLOIT, to take advantage of [adj] UNEXPLOREDEXPLORE, to travel through for the purpose of discovery [adj] UNEXPOSEDEXPOSE, to lay open to view [adj] UNEXPRESSEDEXPRESS, to set forth in words [adj] UNEXPRESSIVEEXPRESSIVE [adj] UNEXPURGATEDEXPURGATE [adj] UNEXTRAORDINARYEXTRAORDINARY [adj] UNFIXto unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v -FIXED or -FIXT, -FIXING, -FIXES] UNFIXEDUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFIXESUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFIXINGUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFIXTUNFIX, to unfasten (to release from fastenings) [v] UNFLEXEDFLEX, to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [adj] UNIAXIALhaving one axis [adj] UNINDEXEDINDEX, to provide with an index [adj] UNISEXthe condition of not being distinguishable as to sex [n -ES] UNISEXESUNISEX, the condition of not being distinguishable as to sex [n] UNISEXUAL[adj] UNISEXUALITIESUNISEXUALITY [n] UNISEXUALITY[n -TIES] UNMIXto separate from a mixture [v -MIXED or -MIXT, -MIXING, -MIXES] UNMIXABLEMIXABLE, MIX, to put together into one mass [adj] UNMIXEDMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] UNMIXEDLYMIXEDLY, MIX, to put together into one mass [adv] UNMIXESUNMIX, to separate from a mixture [v] UNMIXINGUNMIX, to separate from a mixture [v] UNMIXTMIX, to put together into one mass [adj] UNNILHEXIUM[n -S] UNNILHEXIUMSUNNILHEXIUM [n] UNORTHODOXnot orthodox [adj] UNORTHODOXIESUNORTHODOXY, ORTHODOXY [n] UNORTHODOXLYORTHODOXLY [adv] UNORTHODOXYORTHODOXY [n -DOXIES] UNOXYGENATEDOXYGENATE [adj] UNRELAXEDRELAX, to make less tense or rigid [adj] UNSEXto deprive of sexual power [v -ED, -ING, -ES] UNSEXEDUNSEX, to deprive of sexual power [v] UNSEXESUNSEX, to deprive of sexual power [v] UNSEXINGUNSEX, to deprive of sexual power [v] UNSEXUALSEXUAL, pertaining to sex [adj] UNSEXYSEXY, arousing sexual desire [adj] UNTAXEDTAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [adj] UNVEXEDVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [adj] UNVEXTVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [adj] UNWAXEDWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [adj] URTEXTthe original text [n -S] URTEXTSURTEXT, the original text [n] UXORIALpertaining to a wife (a woman married to a man) [adj] UXORIALLY[adv] UXORICIDE[n -S] UXORICIDESUXORICIDE [n] UXORIOUSexcessively submissive or devoted to one's wife [adj] UXORIOUSLY[adv] UXORIOUSNESS[n -ES] UXORIOUSNESSESUXORIOUSNESS [n] VARIXa varicose vein [n VARICES] VERNIXa fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus [n -ES] VERNIXESVERNIX, a fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus [n] VERTEXthe highest point of something [n -TEXES or -TICES] VERTEXESVERTEX, the highest point of something [n] VEXto annoy (to be troublesome to) [v VEXED or VEXT, VEXING, VEXES] VEXATIONa cause of trouble [n -S] VEXATIONSVEXATION, a cause of trouble [n] VEXATIOUS[adj] VEXATIOUSLY[adv] VEXATIOUSNESS[n -ES] VEXATIOUSNESSESVEXATIOUSNESS [n] VEXEDVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VEXEDLYin a vexed manner [adv] VEXEDNESS[n -ES] VEXEDNESSESVEXEDNESS [n] VEXERone that vexes (to annoy (to be troublesome to)) [n -S] VEXERSVEXER, one that vexes (to annoy (to be troublesome to)) [n] VEXESVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VEXILvexillum (the web or vane of a feather) [n -S] VEXILLAVEXILLUM, the web or vane of a feather [n] VEXILLARVEXILLUM, the web or vane of a feather [adj] VEXILLARIESVEXILLARY [n] VEXILLARY[n -RIES] VEXILLATE[adj] VEXILLOLOGIC[adj] VEXILLOLOGICAL[adj] VEXILLOLOGIESVEXILLOLOGY [n] VEXILLOLOGIST[n -S] VEXILLOLOGISTSVEXILLOLOGIST [n] VEXILLOLOGY[n -GIES] VEXILLUMthe web or vane of a feather [n -LA] : VEXILLAR ~adj VEXILSVEXIL, vexillum (the web or vane of a feather) [n] VEXINGVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VEXINGLYin a vexing manner [adv] VEXTVEX, to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v] VIDEOTEXan electronic system for transmitting data to a subscriber's video screen [n -ES] VIDEOTEXESVIDEOTEX, an electronic system for transmitting data to a subscriber's video screen [n] VIDEOTEXT[n -S] VIDEOTEXTSVIDEOTEXT [n] VIXENa shrewish woman [n -S] : VIXENISH, VIXENLY ~adj VIXENISHVIXEN, a shrewish woman [adj] VIXENLYVIXEN, a shrewish woman [adj] VIXENSVIXEN, a shrewish woman [n] VOLVOXany of a genus of freshwater protozoa [n -ES] VOLVOXESVOLVOX, any of a genus of freshwater protozoa [n] VORTEXa whirling mass of fluid [n -TEXES or -TICES] : VORTICAL ~adj VORTEXESVORTEX, a whirling mass of fluid [n] VOXvoice [n VOCES] WAXto coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] : WAXABLE ~adj WAXABLEWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [adj] WAXBERRIESWAXBERRY, a berry with a waxy coating [n] WAXBERRYa berry with a waxy coating [n -RIES] WAXBILLa tropical bird [n -S] WAXBILLSWAXBILL, a tropical bird [n] WAXEDWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] WAXENcovered with wax [adj] WAXERone that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n -S] WAXERSWAXER, one that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n] WAXESWAX, to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v] WAXIERWAXY, resembling wax [adj] WAXIESTWAXY, resembling wax [adj] WAXILYin a waxy manner [adv] WAXINESSthe quality of being waxy [n -ES] WAXINESSESWAXINESS, the quality of being waxy [n] WAXINGthe act of one that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n -S] WAXINGSWAXING, the act of one that waxes (to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance)) [n] WAXLIKEresembling wax [adj] WAXPLANTa tropical plant [n -S] WAXPLANTSWAXPLANT, a tropical plant [n] WAXWEEDan annual herb [n -S] WAXWEEDSWAXWEED, an annual herb [n] WAXWINGa type of passerine bird [n -S] WAXWINGSWAXWING, a type of passerine bird [n] WAXWORKan effigy made of wax [n -S] WAXWORKER[n -S] WAXWORKERSWAXWORKER [n] WAXWORKSWAXWORK, an effigy made of wax [n] WAXWORMa moth that infests beehives [n -S] WAXWORMSWAXWORM, a moth that infests beehives [n] WAXYresembling wax [adj WAXIER, WAXIEST] WOADWAXan ornamental shrub [n -ES] WOADWAXEN[n -S] WOADWAXENSWOADWAXEN [n] WOADWAXESWOADWAX, an ornamental shrub [n] WOODBOXa woodbin (a bin for holding firewood) [n -ES] WOODBOXESWOODBOX, a woodbin (a bin for holding firewood) [n] WOODWAXwoadwax (an ornamental shrub) [n -ES] WOODWAXEN[n -S] WOODWAXENSWOODWAXEN [n] WOODWAXESWOODWAX, woadwax (an ornamental shrub) [n] WORKBOXa box for holding work instruments and materials [n -ES] WORKBOXESWORKBOX, a box for holding work instruments and materials [n] XANTHANa gum produced by bacterial fermentation [n -S] XANTHANSXANTHAN, a gum produced by bacterial fermentation [n] XANTHATEa chemical salt [n -S] XANTHATESXANTHATE, a chemical salt [n] XANTHEINthe water-soluble part of the coloring matter in yellow flowers [n -S] XANTHEINSXANTHEIN, the water-soluble part of the coloring matter in yellow flowers [n] XANTHENEa chemical compound [n -S] XANTHENESXANTHENE, a chemical compound [n] XANTHICtending to have a yellow color [adj] XANTHINa yellow pigment [n -S] XANTHINEa chemical compound [n -S] XANTHINESXANTHINE, a chemical compound [n] XANTHINSXANTHIN, a yellow pigment [n] XANTHOMAa skin disease [n -MAS or -MATA] XANTHOMASXANTHOMA, a skin disease [n] XANTHOMATAXANTHOMA, a skin disease [n] XANTHONEa chemical compound [n -S] XANTHONESXANTHONE, a chemical compound [n] XANTHOPHYLL[n -S] XANTHOPHYLLSXANTHOPHYLL [n] XANTHOUSyellow (of a bright color like that of ripe lemons) [adj] XEBECa Mediterranean sailing vessel [n -S] XEBECSXEBEC, a Mediterranean sailing vessel [n] XENIAthe effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n -S] : XENIAL ~adj XENIALXENIA, the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [adj] XENIASXENIA, the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n] XENICpertaining to a type of culture medium [adj] XENOBIOTIC[n -S] XENOBIOTICSXENOBIOTIC [n] XENOBLAST[n -S] XENOBLASTSXENOBLAST [n] XENOCRYST[n -S] XENOCRYSTSXENOCRYST [n] XENODIAGNOSESXENODIAGNOSIS [n] XENODIAGNOSIS[n -NOSES] XENODIAGNOSTIC[adj] XENOGAMIESXENOGAMY, the transfer of pollen from one plant to another [n] XENOGAMYthe transfer of pollen from one plant to another [n -MIES] XENOGENEIC[adj] XENOGENIC[adj] XENOGENIESXENOGENY, the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parent [n] XENOGENYthe supposed production of offspring totally different from the parent [n -NIES] XENOGRAFT[n -S] XENOGRAFTSXENOGRAFT [n] XENOLITHa rock fragment included in another rock [n -S] XENOLITHIC[adj] XENOLITHSXENOLITH, a rock fragment included in another rock [n] XENONa gaseous element [n -S] XENONSXENON, a gaseous element [n] XENOPHILE[n -S] XENOPHILESXENOPHILE [n] XENOPHOBE[n -S] XENOPHOBESXENOPHOBE [n] XENOPHOBIA[n -S] XENOPHOBIASXENOPHOBIA [n] XENOPHOBIC[adj] XENOPHOBICALLY[adv] XENOPUSa frog native to southern Africa [n -PUSES] XENOPUSESXENOPUS, a frog native to southern Africa [n] XENOTROPIC[adj] XERARCHdeveloping in a dry area [adj] XERICrequiring only a small amount of moisture [adj] XERICALLY[adv] XERISCAPE[n -S] XERISCAPESXERISCAPE [n] XERODERMA[n -MAE or -MAS] XERODERMAEXERODERMA [n] XERODERMASXERODERMA [n] XEROGRAPHIC[adj] XEROGRAPHICALLY[adv] XEROGRAPHIESXEROGRAPHY [n] XEROGRAPHY[n -PHIES] XEROPHILE[adj] XEROPHILIESXEROPHILY [n] XEROPHILOUS[adj] XEROPHILY[n -LIES] XEROPHTHALMIA[n -S] XEROPHTHALMIASXEROPHTHALMIA [n] XEROPHTHALMIC[adj] XEROPHYTE[n -S] XEROPHYTESXEROPHYTE [n] XEROPHYTIC[adj] XEROPHYTISM[n -S] XEROPHYTISMSXEROPHYTISM [n] XERORADIOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] XEROSEREa dry-land sere [n -S] XEROSERESXEROSERE, a dry-land sere [n] XEROSESXEROSIS, abnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [n] XEROSISabnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [n -ROSES] : XEROTIC ~adj XEROTHERMIC[adj] XEROTICXEROSIS, abnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [adj] XEROXto copy on a xerographic copier [v -ED, -ING, -ES] XEROXEDXEROX, to copy on a xerographic copier [v] XEROXESXEROX, to copy on a xerographic copier [v] XEROXINGXEROX, to copy on a xerographic copier [v] XERUSan African ground squirrel [n -ES] XERUSESXERUS, an African ground squirrel [n] XIa Greek letter [n -S] XIPHISTERNAXIPHISTERNUM [n] XIPHISTERNUM[n -NA] XIPHOIDa part of the sternum [n -S] XIPHOIDSXIPHOID, a part of the sternum [n] XISXI, a Greek letter [n] XUa monetary unit of Vietnam [n XU] XYLANa substance found in cell walls of plants [n -S] XYLANSXYLAN, a substance found in cell walls of plants [n] XYLEMa complex plant tissue [n -S] XYLEMSXYLEM, a complex plant tissue [n] XYLENEa flammable hydrocarbon [n -S] XYLENESXYLENE, a flammable hydrocarbon [n] XYLIDINxylidine (a chemical compound) [n -S] XYLIDINEa chemical compound [n -S] XYLIDINESXYLIDINE, a chemical compound [n] XYLIDINSXYLIDIN, xylidine (a chemical compound) [n] XYLITOLan alcohol (a flammable liquid) [n -S] XYLITOLSXYLITOL, an alcohol (a flammable liquid) [n] XYLOCARPa hard, woody fruit [n -S] XYLOCARPSXYLOCARP, a hard, woody fruit [n] XYLOGRAPH[v -ED, -ING, -S] XYLOGRAPHEDXYLOGRAPH [v] XYLOGRAPHER[n -S] XYLOGRAPHERSXYLOGRAPHER [n] XYLOGRAPHIC[adj] XYLOGRAPHICAL[adj] XYLOGRAPHIESXYLOGRAPHY [n] XYLOGRAPHINGXYLOGRAPH [v] XYLOGRAPHSXYLOGRAPH [v] XYLOGRAPHY[n -PHIES] XYLOIDresembling wood [adj] XYLOLxylene (a flammable hydrocarbon) [n -S] XYLOLSXYLOL, xylene (a flammable hydrocarbon) [n] XYLOPHAGE[n -S] XYLOPHAGESXYLOPHAGE [n] XYLOPHAGOUS[adj] XYLOPHONE[n -S] XYLOPHONESXYLOPHONE [n] XYLOPHONIST[n -S] XYLOPHONISTSXYLOPHONIST [n] XYLOSEa type of sugar [n -S] XYLOSESXYLOSE, a type of sugar [n] XYLOTOMIESXYLOTOMY, the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination [n] XYLOTOMYthe preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination [n -MIES] XYLYLa univalent radical [n -S] XYLYLSXYLYL, a univalent radical [n] XYSTxystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n -S] XYSTERa surgical instrument for scraping bones [n -S] XYSTERSXYSTER, a surgical instrument for scraping bones [n] XYSTIXYSTUS, a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece [n] XYSTOIXYSTOS, xystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n] XYSTOSxystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n -TOI] XYSTSXYST, xystus (a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece) [n] XYSTUSa roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece [n -TI] ZAXa tool for cutting roof slates [n -ES] ZAXESZAX, a tool for cutting roof slates [n] ZOOXANTHELLA[n ZOOXANTHELLAE] ZOOXANTHELLAEZOOXANTHELLA [n]