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Luddite or neo-luddite

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Q: What is the word which describes a person that does not believe in modern technology?
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it depends on how the modern technology is used and the person using it

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A person that completely rejects modern technology?


Technology simplifies modern modern life?

Technology has done wonders to simplify modern life. Products such as computers bring a wealth of information right to a person's fingertips, while the television can give a person news at the drop of a hat.

What is an example sentence using modern?

The modern technology confuses Mabel.This is the new modern approach to crime.The family were not very modern. They didn't even own a television.

How many does a human person have?

A person only has 1 life. With modern technology right now it is impossible to bring someone back from the dead.

Can you get holograms the size of planes?

I don't believe that they yet have the technology for a hologram of that size. The largest they have at the moment is a person.

How many human lives does a person have?

A person only has 1 life. With modern technology right now it is impossible to bring someone back from the dead.

What best describes the word hypothesis?

It is an idea, which the person setting out the hypothesis may believe is true.

Who was a person to invent Information Technology?

Noone is the inventor of Information Technology, However many people believe that the idea originated from people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

How many birthday dose a average person have?

I believe with current medical science and technology we are now up to one a year.