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Q: What is the term used for having no sense of direction or location?
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This term is used to describe having common sense online; not giving out SS#, etc.

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This term is used to describe having common sense online; not giving out SS#, etc.

What is it when you can't smell?

"Anosmia" is the technical term for not having a sense of smell. It can be caused by many things, including some illnesses or inhaling something that deadens the sense of smell. Anosmia can be temporary.

How does a compass determine the directions?

The term "compass direction" means a direction shown by a magnetic compass, one whose needle will be drawn to a north-south alignment. When at a location and facing a certain direction, the "compass direction" is the one at the top (front) of the moving compass rose. If a location is in that direction, it is the indicated compass direction from the current point.On a map, the direction from one point to another is indicated by the up-down and left-right line between the points, and the compass directions are indicated by a compass rose on the map.

What is the military term for location?

i believe the military term for location is vector

What term in biology and zoology means away from the mouth?

The term "posterior" is used in biology and zoology to refer to structures located away from the mouth in animals. This term is commonly used to describe the direction or location of body parts in relation to the mouth.

What is the term for movement of particular direction?

Directionality is the term used to describe movement in a particular direction.

What is the medical term meaning awareness of a limb in space?

The medical term for awareness of a limb in space is proprioception. This is the ability to sense the position, location, orientation, and movement of the body and its parts without relying on vision.

What is the Filipino term for location?

The Filipino term for location is "Lokasyon" or "Lugar."

What is the medical term meaning diminished sense of touch?

Hypoesthesia is the term of a diminished sense of touch.

How do you get negative voltage from transformer?

The term, 'negative voltage', refers to its direction and has nothing to do with 'negative' in the 'charge' sense. It's used to indicate the direction in which a voltage is acting in relation to another voltage ('positive' if acting in the samedirection; 'negative' if acting in the opposite direction). So your question is confusing: 'negative' in relation to what?

What is the term for speed in a specific direction?

Velocity is the term for speed in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and direction of an object's motion.