

What is the synonym of disheartened?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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discouraged, dismayed, dejected, low, saddened, depressed, downcast, dispirited, disconsolate

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What is the synonym of disheartened?
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Is merry jovial gay blithe vivacious or disheartened a synonym of downcast?

Downcast means feeling despondent. Disheartened is a synonym. Blithe is similar; it means showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper." The rest of the words would be antonyms.

What is a sentence for the word disheartened?

She was disheartened by the news that she didn't get the part she so dearly wanted.

How do you use disheartened?

To use disheartened in a sentence, you might say, "She felt disheartened after receiving a rejection letter from the job she had applied for." This term describes a feeling of discouragement or loss of hope.

What is a sentence for dishearten?

"Disheartened" is a verb used with an object that means to have lost some hope. Someone who is disheartened is discouraged. "She was disheartened by the fact the he no longer called."

How do you use disheartened in a sentence?

"She was disheartened by the fact he no longer called." "I was disheartened when I didn't get the role of Cinderella in the play." "She was so excited about the work she was doing that I did not want to dishearten her by telling her that we didn't need the report anymore." "Don't let his harsh attitude dishearten you." "The failure of her first attempt proved to dishearten her."

What word means disheartened or dispirited?


What is the exact meaning of the word disheartened?

Definitions of disheartened on the Web: * demoralized: made less hopeful or enthusiastic; "desperate demoralized people looking for work"; "felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem * Deprived of hope,

What is a synonym and antonym for dismayed?

A few synonyms would be: Abash, discouraged, disheartened, perplexed, put off, and many others. I would suggest to find good synonyms. It is an excellent source. Some antonyms would be encourage, or assure.

What is the adjective of despair?

Some synonyms for the verb to despair are:despondloose faithloose heartsurrenderSome synonyms for the noun despair are:depressionhopelessnessanguishdespondencymelancholy

Is dishearted a synonyms or an antonyms?

Disheartened is an antonym of heartened.

What is another word for sad or disheartened?

terrible.......... horrifying.......... bad...........

What is a good sentence for the word dejected?

I am dejected (disheartened) by your answer to my question.