70 years of marriage is a platinum anniversary
All I can think of is 1000 billionths in a millionth
7 equals years of bad luck for breaking a mirror
2=O in G and Y(Two O's in Google and Yahoo)
Yesterday all my troubles seems so far away
"Thirty-five: Minimum Age in Years at which you may assume the Office of President".
It depends on what you are trying to solve for. Here is a solution for x... y = mx + b y - b = mx (y - b) / m = x Note: If m is zero, then there is no solution, because the line is horizontal
The solution to this ditloid is: 10 Yards for a First Down.
17 yak liquorish
13 Months in a Chinese Lunar Year It could also be Calendar instead of Chinese. This is calculated using a lunisolar calendar.
one score years
Two 'O's in Google and Yahoo!