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the silent vowel in February is the r between b and u

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Q: What is the silent vowel in February?
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What is the silent vowel in the word not?

The silent vowel in the word "not" is the letter "o." The "o" is not pronounced in the word.

What silent vowel is in the word circle?

The silent vowel in the word "circle" is the letter "e."

Is silent a long vowel Or short vowel?

The I in silent has a long I sound as in mile. The -ent has a schwa sound.

Is silent a short vowel word?

Yes, "silent" has a short vowel sound in the first syllable ("si-").

Is kite a long vowel?

The i is a long vowel, the e is silent

Does Silent have a long vowel sound?

Yes. The I has a long I vowel sound.

Does silent have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "silent" has a short vowel sound, as the "i" is pronounced as /ɪ/.

Is silent long vowel?

A silent "e" at the end of a word can indicate a long vowel sound in the preceding vowel (e.g., "name"). However, a single vowel at the end of a word may not necessarily result in a long vowel sound (e.g., "love").

Does save have a short vowel or long vowel?

The A in save is a long A, and the E is silent.

Is Smoke a long vowel word?

No, "smoke" is not a long vowel word. It contains a silent "e" at the end that modifies the vowel sound in the word.

In the word JUDGE is the first vowel sound short and the second silent?

Yes, in the word "JUDGE," the first vowel sound is short (uh sound) and the second vowel is silent.

What is the long vowel sound in skate?

The vowel is a long A sound, created by the silent E. The word rhymes with date and late.