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Q: What is the one word describing a boy who frightens other boys?
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What is one word that means a child who frightens other children?


What is describing word?

An adjective is a describing word.

What is Dutch Courage?

moed is the word for courage in dutch. It is the ability to do something that frightens.

easy is a describing word?

yes it is a describing word

What do you mean by 'describing' word?

A describing word or a descriptive word is an adjective.

What is the describing word of teachers?

The describing word of teachers is "educators".

What other words can be used to descrive bulky?

A describing word for bulky is "Fat".

What is French for 'the' when describing a male word?

The French word for "the" when describing a male word is "le".

Which word ends in 'e' also it is an describing word?

An adjective is a describing word that ends in e

Is hero a describing word?

No. Hero is a noun. However, heroic can be a describing word.

What is the best describing word in the world?

There is no 'best' word. It would depend on what you are describing.

Is there another word for Auricle?

Auricle is a noun describing a projection of the ear.It has no other name.