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Q: What is the number of 3 red and 2 black cards in a 5 card sequence in a standard deck of 52 cardsity of?
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Where the sequence of forests from barents sea to Black Sea try to correlate this sequence with the distribution of rainfall?

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What are the stages of the stars life?

Nebula- protostar- Main Sequence Main Sequence- Red Giant- planetary nubula- white dwarf- black dwarf Main Sequence- Red Supergiant- supernova explosion- Nuetron star or a black hole

What is the largest sequence of numbers for a black hole attack?

It isn't clear what "sequence of numbers" you refer to... or, for that matter, what you mean by "black hole attack". If that's some video game, please clarify.

How do bar code labels function?

Barcode labels are generally binary data. A single barcode consists of a sequence of columns; each column is either black or white. The color of a column represents a single "bit" of information, like "1" or "0." A sequence of columns then represents a sequence of ones and zeroes, which can be interpreted as a number written in binary. A laser scanner then "reads" the data by projecting light onto it and measuring the light that is reflected. Black ink does not reflect visible light, so the scanner can distinguish between black and white columns.

Where is black and white in ROY G BIV?

Black and whtie are not in ROYGBIV.... The sequence is: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet, no black or white.

What is the probability of drawing 3 black cards (spades or clubs) from a standard 52-card deck?

The probability of drawing three black cards from a standard pack depends on:whether the cards are drawn at random,whether or not the drawn cards are replaced before the next card is drawn,whether the probability that is required is that three black cards are drawn after however many draws, or that three black cards are drawn in a sequence at some stage - but not necessarily the first three, or that the first three cards cards that are drawn are black.There is no information on any of these and so it is not possible to be certain about the answer.The probability of drawing three black cards, in three random draws - without replacement - from a standard deck, is 0.1176 approx.

Do all cheetahs have the same number of spots?

No, natural variation (just as all people look different) will mean that the spot number and pattern is not the same.

Is the Sun a main-sequence star or black dwarf?

The Sun is currently a main-sequence star, which means it is in the stable phase of its life cycle where nuclear fusion in its core is converting hydrogen into helium. It will eventually evolve into a white dwarf, not a black dwarf, after exhausting its nuclear fuel.

Are there any black Standard Poodles?

Yes, there are black poodles, they are very cute.

What does SHB stand for?

Standard Hobo Black

Describe two types of stars that are not on the main sequence-?

Red Giants - although they can be branch main sequence for a while.Brown DwarfsBlack dwarfsWhite dwarfsT-Tauri starsProtostarsNeutron starsPre-main sequence stars (PMS stars)