There is no meaning to any of the letters. Letters don't have meanings.
The individual letters in a word don't mean anything. By themselves, they simply indicate what sound you're supposed to make. For example, the letter "s" indicates the s sound (which sounds like "ssssss")
The letters in the English alphabet do not have meanings. Only the words that are made up of them do.
An antonym of a word is another word meaning the exact opposite of the first word. An antonym for the word announcer is listener.
3 letter word meaning "no vote'
The base word in the word reporter is report
The individual letters do not have any inherent meaning.
Body shop is the main word that can be formed from the letters POHSYDOB.
RePORTer derived from the Latin word portaf meaning to carry.
Aye is a word whose meaning is similar to that of 'yes', and that starts with the letters 'ay-',