The longest word would be an accumulation of parts which are themeselves all words, which can be built up gradually, up to the maximum number of tiles which can be aligned on the scrabble board.
The highest scoring word would be: NIX The longest word would be: INDRI
The longest word you can make with these letters is jeeped.
The longest I could find, using both the Scrabble dictionary, and Webster's Second International, was seventeen letters: rhomborectangular
1,909 letters in the longest word
no, pneumonoultramicroscopicosillicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word.
The longest word in Kannada is "ಅಂತರಪರಿಮಳನೀಯತ್ವಕ್ಕೆ", which translates to "for incomprehensibleness."
The longest word with y in it is Rythms. sorry if that dissapoints you.
The longest word in the English Language is Pneumonoultramicroscophicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Nonmodal is MAYBE the longest word.
5 is the longest word I found "VIDEO"
There is no anagram. If this is from Scrabble, you'll need another vowel or two. The longest word you can spell with these letters is "bring."