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copying means creating a duplicate copy of the text. moving means removing the text from one place to another

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Q: What is the difference between copying and moving a block of text in Microsoft Word?
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What is the difference between copying text and moving text?

The difference between moving text and copying text is that when you move the text, it is gone from the original spot. When you copy text, the text also stays in the original spot and then also gets copied to a new spot.

What is the different between moving text and copying text?

The difference between moving text and copying text is that when you move the text, it is gone from the original spot. When you copy text, the text also stays in the original spot and then also gets copied to a new spot.

What is the different between copying and moving a file?

copying creates a duplicate, say you want a file on a flash drive and on your computer. moving does simply what it says: moves it. if you don't need the file on your computer but need it on a disk key, move it.

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Copy leaves the information in its original location and makes another copy of the information when you use Paste. But in moving it removes the information and pastes it to another location.

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Yes, it is possible. If you are moving at a constant velocity, you will feel no acceleration or deceleration. In contrast, if you are not moving at all, you will feel stationary with no change in velocity.

When copying or moving text a short distance you can use a QUICK method called?

When copying or moving text a short distance you can use a quick method called "cut and paste" or "copy and paste." This involves selecting the text, cutting or copying it, then pasting it in the desired location.

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Hovers refers to stationary flight in one spot by flapping wings, like a hummingbird. Soars refers to gliding through the air without flapping wings, using air currents and updrafts for lift, like a hawk.

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The difference is that they are thrust up. They are not moving downhill because of gravity.

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Moving is when something is in motion and it remains in motion until an immovable force stops it. On the other hand when something is still then it is considered as not moving.