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Q: What is the country song that starts off with his dead friend answering machine?
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Why do the fax machine come on when answering machine starts?

Usually because it is set to pick up the phone line after the same number of rings as the answering machine...

What appliance starts with a?

The answering machine is an appliance. It begins with the letter a.

What are presents that starts with the letter a?

An automobile or an answering machine is a present. An Apple iPod or an apron is a present.

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No, sorry my friend. But Zimbabwe, is an African country that starts with Z, if that helps.

What simple machine starts with the letter o?

an octopus is a simple machine that starts with a o

What machine starts with the letter o?

A machine that starts with O is an oscillating fan.

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A vehicle is a machine.

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The udometer is a machine. It is a rain gauge.

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The fax machine is a machine. It begins with the letter F.

What is a country that starts with?

Belgium is a country that starts with B.

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What country starts with ER?

Eritrea starts with ER. It is a country in East Africa.