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Q: What is the correct spelling of boulevard?
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How do you spell boulevard?

The correct spelling is 'boulevard'.You have the right spelling

How do you spell bulivard?

The correct spelling is 'boulevard'.

How do you spell boulvard?

The correct spelling of the type of street is a boulevard(from the French).

How do you spell bulevard?

The correct spelling is boulevard (wide avenue, from the French).

What is the correct spelling of boulivard?

It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.It is boulevard.

How do you spell blvd?

That is the correct spelling of the abbreviation (Blvd.) used with street names.The word abbreviated is boulevard (a wide avenue or thoroughfare).

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The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.The correct spelling is privileges.

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No, "VAXINATE" is not a correct spelling. The correct spelling is "VACCINATE."

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The correct spelling is suffocate.

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