Text Twist
5 Years
With constant use it can last to about 10 years.Though it depends with some factors such as size and climate
its called .................
The iPhone 3GS can have around 5-6 hours of constant use (screen lit up). There is an app i recommend which tell you an approximation on your battery life, how long you can do certain tasks and such. Its called "Battery LED."
A relative rate constant the rate at which a reaction will take place. Ex. V = k [A][B] the constant ,k, is a constant value for the rate of the reaction in said equation.
An acronym.
"constant information" is not a word it is two words. Very funny - here are a couple of good sentences for you. Constant information makes it possible to win a war. You should collect constant information when doing any science experiment.
depends on how long you walk and at what constant rate of time you are going if you use Rate*time=Distance.
Usually he was called by his name. The Romans had no specific term for "slave driver". Remember, many of our words/terms in use today are hybrids or a type of slang that because of constant usage has become a legitimate word. The closest words that the Romans had for our term "slave driver" were "venalicius" or "mango" which meant slave dealer. There was also the words "custos" and "curator" which mean overseer.
Sesquipedalian means using long words or characterized by the use of long words. It often refers to language that is unnecessarily complex or verbose.
They used words that called people tools.