I am currently doing a crossword and one of the clues is "blackened candle wick." The answer is a word of 5 letters - by solving other adjoining clues I have I have the first,second and fourth letters of this answer,viz. S N - F -. The dictionaries I am currently using don't provide any answers so somebody please HELP by emailing me at shirleyandnigel@optusnet.com.au, Thanks.
The correct word is SNUFFThe charred portion of a candlewick is the blackened, burnt end where the flame of the candle has been consuming the wick. This can affect the burn quality and performance of the candle, as charred wicks can create more soot and smoke. Trimming the wick regularly to remove the charred portion can help maintain a clean and efficient burn.
The burnt part of toast is commonly referred to as the "charred" or "burnt" portion.
Charred wood is called charcoal
Candlewick Press was created in 1991.
The Judy Moody book series is published by Candlewick Press. Candlewick Press is an independent publisher based in the United States that specializes in children's books.
It's called ash.
The burnt part of a candle wick is called a "wick trim" or a "candle snuffer." It is the charred portion of the wick that remains after the candle has been burned. It should be trimmed before each use to ensure a clean and efficient burn.
A monster who sleeps under your bed.
The chicken was charred.All my paperwork was charred in the fire.
I prefer my steak charred.