The botanical name of Gongura is Hibiscus sabdariffa.
If you mean okra then it is Hibiscus.
The botanical name of China rose is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It is a species of tropical hibiscus native to East Asia.
If you mean Okra then it is Hibiscus.
The common name for black nightshade is "solanum nigrum." Its botanical name is "solanum americanum." It is a weed that is toxic when consumed in large quantities and is often mistaken for the edible black nightshade plant, solanum nigrum.
Hibiscus sabdariffa (Linn) (family Malvaceae), is anannual dicotyledonous herbaceous shrub popularlyknown as 'Gongura' in Hindi or 'Pulicha Keerai' in Tamil.This plant is well known in Asia
The scientific name of hibiscus is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
The scientific name for the hibiscus tree is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
The botanical name of ladyfinger is Abelmoschus esculentus.
The Botanical Name of Crow is Corvus.
The name of hibiscus in Hindi is "Jaswand" or "Gudhal".