36 t in a t of h
You are out of touch
"Three Wheels on a Tricycle".
TO U CH This is a brain teaser and if I am correct it is written as shown below: T O C H U The answer is "You are out of touch" Does it ring a bell...;)
Well, darling, the answer to that brain teaser is simply T. Three T's added together equals 3T, because math doesn't have time for your games. So, next time you try to stump someone with a brain teaser, make sure it's a bit more challenging.
That statement is always true, no matter what number 'T' is. There's no reason for your brain to get teased over it.
Well, honey, the answer to that brain teaser is "empty." Looks like you were trying to outsmart me, but I've got more sass than a room full of divas. Keep those brain teasers coming, I'm just getting warmed up.
5 twenties in a hundred dollars
Mini sota, "Minnesota"
It could mean "beginning of the end" (also represented as --> to the T of vertical t-h-e-e-n-d).
The "T N M N" brain teaser likely refers to a puzzle where each letter represents the first letter of a number word. In this case, "T N M N" could stand for "Ten Men Men None." The challenge is to decipher the pattern and determine the relationship between the words or numbers represented by the letters. These types of brain teasers often require logical thinking and pattern recognition to solve.