There is no anagram of the country England. The longest possible words from those letters are angled, dangle and lagend.
The anagram is heterogeneous (not homogeneous).The letters can also spell "green toe house."
Lloyd Dangle was born in 1961.
Girls could dangle their shoes for a variety of reasons. It could be that their legs are too short to reach the ground and their feet just dangle.
The present participle of "dangle" is "dangling"; its past participle is "dangled."
Dangle - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG (Ontario)
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Dangle is normally used to describe and object that is hanging loosely. The closest antonym for the word dangle is undrape. Undrape means to shun something off the drapery.
The cast of Dangle - 2003 includes: Phil Traill as The man
of Dangle
Yes, it is.
We dont believe we can get it but they dangle it before us like a carrot before a mule.