COC Nederland was created in 1946.
Nguyen Van Coc was born in 1943.
No, you can have the rank cdc on the behalf of a Panama CoC nor the COE that means a Panama CoC holder candidate cannot sail on a Indian flag vessel.
AOC is Accidently Oil Contaminated and COC is Continuously Oil Contaminated.
A CoC is a certificate of competancy. A CoE is a certificate of Endorsement. All personnel woking on a vessel with a Panama flag must have a seaman's discharge book.
pls send my coc fake ior not verify my coc panama status CT391138B THANKS
you shove your coc into the usb port. mind you it has to be the coc of a greasey savage welfare leeching nigr. your welcome
coc sin illa dye or coc sin illa dee
I love coc*k
someone with a small coc (ross)
me numbre es coc