There are a number of books that explain and give tips on how to play the dice game craps. The most popular books sold on Amazon are 'Beat the Craps Out of the Casinos' and 'How to Play Craps: Master the Craps Game!'.
taking big craps and hiding from all the action
There are a number of accessible Casino-Game websites on the internet. The most common of these include ESPN and GreatDayGames. There are also options which are specifically catered to the came of Craps such as CrapsAge and CrapsGambling.
One can play craps for free from: Wizard of Odds, ESPN, Craps Gambling, Vegas Click, Craps Age, Gamblers Palace, Casino Gambling, Next Shooter, Wizard of Vegas, Free Arcade, to name a few.
Johnny Crapaud who made the dice game popular in the United States.
There is you got to get farther in the game.
When They poop red it is either the food or that it is bleding when it craps. If you feed it food that is red the that is why if not you need to take it to the vet ASAP.
Craps Table looks like a pool table because of the color but it has a big difference, pool table has a pocket, craps table don't have but it has a number and instruction that is printed on the top of the table Craps Table Online casino
It's probably Blackjack, Craps, or Poker.
Hard eight, or eight the hard way.