

What is another word for recommend?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is another word for recommend?
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What is another word for the word advise that means the same thing?

advocate, recommend

What is another word for experience?

investigationtestsearchtrialprobeexaminationattemptthe ones in bold i recommend!!!

What is another word for urged?

coax, encourage, advise, advocate, recommend, insist on, push for, beg, support

How many syllables are in the word recommend?

there are three syllables in the word recommend

What is another word for went out of sight?

Vanish? Cease? Depart? Fade? I recommend using a thesaurus.

What is another word for suggestions?

portrays, depicts, emphasises, draws attention to

What is another word that is a antonym for tradition?

untradional, spur of the moment, random, spontanious. If you like this answer, click recommend answerer

How do you spell reckomend?

The word is spelled recommend. A good example sentence using this word is, "The supervisor can recommend a pay raise for the employee."

How do you spell the word recommend?

recommend - it is a list of commonly misspelled words

What is a a good sentence with the word recommend in it?

I recommend this answer. Would you recommend against what seems to be a rash action? All the critics recommend that movie.

What is another word for a piece of writing?

It could be called many different things, but here are just a few: Draft, Document, Story, Novel, Tale. . . It could be text, if you are looking for letters/words.I hope this helped! If so, please recommend simply by clicking the button with "Contributor Trust: 7 Recommend". Thank You So Much!Have a Great Day.

Give you a sentence using the word recommend?

The board did not recommend proceeding with the new plan.