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Q: What is another name for a Heroic story called?
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What is a name of one beethoven symphony?

Beethoven's 3rd is called "Eroica," which means "heroic."

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What is another name for iambic pentameter?

Iambic pentameter couplets are often called Heroic couplets. Unrimed Iambic Pentameter is called Blank Verse. But I do not know of a generic alternate term for Iambic Pentameter.

What is another name for a movie plot summary?

A story's "plot summary" could also be called an "abstract."

What is the name of beethovens third symphony?

Beethoven's Third symphony is called the Eroica Symphony.

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when drew seeley started another Cinderella story , hes name was joey Parker.

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another name the disciples called Jesus .

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what do you mean? I'm guessing elephant? but if you mean why are they called elephants that's another story...sorry...I'm not much help

What is another word for long tales?

I think it's called a ballad (this is the name of a narrative poem anyway) hope this helps!

What is the name of the song Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley make?

In Another Cinderella Story, they sing a song called New Classic together in the movie,Drew Seeley also sang just that girl that was also in another Cinderella story.

The identity an author created for himself in a story is called?

The identity an author creates for himself in a story is called first person. Everything in the story may be seen or described through the eyes of the author and not another character when using this type of writing.