

What is another Word for Came?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What is another Word for Came?
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Another thing people would say would be a couple. - that's the first word came into my mind and then another..the word PAIR could be?

Is aboard a noun?

No, the word 'aboard' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb and a preposition, a word that connects a noun or noun phrase to another word in the sentence.EXAMPLESadverb: We came aboard with a high expectations.preposition: We were greeted graciously when we came aboard the ship.

Another word for what took place?

What happened. What transpired. What ensued. What occurred. What went on. What came to pass or what came about. What developed.

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Metonymy is the process of replacing one word with another, closely related word. For example, in the sentence "The orders came from the White House", it can be assumed that the orders came from the President because of the close relationship between the two words.

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Another word for talking fast is yapping, I really dont even know if It`s a word but it's just what came into my head :L x