links an absract concept with an object, comparison of two dissimaliar thinkgs including abstract concepts
links an absract concept with an object, comparison of two dissimaliar thinkgs including abstract concepts
An example of an abstract noun is knowledge.
The metaphor "My life is like a pair of wings outspread" is a concrete metaphor compared with an abstract metaphor. It is not possible to observe any source of life with the five senses (sound, taste, touch, smell, see), so that makes it an abstract idea. Now, it is compared to a pair of outspread wings, which are observable with the five senses, making it a concrete idea. These are all concrete metaphors that do not contain any abstract ideas: "The egg yolk was a small sun in the bowl" "Your hat was a stacked cake on your head" His sleeves were billowing sails on his arms
"I am a rainbow" is a example of metaphor because it is comparing two nouns, a person, and a rainbow, but does not use like or as. "I am not anger" is an example of metaphor because it is contrasting two nouns.
is the variable of x an example of abstract representation