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11y ago
  • airplane
  • balloon
  • camera
  • dinosaur
  • eagle
  • flower
  • grasshopper
  • heart
  • igloo
  • jewelry
  • kangaroo
  • lollipop
  • mountain
  • nickel
  • orangutan
  • Pizza
  • quarter
  • rose
  • scarecrow
  • treadmill
  • Ukulele
  • volcano
  • whistle
  • xylophone
  • yacht
  • zeppelin
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11y ago
Adjectives A-Z:A:
  1. Abdominal
  2. Active
  3. Adorable
  4. Adventurous
  5. Affordable
  6. Agreeable
  7. Alive
  8. Ambiguous
  9. Ambitious
  10. Anal
  11. Annoying
  12. Anxious
  13. Arrogant
  14. Artistic
  15. Attentive
  16. Attractive
  17. Audacious
  18. Avuncular
  19. Awesome
  20. Awful
  1. Balmy
  2. Barbaric
  3. Beautiful
  4. Beneficial
  5. Better
  6. Bizarre
  7. Blue-eyed
  8. Bluish
  9. Blushing
  10. Boisterous
  11. Bossy
  12. Bright
  13. Brilliant
  14. Brutal
  15. Bushy
  16. Buttery
  1. Catastrophic
  2. Central
  3. Cheap
  4. Cheerful
  5. Cheesy
  6. Cherry
  7. Childish
  8. Chunky
  9. Classy
  10. Clean
  11. Clear
  12. Clever
  13. Cloudy
  14. Clumsy
  15. Colorful
  16. Confrontational
  17. Consensual
  18. Considerate
  19. Courteous
  20. Cute
  1. Dangerous
  2. Dark
  3. Decisive
  4. Delicious
  5. Demonic
  6. Devastating
  7. Devious
  8. Disastrous
  9. Ditzy
  10. Dorky
  11. Dreadful
  12. Dull
  13. Dumb
  1. Easygoing
  2. Economic
  3. Edible
  4. Educational
  5. Elegant
  6. Emerald
  7. Encouraging
  8. Energentic
  9. Envious
  10. Evil
  11. Excited
  12. Expensive
  13. Extraordinary
  14. Extravagant
  1. Fabulous
  2. Factual
  3. Fantastic
  4. Fascinating
  5. Fashionable
  6. Fat
  7. Fearless
  8. Freaky
  9. Free
  10. Frightful
  11. Frivolous
  12. Frosted
  13. Fruity
  14. Fudgy
  15. Funerary
  1. Generous
  2. Gentle
  3. Ghostly
  4. Ghoulish
  5. Gigantic
  6. Giving
  7. Glamorous
  8. Gleaming
  9. Glorious
  10. Golden
  11. Good
  12. Gorgeous
  13. Great
  14. Grimy
  15. Grouchy
  16. Gullible
  1. Handsome
  2. Happy
  3. Hardworking
  4. Harsh
  5. Hateful
  6. Hazel
  7. Healthy
  8. Helpful
  9. Honorable
  10. Horny
  11. Hot
  12. Humble
  13. Humorous
  14. Hungry
  15. Hyper
  1. Idiotic
  2. Ignorant
  3. Imaginative
  4. Immature
  5. Impatient
  6. Impulsive
  7. Incredible
  8. Incriminating
  9. Indecent
  10. Indecisive
  11. Independent
  12. Industrious
  13. Infinite
  14. Intelligent
  15. Intensive
  16. Irreplacible
  17. Irresponsible
  18. Irritable
  1. Jazzy
  2. Jealous
  3. Jocosity
  4. Jolly
  5. Jovial
  6. Joyous
  7. Judicial
  8. Juicy
  9. Jumpy
  10. Just
  11. Juvenile
  1. Khaki
  2. Kind
  3. Kindhearted
  4. Kindred
  5. Kissable
  6. Klutzy
  7. Knightly
  8. Knitted
  9. Knowledgeable
  10. Kooky
  11. Kosher
  1. Laughable
  2. Lavender
  3. Lazy
  4. Lewd
  5. Likeable
  6. Liveable
  7. Lonely
  8. Lousy
  9. Loyal
  10. Ludicrous
  11. Lumpy
  12. Lyrical
  1. Magnificent
  2. Manly
  3. Many
  4. Mean
  5. Medium
  6. Memorable
  7. Milky
  8. Miserable
  9. Misty
  10. Modest
  11. Moist
  12. Momentous
  13. Moody
  14. Motionless
  15. Muddy
  16. Mushy
  17. Mysterious
  1. Nasty
  2. Natural
  3. Negative
  4. Neighborly
  5. Nerdy
  6. Nervous
  7. Normal
  8. Numerical
  9. Numerous
  10. Nutritious
  11. Nutty
  1. Occasional
  2. Oily
  3. Old-fashioned
  4. Oldest
  5. Ominous
  6. Operable
  7. Optimistic
  8. Ordinary
  9. Organized
  10. Outgoing
  11. Outlandish
  12. Ovarian
  13. Overwhelming
  14. Owlish
  1. Partial
  2. Peaceful
  3. Peculiar
  4. Petite
  5. Plain
  6. Pompous
  7. Powdery
  8. Pragmatic
  9. Precious
  10. Pretty
  11. Proud
  12. Puffy
  13. Punctual
  1. Quaint
  2. Qualified
  3. Qualitative
  4. Quality
  5. Qualmish
  6. Quantifiable
  7. Quantitative
  8. Queasy
  9. Queenly
  10. Queer
  11. Querulous
  12. Questionable
  13. Quick, Quicker, Quickest
  14. Quiet, Quieter, Quietest
  15. Quilted
  16. Quirky
  17. Quixotic
  18. Quizzical
  1. Radiant
  2. Real
  3. Rebellious
  4. Reliable
  5. Remarkable
  6. Reserved
  7. Respectful
  8. Responsible
  9. Ridiculous
  10. Rotten
  11. Royal
  12. Rude
  1. Sad
  2. Salty
  3. Self-confident
  4. Selfish
  5. Sensational
  6. Sensitive
  7. Shiny
  8. Silly
  9. Simple
  10. Sincere
  11. Single
  12. Slow
  13. Small
  14. Smoggy
  15. Smoky
  16. Sociable
  17. Sparkling
  18. Special
  19. Spotless
  20. Super
  21. Sweaty
  22. Sweet
  1. Tacky
  2. Talkative
  3. Tangible
  4. Tasty
  5. Terrible
  6. Terrific
  7. Thankful
  8. Thoughtful
  9. Ticklish
  10. Tiny
  11. Touchy
  12. Tough
  13. Treacherous
  14. Tremendous
  15. Trustworthy
  1. Ugly Uglier Ugliest
  2. Ultimate
  3. Unbelievable
  4. Undying
  5. Unique
  6. Universal
  7. Unselfish
  8. Unsightly
  9. Unusual
  10. Uppity
  11. Urban
  12. Usual
  1. Various
  2. Verbal
  3. Versatile
  4. Vibrant
  5. Vicious
  6. Vigilant
  7. Vindictive
  8. Vintage
  9. Virtuous
  10. Vivacious
  11. Vocal
  1. Wacky
  2. Watery
  3. Weak
  4. Weary
  5. Weird
  6. Wild
  7. Wishful
  8. Witty
  9. Wondrous
  10. Wooden
  1. Xanthic - having a yellow colour.
  2. Xanthine
  3. Xanthocomic
  4. Xanthus - yellow, or having light-brown or yellowish skin.
  5. Xenial
  6. Xenic
  7. Xenophobic - dislike of foreigners.
  8. Xenophilic
  9. Xeric - of or adapted to an extremely dry habitat
  10. Xenobiotic
  11. Xenogeneic
  12. Xenogenic
  13. Xenolithic
  14. Xenotropic
  15. Xerographic
  16. Xerophilous
  17. Xerophthalmic
  18. Xerophytic
  19. Xerothermic - dry and hot
  20. Xerotic
  21. Xiphoid - sword shaped
  22. Xrated X-rated
  23. Xray X-ray
  24. Xylographical
  25. Xyloid
  26. Xylophonic
  1. Yearly
  2. Yeasty
  3. Yellowish
  4. Yellow
  5. Youngish
  6. Young Younger Youngest
  7. Youthful
  8. Yucky
  9. Yummy
  1. Zany
  2. Zealous
  3. Zero
  4. Zestful
  5. Zesty
  6. Zingy
  7. Zippy
  8. Zodiacal
  9. Zoftig
  10. Zonal
  11. Zooligical
  12. Zygotic

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15y ago

* B - Beautiful * C - Confident * D - Dedicated * E - Eloquent * F - farsighted * G - Generous * H - Honest * I - Intelligent * J - Jubilant * K - Kind * L - Loyal * S - Strong

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Q: What is an adjective for each letter of the alphabet?
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Each letter of the alphabet represents 1/26 of the alphabet

How do you finger spell in sign language?

Fingerspelling in sign language involves using your fingers to represent each letter of the alphabet. Each letter is signed using specific handshapes and movements. To fingerspell, you simply form the letters of the word using the manual alphabet. Practice and familiarity with the manual alphabet are essential for fluent fingerspelling.

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What number is the letter x in the alphabet?

In the English alphabet, the letter "x" is the 24th letter. This is determined by the position of the letter in the sequence of letters from A to Z. Each letter in the alphabet corresponds to a specific numerical value, with "x" being assigned the number 24.

What is the meaning of each letter of litterature?

a - the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet b - the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet c - the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet d - the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet e - the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet f - the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet g - the 7th letter of the Roman alphabet h - the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet i - the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet j - the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet k - the 11th letter of the Roman alphabet l - the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet m - the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet n - the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet o - the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet p - the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet q - the 17th letter of the Roman alphabet r - the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet s - the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet t - the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet u - the 21st letter of the Roman alphabet v - the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet double-u, w - the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabet x, ex - the 24th letter of the Roman alphabet wye, y - the 25th letter of the Roman alphabet ezed, izzard, zed, zee, z - the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet; "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"; "he doesn't know A from izzard"

Physical activity for each letter of alphabet?

What phyiscal activity starts with the letter "x"

What number is U in the alphabet?

In the English alphabet, each letter is assigned a numerical value based on its position. The letter "U" is the 21st letter in the alphabet. Therefore, the number that corresponds to the letter "U" is 21.

How many signs are featured by the American Sign Language Manual Alphabet?

The ASL manual alphabet contains a total of 36 signs, one for each letter of the alphabet and one for each digit from 0 to 9. ASL is used when there is no official "sign" for the word that the person wants to convey, for example, their name.

What are the words you can make from the alphabet?

Well, since each letter in the alphabet is used together to form words, the answer many words in existence. No alphabet=no words. =o)

What is Phonetic Alphabet Scrap Book?

Phonetic Alphabet Scrap Book is a reference book that lists words to represent each letter of the alphabet using the phonetic alphabet system, which assigns a word to each letter to aid in clear communication over radio or telephone. It is used primarily by military and aviation personnel.

Which letter is last in the alphabet?

The last letter included in the English alphabet was the letter J

What number is the letter z in the alphabet?

The letter J is the 10th letter in the English alphabet. It is the 11th in the Spanish alphabet.