

What is acting out dreams called?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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12y ago

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The most common term for acting out dreams is "sleep walking," or, technically, somnambulism. Sometimes the term automatism is used to refer to other movements besides walking, but there is not universal agreement as to whether that tem is appropriate where no disease or pathology is involved.

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The ones you remember are just called dreams. The ones you can't remember are dreams too, but you don't remember them.

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Hm... you always have dreams. Do you mean when you forget all your dreams? That's called amnesia to me. It's too easy to forget dreams. Well, I know that eating meat effects how much you dream. Maybe it's called lack of meat?

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If a sleeper is acting out one's dreams while asleep, there might be some sleep dysfunction. Or the dreamer may not be sleeping soundly because of emotional stress, physical discomfort or perhaps simply because of a noisy environment. See the attached link for information on improving sleep habits.

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What is it called when you dream the future?

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