this word sounds like comer " comer'
buzz sounds like was
Through sounds alot like threw.
The word "dipping" sounds like many different words. One example is sipping.
It is a word that sounds like the thing it is used for. A meow of a cat is an anomanapiya because the word sounds like the cats' meow.
The prefix "infer-" comes from the Latin word "inferre," which means to bring in or introduce. In English, the prefix "infer-" is commonly used to indicate something that is below or beneath, as in words like inferno or infertile.
A word that sounds like it's meaning, for example the word slam is an onomatopoeia as it sounds like the noise made when a door slams
"Daiyu" is pronounced as "dye-you." The first syllable sounds like the word "dye," and the second syllable sounds like the word "you."
The word that means "friendship" and sounds like "repor" is the French loan-word "rapport". It is pronounced "raa-por".