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mass, religious, first one that popped in my head was "bass" - both the fish and instrument. Would a pair of "glasses" work? I have never heard of anyone wearing glass to correct their vision. Of course, there's another one right there - "glass" as in a drinking glass. Others are puss, grass, bus, and mass.

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In English, most verbs become plural by removing the 's'.

As far as nouns go: acropolis, megalopolis, necropolis,and princess.

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Prince/princes /princess

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Q: What is a word that becomes plural when an s is added but becomes singular again by adding another s?
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What plural noun becomes singular by adding s?


One word which is singular and on adding one 's' at it's endit becomes plural Again on adding another 's' at its end it returns back to a singular word?

prince - princes - princess

How do you change singular to plural by adding S?

To change a singular noun to plural by adding an "S," simply append the letter "S" to the end of the word. For example, "cat" becomes "cats" and "book" becomes "books."

Which plural noun will turn into a singular noun when an s is added?

The word "deer" remains the same in both singular and plural form.

What is the word change when a plural?

The word changes from singular to plural by adding an "s" at the end of the word.

Does thwe word secretary is plural or singular?

The word "secretary" can be both singular and plural. When referring to one person in the position, it is singular (e.g., "The secretary is busy."). When referring to multiple people in the position, it becomes plural by adding an "s" (e.g., "The secretaries are in a meeting.").

Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form the plural by adding s to the singular?

Yes, that is correct. The general rule is that nouns ending in a vowel followed by "y" form their plurals by simply adding an "s" to the singular form. For example, "valley" becomes "valleys" in the plural form.

There is only one word in the English language that is both singular and masculine that becomes plural when you place an S at the end and when you add another S it reverts to singular but then turns?

Singular and masculine = Prince Plural and masculine = Princes Singular and feminine = Princess.

Plural form of Russ?

A noun ending in -s forms the plural by adding -es to the end of the word.The singular proper noun Russ becomes the plural noun Russes.

How is the plural of the word gladiator formed?

The plural is formed by adding an 's' to the singular: gladiators.

How do singular nouns that end in y preceded by a vowel from their plural?

For singular nouns that end in y preceded by a vowel, simply add an -s to make them plural. For example, key becomes keys, boy becomes boys, and day becomes days.

What is a simple plural?

A simple plural refers to the form of a noun that indicates more than one of something. It typically involves adding "-s" or "-es" to the singular form of the noun. For example, "cat" becomes "cats" in the plural form.