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Q: What is a wise Lenape man or woman who would settle arguments?
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What were the lenape belifes?

The Lenape belived that thare was a corngod.They would pray to him in times of need,or befor they plant harvast.The Lenape would also make sacrifices to the corn god.

What did the lenape farm?

the Lenape would farm corn and many other crops but no fruits

What did lenni-lenape children do?

The Lenape children usely do all sorts of things.They would help the woman of the tribe by gathering fuit and go fishing.The children help the men by doing things in filds.When not helping,the children would play and make dolls,fish,and swim.Now,in the 21 centery,they go to puplic schools.

What did the lenape grow?

The Lenape grew corn, beans, squash, and various other crops known as the "Three Sisters." They also gathered wild plants, hunted deer and other animals, and fished from rivers and streams for sustenance.

What did the lenape use as games?

They would usually play rock toss or play in the water.

What if the Lenape didn't teach the Dutch farming and hunting?

The dutch would of died or just would have to move back to where they came from.

What were the arguments against declaring independence?

The arguments against declaring independence were that the declaration of independance would lead to war and the colonist would not be faithful

How would you reply to strongs arguments?

No, arguments can either be strong or weak, however, a valid argument would be considered a sound argument. The opposite would be an invalid argument.

Are Wilsons arguments still valid?

It would depend on the specific arguments being referenced. Wilson made numerous arguments throughout his career, so each would need to be evaluated individually to determine their current validity.

How would you reply to josiah strong arguments?

No, arguments can either be strong or weak, however, a valid argument would be considered a sound argument. The opposite would be an invalid argument.

What would settle first pebbles boulders or sand?

Sand would settle first, as it has the smallest particle size and can easily compact together. Boulders, being the largest, would settle last due to their size and weight. Pebbles would settle between sand and boulders in terms of settling time.

What do lenape men hunt and fish?

They used to hunt deer and fox. They would fish for clams oysters and of course fish.