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Eiffel tower

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Q: What is a thing you would find in a Souvenir Shop that starts with the letter E?
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That would be grass, Kentucky Blue Grass (the ground cover and the music).

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One thing found in nature that starts with the letter "J" would be a jaguar.

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If you mean what greek letter begins with an i, it would be iota.

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A toy that starts with E would be Etch A Sketch.

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A shirt

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i would say that i would want a mini Hollywood sign thing, or to be able to get a star thing like a mini one it could be a pic or a key chain i wouldn't care.

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Nothing there is reasonably priced, but the cheapest thing you could buy would be a key chain or some candy from honeydukes.

What is a place that you would go to that starts with the letter m?

The mall