

What is a stripagram?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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13y ago

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Q: What is a stripagram?
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What are some ten letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter R?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 524 words with the pattern S-R-------. That is, ten letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: sarabandes sarbacanes sarcocarps sarcocolla sarcolemma sarcomeres sarcophagi sarcoplasm sarcosomal sarcosomes sardonical sardonyxes sargassums sarmentose sarmentous sarpanches sarracenia scrabblers scrabblier scrabbling scraggiest scragglier scraggling scraiching scraighing scramblers scrambling scranching scranniest scrapbooks scrapegood scrapeguts scrapheaps scrappages scrappiest scrapyards scratchers scratchier scratchies scratchily scratching scrattling scrauching scraughing scrawliest scrawlings scrawniest screakiest screechers screechier screeching screedings screenable screenager screenfuls screenings screenland screenlike screenplay screenshot screevings screiching screighing screwballs screwbeans screwiness screwworms scribblers scribblier scribbling scrieching scrigglier scriggling scrimmaged scrimmager scrimmages scrimpiest scrimpness scrimshank scrimshaws scrippages scriptoria scriptural scriptures scritching scriveners scrivening scrobicule scrofulous scroggiest scrollable scrollwise scrollwork scrooching scrootched scrootches scroungers scroungier scrounging scrowdging scrubbable scrubbiest scrubbings scrublands scrubwoman scrubwomen scruffiest scrumdowns scrummaged scrummager scrummages scrummiest scrumpling scrumpoxes scruncheon scrunchier scrunchies scrunching scrunchion scruntiest scrupulous scrutators scrutineer scrutinies scrutinise scrutinize scrutinous scrutoires sdrucciola seraphical seraphines seraskiers serenaders serenading sereneness serenities serialised serialises serialisms serialists serialized serializes seriations sericteria serigraphs serigraphy serinettes seriocomic serjeantry sermoneers sermonette sermonical sermonings sermonised sermoniser sermonises sermonized sermonizer sermonizes serologies serologist serosities serotinies serotinous serotonins serotyping serousness serpentine serpentise serpentize serpigines serpulites serradella serradilla serranoids serrasalmo serrations serratures serratuses 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