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Q: What is a simile for a hydrogen bond?
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What is the type of bond that attracts an oxygen and hydrogen molecule?

A hydrogen bond is the type of bond that attracts an oxygen and hydrogen molecule. In a hydrogen bond, the hydrogen atom from one molecule is attracted to the electronegative oxygen atom of another molecule.

A type of weak chemical bond formed when the partially positive hydrogen atom in one molecule is attracted the partially negative atom of a neighboring molecule?

A hydrogen bond.

Is a hydrogen bond is stonger than an ionic bond?

No, an ionic bond is considerably stronger than a hydrogen bond.

Is C and H in methane CH4 an example of a hydrogen bond?

No, the bond between carbon and hydrogen in methane (CH₄) is a covalent bond, not a hydrogen bond. A hydrogen bond is a type of intermolecular force that occurs between a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegative atom (like oxygen or nitrogen) and a neighboring electronegative atom.

When hydrogen atoms are kept in water then type of bond between water and hydrogen?

hydrogen bond.

What else could be called a hydrogen bond?

A hydrogen bond can also be referred to as a hydrogen bridge.

Is salts hydrogen bonded?

Salt has an ionic bond, not a hydrogen bond.

Is a hydrogen bond stonger then a covalent bond?

No, a hydrogen bond is weaker than a covalent bond. A hydrogen bond is an electromagnetic attraction between polar molecules, while a covalent bond involves the sharing of electrons between atoms. Covalent bonds are typically stronger and more stable than hydrogen bonds.

What holdes nitrogen bases together?

A weak hydrogen bond, adenine and thymine have a double hydrogen bond cytosine and guanine have a triple hydrogen bond

Does hydrogen have a chemical bond?

Hydrogen atom doesnt have a chemical bond but dihydrogen molecule has a sigma bond between the two hydrogen atoms

Is a hydrogen bond stronger than a covelant bond?

No. A hydrogen bond isn't even an actual bond. It is a form of intermolecular attraction.

An bond is formed through a weak electrical attraction between a hydrogen atom bound to an electronegativeatom such as oxygen and nitrogen and another electronegative atom?

This type of bond is called a hydrogen bond. It occurs when a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to an electronegative atom is attracted to another electronegative atom with a partial negative charge. Hydrogen bonds are important in maintaining the structure and properties of molecules such as water and proteins.