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Q: What is a radioactive metal beginning with U?
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Is uranium a radioactive metal?

Yes. Uranium is a radioactive metal

Is curium metal or nonmetal?

Curium is a metal. It belongs to actinides.

Is darmstadtium a highly radioactive metal?

Darmstadtium is a radioactive metal but supplementary data are not known.

Is americium a radioactive metal?

Yes, americium is a radioactive metal. This element has no stable isotopes.

Is Iodine a non-radioactive metal?

No, iodine is a nonmetal element on the periodic table, not a metal. It is not radioactive in its natural form.

Is Radon a radioactive metal?

No. Radon is a radioactive noble gas.

Uranium are said to be radioactive?

Yes, uranium is a radioactive metal.

Which of the metal are not radioactive?

Most metals are stable and thus not radioactive.

What is the meaning of uranium?

Uranium is a natural chemical element, metal, solid, radioactive, with the symbol U. The name is derived from the planet Uranus.

What is another name for U-238?

The U stands for Uranium which is a radioactive metal and the 238 stands for what number of isotope. It occurs naturally as U-238 with a very small amount of U-235, when U-235 is refined out it is called depleted uranium.

What colour are radioactive cobalt pellets?

Radioactive or not, pure cobalt is a gray metal.

Is uranium a element?

Yes, uranium is an element. It is a naturally occurring radioactive metal with the symbol U and atomic number 92.