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Q: What is a one word substitute for the time of early morning?
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What is another word for breakfast time?

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Is morning is a common noun?

The noun 'morning' is a common, abstract noun; a word for the first or early part of the day; a general word for a period of time. All words for periods of time are abstract nouns; time is a concept.

Is morning word a noun?

Yes, the word 'morning' is a noun; a word for the early part of a day; a word for a thing.

Is ' morning ' abstract or common noun?

The noun 'morning' is a common, abstract noun; a word for the first or early part of the day; a general word for a period of time. All words for periods of time are abstract nouns; time is a concept.

Is the word morning a pronoun?

No, the word 'morning' is a noun, a word for the early part of the day, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun morning is 'it'. Example:Morning at the beach is the best time. It is a quiet time before the crowds show up.

What is the word called for early in the morning?

pink i think

What is the french word for early morning?

tôt le matin

What is a one word substitute for belonging to the same time?

The word is contemporary.

What is the definition of laube?

"Laube" is a German word that translates to "dawn" or "early morning." It is commonly used to describe the time of day just before sunrise.

What is the meaning of the word in urdu 'sameera'?

"Early morning fragrance; Entertaining companion."

Is the morning a concrete noun?

No, the word 'morning' is an abstract noun, a word for a period of a day; a word for a period of time.All words for time are abstract noun because time is a concept.