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Q: What is a one word substitute for a man who accompanies another in a crime?
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What is a one word substitute for unintentional crime?

This is usually a crime of negligence.

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What is a one word substitute for one who accompanies his senior or leader?

Possible examples are assistant, acolyte, adjutant, and aide-de-camp.

What is another word for substitute?


What word can you substitute for their?

One possible substitute for "their" is "his" or "her" depending on the gender of the person/people being referred to. Another substitute can be "its" when referring to a non-human object or entity.

Is substitute a noun?

Yes, the word 'substitute' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for someone or something that takes the place of another. The word 'substitute' is also a verb (substitute, substitutes, substituting, substituted). Examples:Noun: Salsa is a good substitute for tomatoes in a sandwich.Verb: Ms. Lincoln will substitute for Ms. Washington while she is on her honeymoon.

What is another word for substitute that starts with s?

surrogate or stand-in

Is there another word for dummy?

duplicate, copy, model, substitute

Another word for replace or discard beginning with s?


What is another word for crime?

A felony is a major crime. A lesser crime is called a misdemeanor.

What is the synonym of the word alternate?

backup, temporary, another, alternative, substitute

If the root word stat or stit means to stand what does the word substitute mean?

The word "substitute" means to put in place of another, often referring to replacing someone or something with another option. The prefix "sub-" means under or as a replacement.