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Q: What is a native from Vietnam called?
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What is a native of Vietnam called?

GI's called em Nationals in country, or Viet civilians; GI's called the South Vietnamese soldier, ARVN's (jokingly, ARVN the Marvin) (Army Republic of South Vietnam).

What do you call native of Vietnam?

A person from Vietnam is called Vietnamese. If the person is an American, he or she might hyphenate it, like Vietnamese-American.

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Why did native Americans in Vietnam join U.S and not Vietnam?

Potatoes, luv from Ted R(:

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What is an Annamese?

An Annamese is a native or inhabitant of Vietnam or Annam.

What was Vietnam called after World War 2?

Vietnam was called Vietnam after World War 2.

When do Vietnam won the war?

There was no country called "Vietnam" during the war. There was a country called North Vietnam and another country called South Vietnam, which one are you asking about?

What was the name of the Vietnam government during the Vietnam conflict?

SOUTH Vietnam was called the "REPUBLIC of South Vietnam." Everyone in those days just called North Vietnam...NORTH VIETNAM.

What types of trees do they have in Vietnam?

Depends on where in Vietnam it is. There can be any of a multitude of classifications.

What is the Native Vegetation of Vietnam?

the square root of whatever u call it

What is the nationality of Vietnam?

people in Vietnam are called Vietnamese