There is no pronoun that means 'abundant source'.
Some nouns that mean 'abundant source' are mine or well.
Some adjectives that mean 'abundant source' are much and rife.
Now Romania hasn't an abundant source of energy.
The most abundant source of freshwater on Earth is ice caps and glaciers, which hold around 68.7% of the world's freshwater.
A river source is also called a "rise"
Romania has energy resources but not so abundant.
Coal is the most abundant in the USA
The sun
No, the word 'from' is a preposition, a word that shows a relationship of a noun or pronoun and another word in a sentence. The preposition 'from' indicates a source, origin, or beginning of the object of the preposition.Examples:It's a letter from mom. (the preposition 'from' connects the object of the preposition 'mom' to the noun 'letter')It was sent from Florida. (the preposition 'from' connects the object of the preposition 'Florida' to the verb 'sent')A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: Here's a letter from mom. It was sent from Florida. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'letter' is the second sentence)
Bolivia and Chile
No, diamond is relatively rare.