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CELL, as in cell phone, I guess.

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Q: What is a four-letter word for a type of phone?
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I think they want dice but that's not really right because one of them is more properly a die.

Is phone considered a noun?

Answer 1Yes, it is a concrete type of nouns. Answer 2Yes, the word 'phone' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a device, a word for a thing. The word 'phone' is also a verb, to make a call on such a device.

Is your cell phone a possessive noun?

No, the word 'cell phone' is a singular, common, concrete, compound noun, a word for a thing.The word 'your' is a possessive adjective, a type of pronoun; a word that is placed before a noun to show that that noun belongs to the person spoken to (you).A possessive noun would be a noun in the possessive form placed before the noun (cell phone) to tell who the phone belongs to; for example, the teacher's cell phone or Jack's cell phone.

Can you get Wii games on your cell phone?

It depend on what type of phone for me don't take my word for it but I look for usb cable cords to see if it works if doesn't then no.

What is the text panda website?

it is where you type in a symbol and word so all you have 2 do is write the symbol and it will make it the word and you can text messages from your phone on it!

Where can I buy an unlocked cellular phone?

You have two options when it comes to buying an unlocked cell phone. First option is to find one on, just choose your city and type in the desired phone plus the word unlocked. The other option is, search for desired phone pluse type jailbroken or unlocked.

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word phone?

Thimu is the Kikuyu word for the English word phone.

What is the latin word for phone?

phone simply phone.

What is a word that begins with phone?

Phonetic is a word. It begins with the letters phone.

What is the Abaluhya word for phone?

The Abaluhya word for phone is translated to simu.

How does texting with a cell phone work?

it depends on the type of phone you have. Please give me the TYPE and model of the phone you have, then I can help