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Some common nouns that start with the letter V:

  • vacation
  • vacuum,
  • valley
  • value
  • vampire
  • vanilla
  • vapor,
  • vase
  • vegetable
  • vegetation
  • vehicle
  • vellum
  • velocity
  • velvet
  • vendor
  • veneer
  • vertigo
  • venture
  • venue
  • veranda
  • verb
  • version
  • vessel
  • vest
  • veteran
  • veterinarian,
  • victim
  • victory
  • vigil
  • vine
  • violet
  • viper
  • visitor
  • vitamin
  • virtue
  • vocabulary
  • vocation
  • voice
  • void
  • volcano
  • volleyball
  • volt
  • volume
  • volunteer
  • voodoo
  • vote
  • vow
  • voyage
  • vulgarity
  • vulture
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12y ago
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9y ago

Vehicle, vine, vinegar and vodka are common items. They begin with the letter v.

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15y ago

Venezuela, Versailles, Vancouver, and Venice, just to name a few.

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