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A cannikin is an archaic term for a small can or cup.

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Q: What is a cannikin?
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern C--NI-IN. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter C and 4th letter N and 5th letter I and 7th letter I and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: cannikin

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern C---IK-N. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter C and 5th letter I and 6th letter K and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: cannikin cootikin cuitikin

What are some eight letter words with 1st letter C and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter N and 6th letter K and 7th letter I?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern CAN--KI-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter C and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter N and 6th letter K and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: cannikin

What are some eight letter words with 3rd letter N and 6th letter K and 7th letter I and 8th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern --N--KIN. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter N and 6th letter K and 7th letter I and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: cannikin dunnakin finickin mannikin munchkin pannikin ponyskin wineskin

What are some eight letter words with 3rd letter N and 4th letter N and 6th letter K and 7th letter I and 8th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern --NN-KIN. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter N and 4th letter N and 6th letter K and 7th letter I and 8th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: cannikin dunnakin mannikin pannikin

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What are some eight letter words with 1st letter C and 3rd letter N and 4th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 27 words with the pattern C-NN----. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter C and 3rd letter N and 4th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: cannabic cannabin cannabis cannachs cannelon cannibal canniest cannikin cannings cannolis cannoned cannonry cannulae cannular cannulas cinnabar cinnamic cinnamon cinnamyl connects connings connived conniver connives connoted connotes cunnings

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What words can you make from these letter Brittyanceyjenkins?

2-letter wordsae, ai, an, ar, as, at, ay, ba, be, bi, by, en, er, es, et, in, is, it, ka, na, ne, re, si, ta, ti, ya, ye3-letter wordsaby, ace, act, ain, air, ais, ait, ane, ani, ant, any, arb, arc, are, ark, ars, art, ask, ate, aye, ays, ban, bar, bas, bat, bay, bee, ben, bet, bey, bin, bis, bit, bra, bye, bys, cab, can, car, cat, cay, cee, cis, cry, ear, eat, eke, ens, era, ere, ern, ers, eta, eye, ice, ick, icy, ink, inn, ins, ire, irk, its, jab, jar, jay, jee, jet, jib, jin, kab, kae, kas, kat, kay, kea, ken, key, kin, kir, kit, nab, nae, nay, neb, nee, net, nib, nit, raj, ran, ras, rat, ray, reb, rec, ree, rei, res, ret, ria, rib, rin, rya, rye, sab, sac, sae, sat, say, sea, sec, see, sei, sen, ser, set, sib, sic, sin, sir, sit, ska, ski, sky, sri, sty, syn, tab, tae, taj, tan, tar, tas, tat, tea, tee, ten, tet, tic, tie, tin, tis, tit, try, tsk, tye, yak, yar, yay, yea, yen, yes, yet, yin4-letter wordsabet, abri, abye, abys, aces, acne, acre, acts, aery, ains, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, ajee, akee, akin, anes, anis, ante, anti, ants, arbs, arcs, ares, arks, arts, arty, asci, ates, ayes, ayin, back, bait, bake, bane, bani, bank, bans, bare, bark, barn, bars, base, bask, bast, bate, bats, batt, bays, beak, bean, bear, beat, beck, been, beer, bees, beet, bene, bens, bent, best, beta, bets, beys, bias, bice, bier, bike, bine, bins, bint, birk, bise, bisk, bite, bits, bitt, brae, bran, bras, brat, bray, bree, bren, brie, brin, bris, brit, byes, byre, byte, cabs, cain, cake, caky, cane, cans, cant, carb, care, cark, carn, cars, cart, case, cask, cast, cate, cats, cays, cees, cent, cere, cete, cine, cire, cist, cite, city, crab, crib, cris, cyan, cyst, earn, ears, ease, east, easy, eats, eery, ekes, eras, erne, erns, erst, etas, etic, etna, eyas, eyen, eyer, eyes, eyne, eyra, eyre, eyry, ibis, ices, icky, inby, inia, inks, inky, inns, inti, ires, iris, irks, isba, jabs, jack, jake, jane, jars, jays, jean, jeer, jees, jerk, jest, jete, jets, jibe, jibs, jink, jinn, jins, kabs, kaes, kain, kane, karn, kart, kats, kays, kbar, keas, keen, keet, keir, kens, kent, kerb, kern, keys, kibe, kier, kina, kine, kins, kirn, kirs, kist, kite, kits, knar, knee, knit, kris, kyar, kyat, kyte, nabe, nabs, narc, nark, nary, nays, near, neat, nebs, neck, nene, nest, nets, nett, nibs, nice, nick, nine, nisi, nits, race, rack, racy, rain, rake, raki, rani, rank, rant, rase, rate, rats, rays, rebs, reck, recs, reek, rees, rein, reis, rent, rest, rete, rets, rias, ribs, rice, rick, rink, rins, rise, risk, rite, ryas, ryes, ryke, sabe, sack, sain, sake, saki, sane, sank, sari, sark, sate, sati, scab, scan, scar, scat, scry, sear, seat, sect, seek, seen, seer, sene, sent, sera, sere, seta, sett, sice, sick, sike, sine, sink, sire, site, skat, skee, skin, skit, snib, snit, snye, stab, star, stat, stay, stet, stey, stir, stye, syce, syke, sync, syne, tabs, tace, tack, tact, tain, take, tank, tans, tare, tarn, tars, tart, task, tate, tats, teak, tear, teas, teat, teen, tees, tens, tent, tern, test, tets, tick, tics, tier, ties, tike, tiki, tine, tins, tint, tiny, tire, titi, tits, tray, tree, trek, tret, trey, tsar, tyee, tyes, tyke, tyne, tyre, yack, yaks, yank, yare, yarn, yays, yean, year, yeas, yens, yerk, yeti, yett, yins5-letter wordsabets, abris, abyes, acerb, acini, ackee, acnes, acres, actin, aerie, airns, airts, akees, akene, anent, anise, antes, antic, antis, antre, antsy, areic, arete, arise, artsy, asker, aster, astir, attic, ayins, backs, bairn, baits, baker, bakes, banes, banks, banns, banty, bares, baric, barks, barky, barns, barny, barye, baser, basic, basin, baste, bates, batik, batts, batty, beaks, beaky, beans, bears, beast, beats, becks, beers, beery, beets, benes, benne, benni, benny, bents, beret, beset, betas, betta, bices, biers, biker, bikes, bikie, bines, binit, bints, birks, birse, biter, bites, bitsy, bitts, bitty, brace, bract, braes, brain, brake, braky, brank, brans, brant, brats, brays, break, brees, brens, brent, brick, bries, brine, brink, brins, briny, brisk, brits, britt, byres, bytes, caber, cabin, cains, cairn, cakes, cakey, caner, canes, canny, canst, cants, canty, carbs, cares, caret, carks, carns, carny, carse, carte, carts, casky, caste, cater, cates, catty, cease, ceiba, cense, cents, ceres, ceria, cesta, cesti, cetes, cines, cires, citer, cites, crabs, crake, crane, crank, crate, creak, creek, crest, cribs, cries, cyans, earns, eaten, eater, eject, enact, enate, ensky, enter, entia, entry, erase, erect, erica, ernes, escar, eskar, esker, ester, etnas, eyers, eyras, eyres, eyrie, icier, icker, inane, inbye, inert, inker, inner, inset, inter, intis, irate, jacks, jacky, jakes, janes, janty, jeans, jeers, jenny, jerks, jerky, jetes, jetty, jiber, jibes, jinks, jinni, jinns, kains, kanes, kanji, karns, karst, karts, kbars, kebar, keens, keets, keirs, kerbs, kerne, kerns, kibei, kibes, kiers, kinas, kines, kinin, kirns, kiter, kites, kitty, knars, knees, knits, krait, kyars, kyats, kyrie, kytes, nabes, nabis, nacre, nanny, narcs, nares, naric, naris, narks, narky, nasty, nates, natty, nears, neats, necks, neist, nerts, netts, netty, nicer, nicks, niece, nines, ninja, ninny, nisei, niter, nitre, nitty, rabic, races, racks, rains, rainy, raise, rajes, rakee, rakes, rakis, rance, ranee, ranis, ranks, rants, rates, ratty, react, rebec, recks, recta, recti, reeks, reeky, reest, reink, reins, rekey, renin, rente, rents, resay, reset, resin, retia, retie, riant, ribes, rices, ricin, ricks, rinks, rinse, risen, risky, rites, rykes, saber, sabin, sabir, sabre, saice, saint, saker, saner, saree, sarin, sarky, satin, satyr, sayer, scant, scare, scart, scary, scatt, scena, scene, scent, scree, seine, senna, senti, serac, serai, serin, setae, siker, since, siree, siren, sitar, skate, skean, skeen, skeet, skein, skene, skier, skiey, skint, skirt, skite, skyey, snack, snake, snaky, snare, snark, sneak, sneck, sneer, snick, stack, stain, stair, stake, stane, stank, stare, stark, start, state, steak, steek, steer, stein, stere, stern, stick, stink, stint, stirk, stray, stria, sycee, syren, taber, tabes, taces, tacet, tacit, tacks, tacky, tacts, tains, taint, tajes, taken, taker, takes, takin, tanks, tansy, tares, tarns, tarsi, tarts, tarty, taste, tasty, tater, tates, teaks, tears, teary, tease, teats, tecta, teens, teeny, tenet, tenia, tense, tents, tenty, terai, terce, terne, terns, terse, testa, testy, tetra, tibia, ticks, tiers, tikes, tikis, tinct, tinea, tines, tinny, tints, tires, titan, titer, titis, titre, trace, track, tract, traik, train, trait, trank, trans, trays, treat, treen, trees, treks, trets, treys, triac, tribe, trice, trick, tries, trike, trine, trite, tryst, tyees, tykes, tynes, tyres, yacks, yanks, yarns, yeans, yearn, years, yeast, yenta, yente, yerba, yerks, yetis, yetts, yikes, yince6-letter wordsabject, absent, acetin, ackees, actins, aeries, airest, akenes, anenst, anisic, antick, antics, antres, aretes, arisen, arsine, artist, ascent, astern, attics, attire, backer, bairns, baiter, bakers, bakery, banker, banner, bannet, banter, barest, barite, baryes, baryte, basket, baster, batiks, batten, batter, battik, beaker, beanie, beaten, beater, becket, bennes, bennet, bennis, berake, berate, berets, bestir, betake, betise, betray, bettas, better, bicker, bikers, bikies, binary, binate, binits, birkie, bisect, bister, bistre, biters, bitten, bitter, braces, bracts, brains, brainy, braise, brakes, branks, branny, brants, bratty, breaks, breast, breeks, brents, bricks, bricky, brines, brinks, britts, byrnie, cabers, cabins, cairns, cairny, cakier, caners, canine, canker, canner, cannie, canter, careen, carets, caribe, caries, carnet, carney, carnie, cartes, casein, casern, casini, casket, caster, caters, catkin, cattie, ceibas, censer, center, centra, centre, cerate, cerias, cerise, cerite, certes, cetane, citers, cities, citrin, crakes, cranes, cranks, cranky, cranny, crates, creaks, creaky, crease, creasy, create, creeks, cretin, crikey, crista, cyanin, easier, easter, eaters, eatery, ecarte, ejecta, ejects, enacts, enates, enatic, encase, encina, encyst, entera, enters, entice, entire, entity, erects, ericas, estate, estray, estrin, eyries, iatric, ibices, iciest, ickers, ickier, inaner, inanes, incant, incase, incest, incise, incite, inerts, inject, inkers, inkier, inkjet, innate, inners, insane, insect, insert, instar, intact, intake, intent, intern, inters, intine, irenic, isatin, jacker, jacket, jennet, jerkin, jersey, jester, jibers, jinker, jinnee, jitney, jitter, kainit, kaiser, kanjis, kebars, kernes, kersey, keyset, kibeis, kinase, kinins, kiters, kitten, kraits, kyries, nacres, nankin, nannie, narine, nastic, natter, nearby, neaten, neater, necker, nectar, nereis, nester, netter, niacin, nicest, nicety, nicker, nieces, ninety, ninjas, niters, nitery, nitres, nitric, rabies, racist, racket, raisin, rakees, rances, ranees, ratine, ratite, ratten, reacts, rebait, rebate, rebeck, rebecs, recane, recant, recast, recent, recite, reinks, reject, rekeys, reknit, renest, renins, rennet, rennin, rentes, reseat, resect, resent, resiny, resite, retack, retain, retake, retest, reties, retina, retine, retint, ricins, rickey, sabine, sacker, sanity, santir, sateen, satiny, satire, scanty, scarey, scatty, screak, screen, scribe, seance, seater, secant, secern, secret, seiner, sejant, senary, senate, seneca, seniti, sennet, sennit, sentry, serein, serine, setter, sickee, sicken, sicker, sickie, sienna, sinker, sinner, sinter, sitten, sitter, skater, skeane, skinny, snakey, sneaky, stacte, stance, stater, static, stayer, steric, sterna, sticky, stinky, strain, strait, strake, strati, streak, streek, street, striae, strick, strict, strike, tabers, tacker, tacket, tackey, taints, takers, takins, tanist, tanker, tanner, tannic, tannin, tanrec, taster, taters, teaser, teensy, tenace, tenant, tenets, teniae, tenias, tenner, tennis, tenrec, tenser, tenter, tentie, terais, terbia, terbic, terces, tercet, ternes, testae, tester, tetany, tetras, tibiae, tibias, ticker, ticket, tierce, tincts, tineas, tinier, tinker, tinner, tinter, tisane, titans, titers, titian, titres, traces, tracks, tracts, traiks, trains, traits, trance, tranks, treats, treaty, treens, triacs, tribes, trices, tricks, tricky, triene, triens, trijet, trikes, trines, triste, tryste, tyrant, yarest, yatter, yearns, yeasty, yentas, yentes, yerbas, yester, yttria, yttric7-letter wordsabetter, absence, acetins, aeriest, airiest, airsick, ancient, anestri, anticks, antsier, arcsine, arenite, ariette, arsenic, artiest, artiste, ascribe, asinine, astrict, attires, backers, backset, baiters, bankers, banners, bannets, banters, banties, barites, barytes, barytic, basenji, basinet, batiste, battens, batters, battery, battier, battiks, beakers, beakier, beanery, beanies, beastie, beaters, beatnik, beckets, bennets, bennies, berakes, berates, beretta, betaine, betaken, betakes, betrays, betters, bickers, biennia, biretta, birkies, bistate, bittern, bitters, bittier, bracken, bracket, brinies, brisant, brisket, britska, byrnies, cabinet, cakiest, canikin, canines, cankers, canners, cannery, cannier, canteen, canters, carbine, careens, caribes, carnets, carneys, carnies, caserne, casette, catkins, cattery, cattier, catties, cayenne, centare, centers, centner, centres, cerates, ceratin, cerites, certain, cetanes, cineast, cinerin, cistern, citrate, citrine, citrins, cittern, creates, creatin, crenate, cretins, crinite, cristae, cyanine, cyanins, cyanite, cystein, cystine, earnest, eastern, ecartes, eirenic, ekistic, encinas, ensnare, enteric, enticer, entices, entires, entrain, entrant, entreat, entries, eristic, estreat, etesian, ickiest, inanest, inanity, incants, incense, inciter, incites, inertia, injects, inkiest, insaner, insnare, instant, instate, intakes, intense, intents, interne, interns, intines, intrant, intreat, iratest, irenics, isatine, iterant, iterate, jackers, jackets, jackies, jennets, jennies, jerkies, jerkins, jettier, jetties, jinkers, jitneys, jitters, jittery, kainite, kainits, karstic, keister, keratin, kernite, keyster, kiester, kinesic, kinetic, kinetin, kittens, kitties, knitter, kyanise, kyanite, nankeen, nankins, nannies, narcein, narcist, nascent, nastier, natters, nattier, nearest, neatens, neatest, neckers, necktie, nectars, nectary, neritic, netters, nettier, niacins, nickers, nictate, ninnies, nitrate, nitrite, nittier, raciest, rackets, rackety, raisiny, rankest, ratines, ratites, ratteen, rattens, rebaits, rebates, rebecks, recanes, recants, recites, reenact, rejects, reknits, rennase, rennets, rennins, restack, restate, retacks, retains, retaken, retakes, retaste, retinae, retinas, retines, retints, retsina, rickets, rickety, rickeys, satiety, satinet, satiric, satyric, scanner, scanter, scatter, scenery, screaky, sectary, sejeant, senarii, seriate, sericin, setback, sickbay, sienite, sincere, skinner, skitter, snakier, sneaker, snicker, stacker, stainer, stanine, stannic, statice, stearic, stearin, stibine, sticker, stickit, stinker, stinter, streaky, striate, styrene, syenite, tabetic, tackers, tackets, tackier, tankers, tanners, tannery, tannest, tannins, tanrecs, tantric, tastier, teentsy, tenaces, tenancy, tenants, tenners, tennist, tenrecs, tensity, tenters, tentier, terbias, tercets, terebic, ternate, tertian, testacy, testier, tetanic, tickers, tickets, tieback, tierces, tiniest, tinkers, tinners, tinnier, tinters, titanic, titians, trainee, traject, trances, transit, trickie, tricksy, trienes, trijets, trinity, trinket, trisect, tyranny, tyrants, yatters, yestern, yttrias8-letter wordsabetters, absenter, abstrict, acerbest, acerbity, ancestry, ancients, anisette, ankerite, anserine, anticity, arenites, ariettes, arsenite, artistic, backrest, bacterin, bakeries, banister, banneret, barkiest, barniest, basicity, basketry, battener, batterie, beakiest, bearskin, beatniks, berettas, bestiary, betaines, binaries, birettas, bitterns, brackens, brackets, brakiest, brattice, briniest, brisance, bystreet, cabernet, cabinets, canikins, caninity, canister, canities, canniest, cannikin, canteens, carbines, cayennes, centares, centiare, centners, centrist, ceratins, cineaste, cinerins, cisterna, citrates, citrines, citterns, crankest, crannies, creatine, creatins, crinites, cristate, cyanines, cyanites, cysteine, cytaster, einstein, entastic, enticers, entirety, entities, entrains, entrance, entrants, entreats, entreaty, eternity, incitant, inciters, increase, increate, inertiae, inertias, insanity, inscribe, insectan, insetter, instance, instancy, instinct, intenser, interact, interest, internes, intertie, intrants, intreats, iterance, iterates, jerkiest, kainites, kaiserin, keratins, kernites, kinetics, kinetins, knitters, kyanites, nankeens, narceine, narceins, neckties, nescient, niceties, nictates, ninebark, nineties, niteries, nitrates, nitrites, nystatin, rabietic, rainiest, ratteens, reascent, reenacts, reincite, reinject, rejacket, renitent, resinate, reticent, retinite, sanctity, sarcenet, scantier, scattier, secretin, sentient, serenity, serjeant, setenant, sickener, sirenian, skinnier, skittery, sneakier, snickery, stannite, staticky, stearine, sternite, stibnite, stickier, stinkier, straiten, stricken, sybarite, syenitic, syncytia, tabetics, tackiest, tanistry, teariest, tenacity, tenantry, teriyaki, tertians, tetanics, tetanies, tetanise, tiebacks, tinniest, trainees, trajects, transect, treaties, treatise, tribasic, triennia, trientes, trinkets, tyrannic, yeastier, ytterbia, ytterbic9-letter wordsabstinent, ancienter, ancientry, ankerites, antistick, bacterins, bannerets, bannister, batteners, batteries, brainiest, brainsick, branniest, brattices, brickiest, cabernets, cabinetry, canneries, cannikins, cannister, carnitine, catteries, centenary, centiares, certainty, cisternae, crankiest, creakiest, creatines, enteritis, entertain, entrances, eyestrain, incenters, incitants, inebriant, inebriate, inebriety, injectant, insectary, insincere, instanter, intensity, interacts, interbank, intercity, interject, internist, intersect, interties, intestacy, intestine, intricate, iterances, itinerant, itinerate, keratitis, narceines, nectaries, nectarine, ninebarks, reincites, reinjects, reinstate, rejackets, renascent, renitency, retinites, sententia, serjeanty, sincerity, snakebite, sybaritic, tanneries, tenancies, tenebrist, teriyakis, transient, trickiest, tyrannies, tyrannise, ytterbias10-letter wordsabstinence, acerbities, ancientest, antistrike, backstreet, barkentine, carnitines, certainest, creatinine, entertains, incinerate, inebriants, inebriates, injectants, insentient, interbasin, intercaste, interjects, interstice, itinerancy, itinerants, itinerates, nectarines, racketiest, ricketiest, rickettsia, tenacities, tenantries, transience, transiency11-letter wordsancientries, barkentines, bicentenary, cabinetries, certainties, creatinines, incinerates, rickettsiae, snakebitten2199 words found.