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A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a void.

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Q: What is a bridge hand with no cards in one suit called?
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What is the holding of 2 non consecutive high cards in a suit of bridge called?

A tenace.

How many cards are used in a game of contract bridge?

52 cards are used in a game of bridge. 2-10 plus jack, queen, king and ace in each suit. There are 13 cards in a suit and 4 suits.

What is a sequence of five cards in piquet called?

A sequence of five cards in Piquet is called a "flush." This hand consists of five cards of the same suit, which is a strong combination in the game.

What is the word for break a rule in cards?

In bridge if a player fails to follow suit according to rules, that is called a "revoke" or "renege" Maybe that is what you want.

How do you respond to a convenient minor in bridge?

In the card game Bridge, a convenient minor can be opened if you have one of a suit and 13 points or more, or 5 cards of a major suit (hearts or spades). A response is possible if your partner also has cards in the same suit.

What is the name for bidding and winning 12 of the 13 tricks in bridge?

Bidding and winning all 13 tricks in a hand of bridge is called making a grand slam.If you bid and make 12 tricks it's a small slam.

What is a convenient minor in bridge?

The 'convenient minor' opening bid - If you do not have a five card major suit in your hand but you have enough high card points to open the bidding, you are allowed to bid a minor suit even if it only contains three cards.

What is a convenient minor bid in bridge?

The 'convenient minor' opening bid - If you do not have a five card major suit in your hand but you have enough high card points to open the bidding, you are allowed to bid a minor suit even if it only contains three cards.

In the card game of Bridge what is what is a balanced hand?

A balanced hand is one with at most one doubleton (two-card suit) and no suit shorter than that. A semi-balanced hand can have two doubletons (and usually no six-card suit).

In playing cards what is a flush mean?

A Flush is a hand of cards that all bear the same suit In poker, this is a strong hand, and usually beats a straight (a hand of cards in order, eg 5,6,7,8,9 or any similar hand of cards that is in numerical order with no gaps. A straight flush beats both of these hands, and consists of both of the above rules combined. eg 5,6,7,8,9 of the same suit

What are the trump suits in bridge?

The trump suit for a particular deal at bridge is determined by bidding. The last suit named before three consecutive passes (or no bids) is the trump suit. If the last bid was some level of No Trump, the deal is played without a trump suit. The level plus the last-named suit (trump suit), or No Trump, is called the contract. The partnership winning the contract is the declaring partnership, and the partner who first bid the last-bid suit is called the declarer. Declarer's partner is called the dummy (who has no role in the play of the hand).

What does the idiom strong suit means?

There are four suits in a deck of cards: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades. In games that require "following suit," such as bridge or hearts, the strong suit in a players hand is the one that has the most and highest value cards. If a hand has many Spades of high value, for example, Spades would be its strong suit. By extension, a person's strong ( or long) suit is their area of expertise or ability, the things they do well. Most often used in the negative, as in "Being quiet in class is not his strong suit."