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Q: What is a Seven letter word for holy day?
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What is a Spanish seven letter word starting with the letter m?

Muertos It means deadDia De Los Muertos is the day of the dead

When did holy week start and why?

Holy Week is the seven day period before Jesus was resurrected. It begins on Palm Sunday - the day which Jesus rode into Jerusalem.

Where the modern word holiday come from?

The word Holiday probably comes from "Holy Day". I think this term comes from holy day or saint's day which would be a day off from work. The christian calendar used to be full of these - some replacing old pagan ritual days or events.

In twelve days of Christmas what is given on the 7th day?

7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments.

What is one word for time of equal day and night which is composed of seven letters and it starts with letter e and ends with x?

The time of year with equal time of night and day is the equinox.

Is holiday a compound word?

No, a compound word is made up of two or more words. The word 'day' is a valid word but 'holi' is not. ------------------ If you consider the word's origins, as "holy day," then yes, it is a compound word.

What makes a weekly abbath a high day?

According to the Book of Leviticus God of Israel gave them a number of feasts that are holy convocations or holy assembles. There are seven feast days, they are found in Leviticus 23:4-44.The seven feasts are usually listed as:PassoverUnleavened BreadWave SheafPentecostTrumpetsAtonementTabernaclesThere are also seven yearly Sabbaths, which God commands Israel to keep as holy convocation or holy assembles.The seven yearly Sabbaths are:First Unleavened BreadSecond Unleavened BreadPentecostTrumpetsAtonementTabernaclesWhat makes the commandment weekly Sabbath a high day is when one of the yearly Sabbaths aliens and coincides with the weekly Sabbath, this is what makes a weekly Sabbath a high day or great day.Last Day

How did the word 'festival' came?

The original word 'festivalis' referred to a Church Holiday or a Holy Day and was adopted form Latin

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Where does the word HOLIDAY come from?

The word 'holiday' comes from "holy day". In ancient times these days were given to workers so they could go to church and worship. Later is was called holiday and did not necessarily mean attendance at worship. It derives from an Old English word Haligdaeg meaning, holy+day or a religious festival and subsequently a day of recreation.

Is Christmas a holy day?

Yes. It is a Holy day of Obligation.