you can email them at
Go to "Customer Service"
This is the exact address of the webkinz company. They ask you though to send ideas for new Webkinz.Webkinz c/o GanzOne Pearce RoadWoodbridge Ontario, L4L 3T2b
The address is 1428 Elm Street and it is not a real address.
His address and street are very privite information
Street Address 1 establishes a location's Building Number & Street Name. Street Address 2 is not generally required, and is used for secondary information, such as an Apartment Number, P.O. Box, or Building Name.
Their email address is See the Related Link.
The Address is 221b Baker Street
The street where you live is called your address. We will not reveal any ones address.
Street address in Russian is "улица, дом, квартира" (ulitsa, dom, kvartira).
The address for Ganz, the company that makes Webkinz is: Ganz One Pearce Road, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada L4L 3T2 Fax Number: 905-851-7427