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Q: What is ENVELOPE to if FOLDER is to DOCUMENT?
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You put documents in a folder for storage; a letter would go in an envelope.

Folder is to document as envolope is to what?


What does a folder mean?

Folder in real life: a folded cover or large envelope for holding documents Folder in computer/laptop: a collection of files or documents that are stored together on a computer

How can you connect your ms-word document to any other files and folder?

when we write the document in ms word then we want to connect to other file or folder. so,

How do you place a pass word on a particular folder or a document?

You have to use the folder locker software.

What folder in vista is intended to be used for folders and files that all users shore?

public document folder

Where you can save our pesonal document?

you can save a personal document in a locked folder or under an unsuspicious name

Can you password protect Notpad documents?

On your desktop right click and choose new folder. Then open the folder and right click in the folder and choose new text document. Open up the word document or open one up and file save. Now right click on the text document and send to compressed (zipped) folder. Drag the neew folder to your desktop and open up the new folder. Then go to file add password type in your password twice and ok. :) :) :)

What is the name for a container that holds papers?

folder, envelope, box, briefcase, filing cabinet, a safe, ...

What type folder is the location of a document to be moved or copied?

The limit does not exist

Describe the procedure for saving a document in a folder?

a simple answer control+s

Is there two types of Digital Validation Document DV and Folder DV?

No, there is no distinction between Digital Validation Document DV and Folder DV. "Digital Validation Document" is a general term referring to any digital record used for validation, regardless of its format or where it is stored.