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Q: What interjections start with the letter i?
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Kapish is an interjection. It is slang for "Do you understand?"

What interjections start with the letter D?

Yes, almost anything can be an interjection,for instance "DOOM!" could even be one.

What interjections begin with the letter A?

"Ah!" "Awwwww!" "A-ha!" etc....

What are 3 interjections?

3 Interjections are Yes! Look! and No! a few other interjections are Stop! Ouch! and Whew! Interjections express emotional excitment.

What interjections start with the letter T?

A few expressions include "Take a breather", "Take the easy way out", "That takes the cake", "There is more than one way to skin a cat", and "Think outside the box." They begin with the letter T.

What are 3 kinds of interjections?

Joyful interjections like "Yay!", "Wow!", and "Woo-hoo!" Expressive interjections like "Oops", "Ah", and "Oh no!" Attention-grabbing interjections like "Hey!", "Psst!", and "Listen!"