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Q: What household items can be mixed together to make bubbles?
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What two liquids are mixed together to make bubbles?

Dish soap and water are commonly mixed together to make bubbles. Dish soap acts as a surfactant, reducing the surface tension of water and allowing bubbles to form.

Cookies bubbles caillou?

cornstarch and water mixed together is a hard and soft propertie.......BUBBLES!......i just needed to say that!

What is the chemical reaction called when baking soda and vinegar are mixed together?

It bubbles up

Why does bubbles formed from soap?

Bubbles are formed from soap when they are mixed with water and there is air. When air is present and water is mixed with soap, bubbles will definitely form.

What are household items that get rid of scars?

You can use egg white, honey, and you can also use baking soda mixed with water to make a paste

How do you recondition car batteries with household items?

Baking soda mixed with water will clean the top of the battery. Other than that you need to replace it.

What two common household items if together are deadly?

The most dangerous combination often encountered is mixing of ammonia and bleach. Many people add them together thinking they are creating a really good cleaning solution. However, when mixed they form Chlorine gas which is deadly in small places, such as bathrooms.

What household items can make an explosion?

vinegar and baking powder or food coloring mixed with a glass of water then add with citrice acid and bicarbonate of soda

What are some household item made of a heterogeneous mixture?

Trail mix, salad with various ingredients, and a bowl of mixed nuts are examples of household items consisting of heterogeneous mixtures.

How can you get super powers with household items?

First, you need the following ingredients: Flour Water (250mL) Sugar Superman's blood mixed in uranium juice Mix em all together, stir for 15 minutes, then let simmer. Then you get the super power of "dying in less than 5 seconds".

What does silver and bronze mixed together make?

When silver and bronze are mixed together, they create a type of alloy known as pewter. Pewter has a warm, muted color that falls between silver and bronze. It is commonly used in decorative items and tableware.

Do air bubol in spurm is harmful?

Air bubbles in sperm are usually harmless and may be present due to the normal dynamics of ejaculation or handling of the semen sample. However, excessive presence of air bubbles in sperm samples could potentially affect the accuracy of laboratory testing, such as sperm motility assessment. If you are concerned about the quality of your sperm, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.