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During the Great Depression, those that weren't privileged enough to have enough money during the time as you can guess didn't have many toys or games. Instead, the children busied themselves with things ranging from books to chores, from playing tag to chasing a squirrel.

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Q: What games did kids play during the Great Depression?
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How many people went poor during the great depression?

a lot of kids

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a lot of kids

What did the kids have to go through during the Great depression?

The kids had a very hard time. The families probably were very poor.

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Less, they had to work to support their family

How did people get to school or work during the great depression?

There weren't any jobs to get to..and kids walked to school.

What did Great Depression kids do at recess?

The great Depression was just a time when money was tight, they did what kids today do at recess, talk, eat, and play.

How did the Great Depression effect the education?

Education was horrible in the great depression. Unlsess you call learning to survive on your own education. Many schools actually closed during the great depression. Most children couldn't even afford to go to school, or didn't even get a chance to go. So many children and youths were uneducated and unemployed, this was the main reason the NYA (national youth adminsitration) was created.

How many schools were closed during the great depression?

many schools shut down. Most of them were out in the west.Most kids were unable to afford school either

Was the great depression harder on parents or kids?

Parents, They had to watch their kids sort of suffer as well as themselves

My kids like to play online flash games. What are some websites that have games for kids?

There are several website which have great kids games. You can go to They have great games. You can also go to as well.

What is was the Great Depression New Deal?

The great depression's new deal was to end the unemployed people so they can have a job to work at in stead of staying at home with no food to eat for the kids and family. That's was i think happened of the day of the great Depression.

Great games for kids?

Go to Its great!