The four-letter word that U is pronounced like a short I is "unit." You're welcome.
In the word "sat," the letter A is pronounced with a short sound like "ah."
A long "a" sound is pronounced as the name of the letter itself, like in the word "cake." A short "a" sound is pronounced more like "ah," as in the word "cat."
it has a long vowel sound, meaning the i is pronounced like the word "I"
Yes, "lettuce" has a short vowel sound with the letter "e" pronounced like "eh."
"Mask" has a short vowel sound. The letter 'a' in 'mask' is pronounced like the 'a' in 'cat' or 'bat'.
No. Lint is pronounced with a short i like ick , and Lent is pronounced with a short e like bent.
In the word "shiver," the letter "i" is pronounced as a short vowel sound, as in "ih." Short vowels are typically pronounced in a quick and clipped manner, while long vowels are pronounced with a lengthened sound. Therefore, "shiver" contains a short vowel sound.
Yes, it is a short vowel sound. The long vowel sound for the letter u is when it's pronounced "you;" the short vowel sound for the letter u is when it's pronounced "uh," like in this word.
The "Ta" is pronounced with a short a, (the ah sound). The "ke" is pronounced like you would say the letter "k" (as in OK).
Yes, "safety" contains a short vowel sound. The letter "a" in "safety" is pronounced with a short "a" sound, like in the word "sat."
The word "bath" has a short vowel sound for the letter 'a'. The 'a' in "bath" is pronounced like the 'a' in the word "cat."
Yes, in the word "angel," the letter "a" is pronounced with a short "a" sound, like in the word "cat."