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Rose rose (a lady named Rose got up from her seat)

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Q: What flower becomes an action when said twice?
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What is a pansi?

A pansie is a flower, it is often said to be weak and breakable

What is the Alaskan flower?

The Alaskan state flower is "Forget Me Not" it stands for Adam and Eve , for when they were taken out of the garden of eve. and that flower said " Forget Me Not."

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it's said to contract.

Who said He who cuts his own firewood warms himself twice?

This was said by Bill Kassis.

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Wolverine (it is said he becomes crap and in the end he dies) Wolverine (it is said he becomes crap and in the end he dies)

Who wrote when you sing you pray twice?

St. Augustine said, "Those who sing well pray twice."

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Konoharmaru.He said it.

Why is the flower called? In German Folklore God was naming plants when a small unnamed flower said God forget me not! And God said "that shall be your name"

When pollen from one flower or plant can fertilized the eggs of the same flower or the eggs of another flower on the same plant it is said to be?

self-fertilization or self-pollination.

Who said singing is praying twice?

Author of "He who sings prays twice" is St. Augustine of Hippo.

How can I go out with this girl if she has said no twice?

You don't. Remember, no means no.